2)painful sensibility疼痛敏感性

1.Genetic and Nongenetic Factors Associated with Pain Sensitivity and Postoperative Fentanyl Dose;影响疼痛敏感性和芬太尼镇痛剂量的遗传和非遗传因素研究
2.It may also release brain endorphins, reducing sensitivity to pain and boosting endurance and pleasurable sensations.它还能分泌内啡肽,缓解疼痛敏感性,增强耐受力和快感。
3.sensitivity to pain, light, heat对疼痛、 光、 热的敏感
4.Study on the Relation between the Preoperative Pain Sensitivity and Postoperative Analgesic Consumption;术前疼痛敏感度与术后镇痛药消耗量的相关性研究
5.measuring sensitivity to pain or pressure.测量疼痛或压力敏感度的仪器。
6.Preoperative Pain Sensitivity: A Feasible Way to Predict Patients Responses during Intubation and Skin Incision;术前疼痛敏感度与气管内插管、切皮反应的相关性研究
7.Preoperative Pain Sensitivity Predict Patients' Stress Responses during Intubation and Skin Incision术前疼痛敏感度与气管插管、切皮应激反应的相关性研究
8.Unless the patient has a very sensitive bowstring sign, no pain is felt in the popliteal fossa region.除非病人感觉过敏,通常在?窝区没有疼痛。
9.There is occasional, transient, nondescript pain, or sensibility during mastication.咀嚼时,有偶发的、暂时的、不可言状的疼痛或敏感。
10.Study on the Mechanism of Masseter Muscle Hyperalgesia Induced by Psychological Stress in Rats心理应激致大鼠咬肌疼痛敏感及其机制的研究
11."Flulike symptoms with diarrhea may progress to Back and limb pain, muscle tenderness, and stiff neck."类似流行性感冒的症状,带有腹泻,可能进展为背部和四肢疼痛,肌肉敏感,颈部僵硬。
12.He could feel the pain again as the medicine wore away.药性消退后,他又感到疼痛了。
13.This pain is visceral and is therefore felt centrally and usually in the umbilical area.这种疼痛是内脏性的,所以感觉腹部中央疼痛,通常在脐部位。
14.Inflammation of a muscle, especially a voluntary muscle, characterized by pain, tenderness, and sometimes spasm in the affected area.肌炎肌肉的炎症,尤指随意肌,症状是感染区的疼痛、敏感和有时痉挛
15.Pentoxifylline attenuates the development of allodynia in rats with neuropathic pain己酮可可碱能减轻神经病理性疼痛大鼠痛觉过敏的发展
16.The pain is more or less constant, ofmoderate intensity, and f requently is described asa persistent pulling, gnawing, or aching discomfort.疼痛或多或少是经常性的,呈中等强度,并常被描述为持续性牵引感、痛或疼痛不适。
17.The pain is more or less constant, of moderate intensity, and frequently is described as a persistent pulling, gnawing, or aching discomfort.疼痛或多或少是经常性的,呈中等强度,并常被描述为持续性牵引感、咬痛或疼痛不适。
18.Chronic fatigue, joint pain, and opportunistic infection spells cancer.慢性疲劳 关节疼痛 以及机会性感染说明是癌症

painful sensibility疼痛敏感性
3)Pain sensitivity疼痛敏感度
1.Introduction Recent studies have shown that pain sensitivity(pain threshold and pain tolerance)which varies widely from individual to individual,can predict postoperative pain and analgesic consumption after surgery.目的探讨全麻病人术前疼痛敏感度与气管内插管、切皮反应的关系,为全身麻醉的个体化给药提供参考。
2.Objective: To investigate whether preoperative pain sensitivity predict patients, stress response and opioids consumption during anesthetic intubation and skin incision.目的:探讨全麻患者术前疼痛敏感度与气管插管、切皮应激反应的相关性,为全身麻醉的个体化用药提供参考。
4)pain and hyperalgesia痛及痛过敏
1.The release of excitatory amino acids(EAAs) and up-regulation or increase in activation of EAAs receptor in pathway of nociceptive information can contribute to pain and hyperalgesia.痛及痛过敏的形成与脊髓水平伤害信息传递通路中初级传入纤维(A_δ、C纤维)末梢释放的兴奋性氨基酸(excitator amino acids,EAAs)及其受体的活动增强及表达上调有关。
1.Relationship between Abnormal spinal complement activity and hyperalgesia in rats following sciatic nerve ligation;坐骨神经结扎大鼠脑脊液补体异常活化与痛觉过敏的关系
2.Intrathecal minocycline attenuates thermal hyperalgesia in a rat model of CFA-induced arthritis;鞘内注射米诺环素减轻大鼠佐剂性关节炎性痛觉过敏
3.Effects of NMDA receptors on hyperalgesia;NMDA受体在痛觉过敏中的作用
1.The relieving effect of cyclooxygenase inhibitors and prostaglandin receptor blocker on hyperalgesia of diabetic rats;环加氧酶抑制剂和前列腺素受体阻断剂缓解糖尿病大鼠的痛过敏
2.Using NADPH d histochemistory, we observed the changes of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), especially in its time course, in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord during formalin induced inflammatory pain and hyperalgesia.用NADPH 黄递酶 (NADPH d)组化法观察福尔马林炎症性痛及痛过敏过程中脊髓后角一氧化氮合酶 (NOS)的变化 ,特别是其时间特征。
3.Intradental hyperalgesia is of complicated mechanism, which is not clearly understood.本研究采用细胞内Ca~(2+)浓度测定技术、免疫组织化学技术等,系统观察了牙髓炎症性痛过敏状态下神经纤维内Ca~(2+)浓度及神经肽的变化;三叉神经节中神经肽及一氧化氮合酶的变化;三叉神经脊柬核尾侧亚核c—fos蛋白的表达及一氧化氮合酶的变化。

被动过敏反应被动过敏反应 被动转移的过敏反应。其过程包括:①将已被抗原致敏的同种或异种动物血清注射至正常动物体内。②由于注射抗体导致被动致敏状态,一般需几小时至24小时甚至更长时间。③激发注射相对应的抗原引起过敏反应的发生。