
1.An INS spokesperson said that the 36-year-old Saffi was deported to New Zealand on the night of the 8th.移民局发言人说,三十六岁的沙菲于八日晚上被遣送纽西兰。
2.FBI indicated that no evidence suggests Saffi is in any way linked to any terrorist actions.联邦调查局表示,没有证据显示沙菲与任何恐怖行动有所关连。
3.After he arrived in the United States from New Zealand via Los Angeles, Saffi was arrested on the 3rd of this month.沙菲在由纽西兰取道洛杉矶飞抵美国后,于本月三日遭到拘捕。
4.The beaches in Malaysia are superior to those in the Philippines.马来西亚的沙滩优于菲律宾的沙滩。
5.An Analysis on the Philipine's "Vicinity Priciple" about the Sovereignty Adscription of Nansha Islands──Also on Philipine's Claim on the Sovereignty of Nansha Islands解析菲律宾在南沙群岛主权归属上的“邻近原则”——评菲律宾对南沙群岛的主权主张
6.Philippine Government s Nansha Islands Policy (Part Two);菲律宾在南沙群岛主权问题上的“安全原则”——菲律宾政府对南沙群岛政策研究之二
7.Melbury listened till the rustle of Fitzpier's footsteps died away.麦尔布礼谛听着,直到菲茨比尔斯的脚步发出的沙沙声消失了为止。
8.We've got a choice of New York Steak, filet mignon and sirloin steak.我们有纽约牛排,菲力牛排,沙郎牛排供您选择。
9.Seven soldiers wounded in fresh clash between Philippine army and Abu Sayyaf菲律宾军方与阿布沙伊夫发生冲突七兵员受伤
10.Philippine Government Has Preemptive Right to Try Abu Sayyaf Leaders菲政府表示有权优先审判阿布沙耶夫头目
11.Philippines Calls for Neighboring Countries to Assist in Combating ASG菲律宾呼吁邻国协助打击阿布沙耶夫武装
12.Pharmacokinetics of Enrofloxacin in Manila Clam Ruditapes Philippinarum Following Bath Treatment;恩诺沙星在菲律宾蛤仔体内代谢动力学研究
13.In the beginning of this year, U.S. military advisors helped Philippine army lower the threat by Abu Sayyaf guerrillas in Basilan Island, southern Philippines.美国军事顾问今年初曾协助菲国军方降低阿布沙伊夫游击队在菲南巴西兰岛的威胁。
14.Philippine officials believed that apart from China another country which poses potential threats to the Philippines in the Nansha Islands is Malaysia.菲律宾官员认为,除了中国之外,在南沙群岛对菲律宾构成潜在威胁的另一个国家是马来西亚。
15.Multi-Sufism:Reflection on the paper "Doris Lessing and Idries Shah s Sufism";多重的苏菲主义:对“多丽丝·莱辛与伊德里斯·沙赫的苏菲主义哲学”——与苏枕商榷
16.In Sharba in the Polo State,Port Shandagen were full of Filipinos waiting for steamer tickets.在婆罗洲的沙巴,山打根港则是挤满了想买船票回家的菲律宾人。
17.First-time contestant Phil Blumer, of Shalimar, Florida was chosen one of 25 finalists.来自佛罗里达州沙里玛的首次参赛选手菲尔·布拉默入围决赛25强。
18.In May, Chinese warships were accused of harassing a Philippine navy vessel after it ran aground near the Spratly Islands.五月,中国战舰被指控骚扰一艘搁浅于南沙的菲律宾海军船只.

1.Effect of myristylpyridinium bromide on uptake of phenanthrene by ryegrass;溴化十四烷基吡啶对黑麦草吸收土壤中菲的影响
2.Role of earthworm in degradation of soil phenanthrene by Pseudomonas putida;蚯蚓对细菌降解土壤中菲的作用
3.Enhanced fixation of phenanthrene in soils amended with exotic organic materials;外源有机质对土壤中菲的增强固定作用
1.Effect of Dissolved Organic Matter on Phenanthrene Sorption-Desorption in Soil System;水溶性有机物对土壤吸附-解吸菲的影响
2.Acute Toxicological Effects of Cd and Phe Single and Combined Pollution on Earthworm Eisenia andrei;镉-菲复合污染对蚯蚓急性毒性效应的研究
3.Study on Phe Sorption Using Lignin;木质素对菲的吸附作用研究
