快通道麻醉,fast-track anesthesia
1)fast-track anesthesia快通道麻醉
1.Objective To study the clinical feasibility of fast-track anesthesia in off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting(OPCAB)using high thoracic epidural analgesia(TEA).目的研究胸段硬膜外麻醉(thoracic epidural analgesia,TEA)用于脱泵冠脉搭桥术(off-pump coro-nary artery bypass grafting,OPCAB)快通道麻醉的临床可行性。

1.Postoperative Care for Children with Congenital Cardiovascular Disease Undergoing Fast-track Anesthesia先天性心脏病患儿实施快通道麻醉的术后护理
2.Intravenous anesthesia in the fast-track bone dislocation reduction surgery静脉快通道麻醉在骨关节脱位复位术中的应用
3.Compare of Sufentanil and Remifentanil on FTCA during OPCABG舒芬太尼、瑞芬太尼在非停跳冠脉搭桥术快通道麻醉中比较
4.The Association of BIS and HRV in Target-Controlled Infusion of Etomidate Used in Fast-tracking Anesthesia of the Elderly依托咪酯靶控输注用于老年患者快通道麻醉时BIS与HRV关系的研究
5.Fast-track anaesthesia in cardia valve replacement operation for severe heart disease“快通道”麻醉在重症心脏瓣膜置换手术中的作用
6.anesthetic ventilator麻醉呼吸器,麻醉通气机
7.Slipa airway in general anesthesia surgerySLIPA通气道在全身麻醉手术中的应用
8.Protective Effect of Remifentanil Preconditioning on Myocardium Against Ischemia-reperfusion Injury during CPB and Remifentanil Used in Fast-track Cardiac Anesthesia;瑞芬太尼预处理对心肺转流心脏缺血后损伤的影响及瑞芬太尼在快通道心脏麻醉中的应用
9.Clinical Analysis of 600 Cases with Atrial Septal Defect Repair by Using the "Fast-Track" Anesthesia for Cardiac Surgery房间隔缺损修补术运用“快车道”麻醉600例临床分析
10.regional anesthesia resulting from injection of an anesthetic into the caudal end of the spinal canal; now largely replaced by epidural anesthesia.通过追管尾段注入麻醉剂而导致局部麻醉。
11.Investigation of Potassium Channels on the Larval Cerebral Neurons of Drosophila Melanogaster with Different Sensitivity to Volatile Anesthetics;对吸入麻醉药敏感性不同的果蝇幼虫中枢神经元钾通道的研究
12.The Mechanism and Effects of Anesthetics on Sodium Channel Currents of Hippocampal Pyramidal Neurons in Rats;麻醉药对大鼠海马锥体神经元钠通道电流的影响及其机制
13.Application and analysis of an laryngeal mask airway used for outer putamen anaesthesia in midsection surgical operation;喉罩通气道在上腹部手术硬膜外麻醉中的应用分析
14.Compare of the effect of laryngeal mask airway (LMA) insertion in adult anaesthesia with sevoflurane and propofol七氟烷和丙泊酚用于成人麻醉诱导放置喉罩通气道的效果比较
15.Lacrimal passage combined with segmental epidural catheter insertion for neonatorum dacryocystitis泪道探通联合硬膜外麻醉导管置入术治疗新生儿泪囊炎
16.slightly and pleasantly intoxicated from alcohol or a drug especially marijuana.被酒或者毒品轻微的、快意的麻醉,特别是大麻。
17.Effect of continuous positive airway pressure combined with the 15° head-up tilt position during pre-oxygenation and induction of general anaesthesia on duration of non-hypoxic apnea全身麻醉诱导期头高位联合持续气道内正压通气对无通气安全时限的影响
18.Patients inhale a topical anesthetic that numbs their nasal passages and throat.病人吸入一种局部麻醉药,能够麻醉他们的鼻道和喉部。

Fast track cardiac anesthesia快通道心脏麻醉
3)Fast track cardiac anesthesia心脏快通道麻醉
4)anesthesia ventilator麻醉通气机
5)anesthetic ventilator麻醉呼吸器,麻醉通气机
6)Superficial anaesthesia尿道表面麻醉

麻醉依打 ,麻醉乙醚药物名称:乙醚英文名:Ether别名: 麻醉醚;麻醉依打 ,麻醉乙醚外文名:Anaesthetic Ether适应症: 适用于外科手术。 用量用法: 常用开放点滴法,通过麻醉面罩吸入。用量视病人情况和手术而定。 注意事项: 1.不能过量,否则会出现毒性反应。 2.在施用前1小时,皮下注射阿托品0.3mg与吗啡15mg,可抑制呼吸道的多量分泌,并可减少乙醚的用量。 3.为预防呕吐,麻醉前必须空腹6小时以上。 4.极易燃烧爆炸,使用场合不可有开放火焰或电火花。 5.遇日光、空气、湿气等易变质,又易挥发,引火和爆炸。 6.本品如已氧化,可生成过氧过物,不仅不适于药用,而且更易爆炸。故若有变质可疑时,用前必须检查,合格才用。 7.糖尿病、肝功能严重损害、呼吸道感染或梗阻、消化道梗阻病人忌用。 规格: 液体:100ml/瓶,150ml/瓶、250ml/瓶。类别:全身麻醉药\吸入麻醉药