局部浸润麻醉,Local infiltration anesthesia
1)Local infiltration anesthesia局部浸润麻醉
1.Objective To detect the possibility of one stage bilateral thoracoscopic sympathetic blocking(OSBTSB)under local infiltration anesthesia and spontaneous breathing.结论一期双侧胸腔镜胸交感神经夹闭术可以在瑞芬太尼强化局部浸润麻醉下完成,手术更安全、更为微创、费用显著减少、术后恢复加快、住院日显著缩短。

1.Local Infiltration Anesthesia for Circumcision Cerclage Report 2452 Cases局部浸润麻醉下包皮环扎术2452例报告
2.Prominent Mandibular Angle and High Malar Grinding of the Bone Under Local Anaesthesia局部浸润麻醉下行下颌角肥大及颧骨突出磨削术
3.Effect of combined general anesthesia with local anesthetic infiltration on heart rate variability in laparoscopic cholecystectomy全麻复合局部浸润麻醉对腹腔镜下胆囊切除术患者心率变异性的影响
4.local [general] anesthesia局部 [全身] 麻醉
5.a local anaesthetic for the removal of a tooth为拔牙而施的局部麻醉.
6.Clinical Efficiency of Permanent Maxillary Tooth Removal Only with Buccal Injection仅行唇颊侧浸润麻醉拔除上颌牙镇痛效果分析
7.regional anesthesia resulting from injection of an anesthetic into the caudal end of the spinal canal; now largely replaced by epidural anesthesia.通过追管尾段注入麻醉剂而导致局部麻醉。
8.Local anesthesia is used to make a small area of the body lose feeling.局部麻醉可使身体的小部分失去知觉。
9.Local areas of infarction or infiltration can sometimes be demonstrated.局部区域梗塞或浸润有时能被发现。
10.regional anesthesia resulting from the use of a local anesthetic to deaden the pudendal nerves in the region of the vulva and labia majora; used to ease discomfort during childbirth.用麻醉剂麻木外阴神经而导致的局部麻醉;用来接触分娩时的痛苦。
11.The Application of Articaine Hydrochlorine and Epinephrine Tartrate Injection for Infiltration Anesthesia in Removing the Mandibular Wisdom Tooth阿替卡因肾上腺素注射液浸润麻醉在下颌智齿拔除中的应用
12.a white crystalline ester used as a local anesthetic.作为局部麻醉的白色水晶酯。
13.an anesthetic that numbs a local area of the body.使身体局部地方失去知觉的麻醉剂。
14.You are going to have a local anaesthetic so you won't feel anything.你要进行局部麻醉,不会感到疼痛的。
15.Don't bother with a local anaesthetic, I can take it.别为局部麻醉操心了,我受得了。
16.Cocaine is originally used as a local anesthetic by doctors.古柯碱本被医师用来当作局部麻醉剂.
17.The use of topical anestlatics should be closely monitored.局部麻醉药的应用必须慎重。
18.You will not feel pain as you will be under local anaesthesia.我们要进行局部麻醉,您不会痛的。

1.The clinical pulpal anesthetic efficacy of buccal infiltration to maxillary molars;颊侧浸润麻醉对上颌磨牙麻醉效果的临床观察
3)infiltration anesthesia浸润麻醉
1.The patients in experimental group were given articaine hydrochlorine and epinephrine tartrate injection for infiltration anesthesia and those in control group were given lidocaine injection for nerver block anesthesia.治疗组采用阿替卡因肾上腺素注射液行局部浸润麻醉,对照组采用利多卡因注射液神经传导阻滞麻醉。
4)Local anesthesia局部麻醉
1.Developing renal tract for percutaneous nephrostolithotomy solely under the guide of B ultrasound and local anesthesia;局部麻醉B超引导下微创经皮肾镜取石术
2.Effects of three local anesthesia agents during procedures of pulpectomy;去髓操作中3种局部麻醉剂的综合比较
3.Preparation and property of bupivacaine hydrochloride PLGA microspheres for local anesthesia;局部麻醉用缓释盐酸布比卡因PLGA微球的制备及特性研究
5)Local anaesthesia局部麻醉
1.Being in the the absence of anaesthetist,there usually are some phenomena about inadequacy of the local anaesthesia in the out-patient clinic operation .门诊手术没有麻醉师的介入,容易存在局部麻醉不彻底的情况。
6)local infiltration局部浸润
1.Experimental study of protective effect of local infiltration of methylprednisolone on injured spinal nerve root;甲基强地松龙局部浸润对脊神经根炎性损伤后影响的实验研究
2.Objective To evaluate the safety and efficiency in pain control after laparoscopic cholecystectomy of Fentaynyl transdermal system combined with local infiltration of ropivacaine.目的研究多瑞吉联合罗哌卡因局部浸润用于腹腔镜胆囊切除术后镇痛的效能和安全性。
3.Local infiltration i skin lesion areas were performed two time per week with 20 ml of 0.目的探讨复方甘草酸苷注射液联合局部浸润治疗老年带状疱疹后神经痛(PHN)的临床效果及其对免疫功能的影响。

局部浸润麻醉局部浸润麻醉local infiltration anesthesia 属局部麻醉。方法是沿手术切口线分层注射局麻药,阻滞组织中的神经末梢。