飞行错觉,Flight illusion
1)Flight illusion飞行错觉
1.The neural net theory is used to reveal the causes of flight illusion in this paper.从认知学角度出发,用神经网络的工作原理,探讨飞行错觉的发生机制,采用Microsoft SQL Server 2000数据库和Borland公司开发的Delphi7。

1.The Application of Vestibular Functional Test in the Diagnosis and Evaluation of Flight Illusion in Pilots前庭功能检查在飞行错觉诊断和鉴定中的应用
2.Analysis of Flight Illusion and Establishment of Accident Database飞行错觉分析及事故信息数据库的建立
3.Mental Rotations in Different Tasks, Planes and Body Positions and Their Correlations with Flight Illusion of Pilots;飞行员不同任务、体位和平面条件下的心理旋转及其与飞行错觉的相关
4.I don't think that's important. At least planes have the best safety records.我觉得那并不重要。至少飞机的安全飞行纪录还不错。
5.That may be your illusion. As reporting there is no any flight on your way.那可能是你的错觉吧,据报告在你的航线没有任何飞行。
6.parallelogram illusion平行四边形错觉 平行四边形错觉
7.The airman often flies by the seat of his pants when it is clear天晴时,这个飞行员总是凭直觉飞行。
8.Research on Independent Intelligent Fault Tolerant Control for Fighter;歼击机自主式智能容错飞行控制技术
9.Integrated active fault tolerant flight control based on RMMAC基于RMMAC的集成主动容错飞行控制
10.Verification of the Dissociation between Perception and Action in the Visual Illusion Experiments;知觉与行为的分离在视错觉研究中的验证
11.Flying gives people a novel feeling.飞行给人们一种新奇的感觉。
12.Owing to jet lag, I left so tired.经过长时间的飞行,我觉得很疲倦。
13.Many pilots in World War I had to fly by the seat of their pants.第一次世界大战期间,许多飞行员都是凭直觉而不是靠仪表飞行的。
14.Better to limp on the right road than to speed on the wrong one.在正确的路上跛行胜过在错误的路上飞奔。
15.Well, don't look at me, pal.I just said you were a fair pilot.别看我,老友,我只说过你是个不错的飞行员
16.On dynamic flight simulator,mismatch impacts mostly effect of simulation.动态飞行仿真中错配主要影响仿真效果。
17.Design of Simple Adaptive Sliding-mode Flight Control Laws自适应滑模容错跟踪飞行控制律的设计
18.Reconfigurable Fault Tolerant Control for Spacecraft with Abrupt Changes of Centroid一类质心突变飞行器的重构容错控制(英文)

visual illusion in flight飞行视错觉
3)flight illusion over sea海上飞行错觉
4)inversion illusion倒飞错觉
5)vision on-the-fly system飞行视觉
1.Novel vision on-the-fly system for flip chip bonder;面向倒装设备的飞行视觉系统设计
6)parallelogram illusion平行四边形错觉

复杂气象飞行(见飞行技术)复杂气象飞行(见飞行技术)instrument meteorological conditions flight fuza qixiangfe主xing复杂气象飞行(instrument meteorologiealconditions flight)见飞行技术。