1.Efficacy and safety of oxycodone-acetaminophen on early phase pain after pedoperation氨酚羟考酮治疗足部手术后早期疼痛的研究

1.Efficacy and safety of oxycodone-acetaminophen on early phase pain after pedoperation氨酚羟考酮治疗足部手术后早期疼痛的研究
2.Application of continuous sciatic nerve block guided by ultrasound for postoperative analgesia after foot surgery超声引导连续坐骨神经阻滞用于足部手术术后镇痛
3.Her stapes had a atrophic neck and appeared pale.手术见镫骨头在颈部与足弓脱离,足板活动,镫骨苍白。
4.Cesarean section (or C-section):Surgical removal of a fetus from the uterus through an abdominal incision at or before full term.剖腹产术:即在胎儿足月时或足月前经腹部切口自子宫剖取胎儿的手术。
5.Effect of dachengqi granules and acupuncture on postoperative function of gastrointestinal tract大承气颗粒、针刺足三里对腹部手术后胃肠功能影响效果的比较
6.partial stapedectom镫骨足板部分切除术
7.How did you like the movie Rain Man?你觉得《手足情未了》这部电影怎么样?
8.A corresponding part in other vertebrates.手指,足趾其它脊椎动物相对应的部位
9.Jesica, 17, whose own heart had a deformity that kept her lungs from getting oxygen into her blood, received a heart-lung transplant Feb. 7.17岁的杰西卡因心脏畸形而导致肺部供血不足。 2月7日,她接受了心肺移植手术。
10.Preoperative and Postoperative Plantar Biomechanical Analysis of Patients Undergoing Greattoe-to-thumb Transfer;拇甲瓣手术前后供足足底生物力学分析
11.Abdominal Surgery Peri-Operative Clinical Analysis of 46 Cases of Death腹部手术围手术期死亡46例临床分析
12.The perioperative treatment of abdominal surgery in elderly patients82例老年患者腹部手术围手术期处理
13.Operative treatment for the accessory scaphoid of foot: report of 14 cases足副舟骨的手术治疗(附14例报告)
14.Carroll Procedure Treatment for Congenital Clubfoot;Carroll手术治疗儿童先天性马蹄内翻足
15.Every Gesture Suggests Its Intentional Purpose-- On the artistic position of Hibicus Town;举手投足都是戏——论《芙蓉镇》的艺术定位
16.whole oil hydraulic orthopedic table全部液压型骨科手术台
17.surgical removal of the stapes of the middle ear.切除中耳部镫骨的手术。
18.She had plastic surgery done to her face.她做过脸部整形手术。

3)abdominal operation腹部手术
1.Functional delayed gastric emptying after abdominal operation;腹部手术后功能性胃排空障碍
2.Correlation factors and nursing interventions of pneumo-infection after abdominal operation in senile patients;老年患者腹部手术后肺部感染的相关因素与干预
3.Observation on effect of morphine hydrochloric sustained release combining with indomethacin on the pain relief after abdominal operation;盐酸吗啡缓释片联合消炎痛栓用于腹部手术后镇痛的观察
4)Abdominal surgery腹部手术
1.Abdominal surgery period of health education;腹部手术围手术期健康教育探讨
2.Enteral nutrition in the treatment of gastroparesis after abdominal surgery;肠内营养治疗腹部手术后胃瘫
3.Clinical study on promoting gastrointestinal function recovery for postoperative patients after underwent abdominal surgery;腹部手术后促进胃肠功能恢复的临床研究
5)Operating department手术部
1.Introduction to the code of designing and building the clean operating department in military hospitals;《军队医院洁净手术部建筑技术规范》内容介绍
6)thoracic surgery胸部手术
1.The clinical use of micro-traumatic thoracotomy in thoracic surgery;微创开胸技术在胸部手术中的临床应用
2.Effort of postoperative controlled epidural analgesia on postoperative pneumonia in patients underwent thoracic surgery;胸部手术后硬膜外自控镇痛对术后肺部感染影响的研究
3.Objective:To search for the clinical advantages and experience of micro-traumatic thoracotomy in thoracic surgery.目的:探讨微创开胸技术在胸部手术中的应用价值和经验。
