传统讲授法,lecture-based learning
1)lecture-based learning传统讲授法
1.Comparison between problem-based learning(PBL) and lecture-based learning(LBL) in lemology teaching;PBL与传统讲授法在传染病学教学中应用的比较

1.On Application of PBL Combined LBL in Pathology Teaching;PBL结合传统讲授法在病理学教学中的应用
2.Re-perception of "Teaching methodology" and reform of traditional classroom teaching;重新认识“讲授法”,改革传统课堂讲授
3.Teaching of Windows Operating System by Scenario-Driven Approach场景驱动法讲授Windows操作系统
4.It should be a fun and interesting process. However, traditional Chinese English teaching is basically grammar and knowledge centered.这本应该是充满乐趣的事情,但我国传统的英语教学基本是以讲授语法和语言知识为中心。
5.have private tuition in French接受法语的个人讲授
6.He lectured about his method of writing.他讲授自己的写作方法。
7.On Documentation as a Course--On Establishing the Documentary Science Course;传授系统理论 讲求学练结合——《文献学》课程设置刍论
8.Apply Oratorical Skills Tactically Improve Instruction Effect--The Study of the Instruction Method in Classroom Teaching;巧用演讲艺术 提高讲授效果——关于课堂教学中运用讲授法的研究
9.The Ancient Knowledge Impartation Method is Weak like a Thread--The Role of the Method of Oral or Mental Instruction Should not be exaggerated in Traditional Music Teaching;自古传法 气如悬丝——不宜夸大口传心授在传统音乐教学中的作用
10.To infuse knowledge of or skill in by repetitious instruction.经反复讲解传授知识或技术.
11.Traditionally, however, Congress has grant ed the agencies wide discretion to investigate and compel disclosure of information;可是传统上讲,国会授与行政机关广泛的自由裁量权进行调查和强迫信息的透露;
12.Several Problems in Lecturing Mao Zedong s Theory of United Front;讲授毛泽东统一战线理论的几个问题
13.The monks were arraigned for teaching grammer rahter than things spiritual.修道士们因为只讲授语法而不讲授有关心灵的道理而受到指责。
14.A place where such instruction occurs.临床研讨处讲授上述处置方法的地方
15.teaching students how to criticize poetry向学生讲授评论诗歌的方法.
16.How to Introduce Translation Principles in Translation Classes;大学英语翻译课翻译标准讲授的方法
17.Teaching Taylor Formula by the Method of Proposing Question;“问题提出法”讲授泰勒(Taylor)公式
18.The Thoughts of Ye Shengtao on the Reform of Lecture Methods;叶圣陶先生论讲授法的改革及其启示

the method of self study under a teacher's guidance系统讲授法
3)teaching method讲授方法
1.On teaching method of engineering economy in heating engineering;供热工程中技术经济内容的讲授方法探讨
2.The paper introduces a new teaching method about the digital filter in microprocessor relay and produces notable effect by long,largle teaching practice.通过长期的教学实践总结了一套微机保护中数字滤波器的讲授方法,并经过各种层次学员的多次实践,反映效果良好。
4)lecturing approach讲授法
1.The paper analyzes the whole teaching process of the traditional mathematical lecturing approach under the concept of new courses,and it is pointet out that making the lecturing approach into meaningful teaching in mathematics teaching to improve the teaching effect.在数学新课程理念的指导下,对传统数学讲授法教学全过程应作分析探讨,数学教学讲授法应成为有意义的教学,以此来提高数学课堂讲授的教学效果。
5)lecture method讲授法
1.As the earliest and most widely used teaching method, lecture method seems to be losing the validity in China today, which is an educational phenomenon worthy of worrying about and researching.讲授法作为教师使用最早的、应用最广的教学方法,在今天的中国似乎正在失去合法性,这是值得忧虑也值得研究的教育现象。
6)teaching method讲授法
1.Under the new curriculum,traditional teaching method needs to be improved.新课程背景下,应该对传统的讲授法进行优化,使传统的讲授法焕发出新的生机。
2.Listening,thinking and speaking are the human s basic features and rights,treating students democratically and equally in the Teaching Method is to respect and realize their corresponding rights,and to deal with teaching-listening relation dialectically.听、思、说,是我们做人的基本标志和基本权利,讲授法中民主平等地对待学生,就是要尊重和实现学生相应的权利,辨证统一地处理讲—听关系,这能根治“一言堂“或”填充式“,从而使讲授法焕发出新的教学生命力。

讲授谈话法  见谈话法。