药品集中招标采购,Physic purchase of centralized bidding
1)Physic purchase of centralized bidding药品集中招标采购
1.Physic purchase of centralized bidding is an important reform in the physic negotiation system while in the process of a swing from planned economy to market economy, t is a sunlight project to correct the unhealthy tendency in the field of buying and selling physics and to lighten the physic burden of the public.药品集中招标采购作为我国从计划经济向市场经济转轨过程中,对药品流通体制推出的一项重大改革,一项用来纠正药品购销中的不正之风、减轻群众用药负担的“阳光工程”,它改变了过去几十年来业已形成的药品产、供、销等各方面的利益分配格局,它不仅仅是药品采购方式的改变,而是一项复杂的系统工程。

1.Eauilibrium Price and Optimization of Drue Centralized Bid Procurement;药品集中招标采购的均衡价格及优化
2.Comparison between Drug Centralized Bidding and Purchasing with Pharmacy Trusteeship;药品集中招标采购与药房托管的比较分析
3.Influence and Suggestion of Centralized Bidding and Purchasing on Hospital Medicine Use药品集中招标采购对医院用药的影响与建议
4.Game Analysis on the Phenomenon of Sales Brokerage in Centralized Drug Purchase by Invitation to Bid药品集中招标采购中回扣现象博弈分析
5.The Chinese Medicine Drugs the Concentration Invites Bids to Buy Institutional Imperfection and Perfect researches;中医药品集中招标采购制度的缺失与完善研究
6.Drscuss problem and solution on concentric bidding of medicine;谈谈当前药品集中招标采购中的问题与对策
7.Unifying Thoughts to Do Well Purchasing Medicine by Bid of Centralization.统一思想,搞好医疗机构药品集中招标采购工作
8.The Technical Analysis on the Policy of Physic Purchase of Centralized Bidding in China;我国药品集中招标采购的公共政策分析
9.The Research on the Interest Harmony System of Concentrated Bidding Purchases of Medicines;药品集中招标采购的利益协调机制研究
10.Actuality Analysis and Countermeasure Study of Drug Bidding & Purchasing System Being Centralized;药品集中招标采购制度的现状分析与对策研究
11.Study on Effectiveness and Solution of Centralized Tender Purchase for Pharmaceuticals;药品集中招标采购制度的成效与对策研究
12.Supervising of the Centralized Public Bidding in Drug Purchasing of Medical Institution Should be Strengthened Urgently;医疗机构药品集中招标采购中的监督管理亟待加强
13.Analysis of First Concentrate Bid of Nanjing Hospital in 20022002年南京市医疗机构第一次药品集中招标采购分析与思考
14.As a national policy, the drug centralized bid procurement is a historic choice.药品集中招标采购作为一项国策,已是大势所趋,不可逆转。
15.Thirdly, Pilot projects will be launched for mass drug purchasing by public bidding in order to reduce the number of intermediate links and facilitate a fair, public and equitable drug trade.三是试点药品集中招标采购,减少中间环节,促进药品交易方式的公平、公开和公正。
16.Tendering and Bidding Mechanism Based on Game Theory;基于博弈论的集中招标采购机制研究
17.Analysis of the Applied Scope of Concentrated Tendering Procurement for Electric Power Equipments;电力设备集中招标采购适用范围分析
18.The Analysis of Bidders Incentive Mechanism in Concentrated Tendering Procurement;集中招标采购对投标人的机制设计研究

(Collective-bidding for medicine purchase)药品集中招投标采购
3)Centralized public bidding in drug purchasing of medical institution医疗机构药品集中招标采购
4)drug purchase药品招标采购
1.Analysis of internal control performed about the drug purchase in Hospital;关于医院药品招标采购内部控制执行情况的几点思考
5)concentrated tendering procurement集中招标采购
1.In concentrated tendering procurement,the principal-agent relationship between tenders and bidders is the most important one.相对于分散招标采购而言,集中招标采购更为公正、高效、严密和透明,因而得到广泛应用。
6)Western Drugs tender purchase西药药品招标采购
