起效时间,onset time
1)onset time起效时间
1.Effect of lidocaine with different concentration combined with ropivocaine or ropivocaine alone on the onset time of sciatic nerve;罗哌卡因单用及复合不同浓度利多卡因对坐骨神经起效时间的影响
2.The effects of ephedrine and dopamine on onset time of rocuronium;麻黄碱和多巴胺对罗库溴铵起效时间的影响
3.Objective To explore how chloroprocaine or fentanyl affects the onset time of epidural ropivacaine on operation of gynecologic patients.目的探讨妇科手术患者复合氯普鲁卡因及芬太尼对罗哌卡因硬膜外麻醉起效时间的影响。

1.A Clinical Study On Shortening the Onset Time of Cisatracurium缩短顺阿曲库铵起效时间的临床研究
2.Therapeutic Effect and Effective time of Mizolastine on Acu te Urticaria咪唑斯汀治疗急性荨麻疹起效时间及疗效观察
3.Clinical Study of Decreasing the Onset Time of Cisatracurium Neuromuscular Blocking Agent缩短顺式阿曲库铵肌松药起效时间的临床研究
4.The effect of Sufentanil on onset time of cisatracurium-induced neuromuscular block during general anesthesia舒芬太尼对顺式阿曲库铵起效时间的临床观察
5.Conclusion The sedative and ease pain effect of CKOS are correlated with the drug blood concentration.结论复方氯胺酮口服液起效时间与其血药浓度高峰期相近。
6.The limitation period shall be counted anew from the time of discontinuance.自中断时起,时效期间重新计算。
7.The counting of the limitation period shall be resumed when the cause of suspension no longer exists.自中止时效的原因消除之日起,时效期间继续计。
8.The time of prescription of claim for compensation shall resume from the day when the grounds for the suspension are eliminated.从中止时效的原因消除之日起,赔偿请求时效期间继续计算。
9.A specified period during which, by statute, an action may be brought.特指法律上的时效由法律规定的特定时间,在此期间内可以起诉
10.You must enter a valid Period from date.您必须输入一个有效的时间段起始日期。
11.On the Beginning for Calculating the Prescription Period of Anspruch of Unascertained Deadline for Performance;试论未定履行期的请求权诉讼时效期间的起算
12.On the Role of Time in the Novel The Great Gatsby;关于《了不起的盖茨比》一书中时间效用的探讨
13.Influence of age on effect-acting and maintain time in brachial plexus block年龄对臂丛神经阻滞起效和维持时间的影响
14.Well, it 's time to get up .好,起床时间到了。
15.On the Beginning of the Term of Suretyship-And on the Term of Suretyship and the Limitation of Actions of the Contract of Suretyship;保证期间起算新探——兼论保证期间与保证合同诉讼时效
16.The From date for the period must be earlier than the To date.时间段的起始时间不能晚于结束时间。
17.voice onset time嗓音起始时间 嗓音起始时间
18.Effective red (green) time有效红(绿)灯时间

onset of action起效时间
1.Existing antidepressants exhibit delayed onset of action,which can decrease the compliance of the patients and enhance the risk of suicide.此外,5-HT/NE双重重摄取抑制剂及5-HT/NE/DA三重重摄取抑制剂起效时间也缩短。
3)starting point for calculating the time limits of litigation诉讼时效期间的起算点
4)Commencing Time of Limitation时效起算
5)hoisting time起升时间
6)taking-out time起坛时间
1.Study on the relations of browing and the taking-out time of the pickling stems of cabbage;酸渍白菜帮子起坛时间与褐变关系的探讨
