浸润麻醉,infiltration anesthesia
1)infiltration anesthesia浸润麻醉
1.The patients in experimental group were given articaine hydrochlorine and epinephrine tartrate injection for infiltration anesthesia and those in control group were given lidocaine injection for nerver block anesthesia.治疗组采用阿替卡因肾上腺素注射液行局部浸润麻醉,对照组采用利多卡因注射液神经传导阻滞麻醉。

1.Local Infiltration Anesthesia for Circumcision Cerclage Report 2452 Cases局部浸润麻醉下包皮环扎术2452例报告
2.Clinical Efficiency of Permanent Maxillary Tooth Removal Only with Buccal Injection仅行唇颊侧浸润麻醉拔除上颌牙镇痛效果分析
3.Prominent Mandibular Angle and High Malar Grinding of the Bone Under Local Anaesthesia局部浸润麻醉下行下颌角肥大及颧骨突出磨削术
4.The Application of Articaine Hydrochlorine and Epinephrine Tartrate Injection for Infiltration Anesthesia in Removing the Mandibular Wisdom Tooth阿替卡因肾上腺素注射液浸润麻醉在下颌智齿拔除中的应用
5.Effect of combined general anesthesia with local anesthetic infiltration on heart rate variability in laparoscopic cholecystectomy全麻复合局部浸润麻醉对腹腔镜下胆囊切除术患者心率变异性的影响
6.3 Lidocaine hydrochloride mucilage is a kind of lubricant and surface anaesthetic .盐酸利多卡因胶浆是一种润滑剂及表面麻醉剂。
7.The anaesthetist gave the patient an anaesthetic.麻醉师给病人施麻醉剂。
8.anesthetic ventilator麻醉呼吸器,麻醉通气机
9.Relating to or resembling anesthesia.麻醉的与麻醉有关的或类似麻醉的
10.A narcotic, especially an addictive narcotic.麻药一种麻醉剂,尤指易成瘾的麻醉剂
11.a narcotic effect, substance麻醉的作用、 物质.
12.administer [give] an anesthetic给与 [施与] 麻醉剂
13.jab a vein[美俚]注射麻醉品
14.local [general] anesthesia局部 [全身] 麻醉
15.Narcotics considered as a group.麻药类麻醉剂之总称
16.The amplitude, rate of contraction, and tensity of the uterus are increased which lasts for a comparatively long period whenever the uterus was in pregnancy.其水浸剂、花煎剂,对麻醉动物静脉注射,均有降压作用,但持续时间较短。
17.To place under the influence of a narcotic.使麻醉使处在麻醉的影响
18.Stupor induced by a narcotic.麻醉性昏睡麻醉药引起的昏迷状态

1.The clinical pulpal anesthetic efficacy of buccal infiltration to maxillary molars;颊侧浸润麻醉对上颌磨牙麻醉效果的临床观察
3)Local infiltration anesthesia局部浸润麻醉
1.Objective To detect the possibility of one stage bilateral thoracoscopic sympathetic blocking(OSBTSB)under local infiltration anesthesia and spontaneous breathing.结论一期双侧胸腔镜胸交感神经夹闭术可以在瑞芬太尼强化局部浸润麻醉下完成,手术更安全、更为微创、费用显著减少、术后恢复加快、住院日显著缩短。
4)subconjuctival anesthesia球结膜浸润麻醉
1.Topical combined with subconjuctival anesthesia in the trabeculectomy.;小梁切除术表面麻醉联合球结膜浸润麻醉效果评价
5)topical anaesthsia表面浸润麻醉
1.Direct vision internal urethrotomy with cold knife using topical anaesthsia for urethral stricture (report of 6 cases);表面浸润麻醉下冷刀切开治疗尿道狭窄(附6例病例报告)
6)Uterine cavity infiltration anaesthesia宫腔浸润麻醉

局部浸润麻醉局部浸润麻醉local infiltration anesthesia 属局部麻醉。方法是沿手术切口线分层注射局麻药,阻滞组织中的神经末梢。