1.Objective To investigate whether hyponatremia and/or ascites were associated with any changes in the amount of transfusion and vasopress or requirements during orthotopic liver transplantation(OLT).目的探讨术前并存腹水或低钠血症对不同MELD评分患者在肝移植手术中输血量和升压药应用的影响。
2)Blood transfusion and infusion quantity输血输液量
3)Massive transfusion大量输血
1.Objective To analyses reasonable application of blood component in massive transfusion patients.目的探讨成分输血在大量输血患者中的合理应用。

1.Analysis of massive component blood transfusion in 329 cases329例大量输血患者成分输血分析
2.Treatment to Coagulation Disorder for Patient of Massive Transfusion大量输血患者凝血功能障碍处理探讨
3.Change of Blood Ammonia in the Patients with Acute Hemorrhage after Massive Transfusion急性失血患者大量输血前后血氨变化研究
4.The Comparison of Different Combination Scheme of Coagulant for Patient of Massive Transfusion During Operation术中大量输血患者不同凝血成分组合方案比较
5.a liquid that can carry large amounts of oxygen and can serve as a temporary substitute for blood.一种能运输大量的氧、暂时替代血液的液体。
6.But such surgery involves extensive bleeding--and Fodor is a member of a religious group that refuses blood transfusions.但是该手术会导致大量流血,而福多尔所信仰的宗教拒绝输血。
7.The combination of increased SVR and cardiac output augment arterial blood pressure, producing hypertension.全身血管阻力的增大和心输出量的增加导致动脉血压增高,从而产生高血压。
8.When massive emergency transfusions become commonplace, a patient is usually in deep trouble.一个连大量的急救输血都见怪不怪的病人,恐怕前途不妙。
9.The abstract goal discussion blood transfusion existence's question分析输血存在的问题及对策,提高输血质量
10.The blood requirements should be determined by the hematocrit.输血的需要量应根据血球压积来确定。
11.Resuscitation for hemorrhagic shock rats:lactated Ringer's solution with whole blood or red blood cells非控制失血性休克大鼠输液输血的研究
12.Thus, most cases of bowel ischemia and infarction result from generalized hypotension and decreased cardiac output.大多数肠局部缺血和梗死的病例,是由于血压过低和心输出量降低引起的。
13.one-port parametric amplifiers单端输出参量放大器
14.Ores are also being obtained in quantity from other countries.矿石也从国外大量输入。
15.More Input and Output of Language Points in English Teaching;大容量输入输出语言信息的英语教学
16.Excessive discharge of blood from the blood vessels;profuse bleeding.出血(尤指大出血)血液从血管中大量排出;大量流血
17.the amount of blood pumped out by the ventricles in a given period of time.给定时间内通过腔室输出的血液量。
18.Effect of autotransfusion on plasma heparin concentrations in surgical patients自体血回输对病人血浆肝素含量的影响

Blood transfusion and infusion quantity输血输液量
3)Massive transfusion大量输血
1.Objective To analyses reasonable application of blood component in massive transfusion patients.目的探讨成分输血在大量输血患者中的合理应用。
4)massive blood transfusion大剂量输血
1.The complications and treatment of massive blood transfusion in severe trauma patients with hemorrhagic shock;严重创伤失血性休克大剂量输血的并发症及防治对策
5)Transfusion quality control输血质量管理

成交量、未平仓合约量与价格的关系成交量、未平仓合约量与价格的关系  【成交且、未平仓合约,与价格的关系】成交量和未平仓合约量的变化会对期货价格产生影响,期货价格变化也会引起成交t和未平仓量的变化。因此,分析三者的变化,有利于正确预测期货价格走势。 1.成交t、未平仓合约里增加,价格上升,表示新买方正大t收购,近期内价格还可能继续上涨。 2.成交t、未平仓合约t减少,价格上升,表示卖空者大t补货平仓,价格短期内向上,但不久将可能回落。 3.成交t增加,价格上升,但未平仓合的t减少,说明卖空者和买空者都在大t平仓,价格马上*下映。 4.成交t、未平仓t增加,价格下肤,农明卖空者大t出咨合的,短期内价格还可能下跌,但如抛省过度,反可能使价格上升。 5.成交t、未平仓t减少,价格下肤,农明大t买空者急于卖货平仓,姐期内价格将峨续下降。 6.成交量增加、未平仓量和价格下跌,表明卖空者利用买空者卖货平仓导致价格下跌之际陆续补货平仓获利,价格可能转为回升。 从上分析可见,在一般情况下,如果成交量、未平仓量与价格同向小幅变化,则其价格趋势可继续维持一段时间;如两者与价格反向变化时,价格走势可能转向。当然,这还需结合不同的价格形态作进一步的具体分析。