术后躁动,postoperative agitation
1)postoperative agitation术后躁动
1.Flurbiprofen axetil reduces postoperative agitation after sevoflurane anesthesia in neurosurgery;氟比洛芬酯减轻七氟烷全麻下神经外科术后躁动临床研究
2.Effects of Han s acupoint nerve stimulator(HANS) on postoperative agitation under isoflurane anesthesia;韩氏穴位神经刺激仪对异氟醚吸入麻醉术后躁动的影响

1.Butorphano in the prevention & treatment of emergence agitation after general anaesthesia布托啡诺对全麻术后躁动的防治作用
2.Postoperative analgesic effect of flurbiprofen axetil in 64 cases氟比洛芬酯预防术后躁动64例临床观察
3.Effects of diclofenac sodium suppositories on emergence agitation after sevoflurane maintenance in children undergoing adenotonsillectomy双氯芬酸钠栓对扁桃体切除术患儿七氟醚麻醉术后躁动的影响
4.Postoperative Agitation in Pediatric Patients of Diferrent Stage after Sevoflurane Anesthesia不同年龄段儿童七氟烷麻醉术后躁动的临床观察
5.Comparison of emergence agitation and fitness in urethral catheterization between different opportunities不同时机导尿对术后患者苏醒期躁动和术后一日适应性的影响
6.Observation of Preventing Agitation by Intravenons Tramadol after Intubation during Extubation Period of Pharyngeal Operation on Children曲马多超前镇痛预防小儿咽部手术后拔管期躁动的观察
7.The Effects of Mental Intervention Combined with Postoperative Analgesia on Restlessness During Anesthesia Recovery Period in Patients Undergoing Thoracotomy全程心理疏导联合术后镇痛对全身麻醉开胸手术患者苏醒期躁动的影响
8.After summer's heat and haste, the year consolidates itself一年经过夏日的炎热和躁动后,现在宁静下来。
9.Effects of remifentanyl on pediatric anesthesia emergence delirium after oral and maxillofacial surgery induced by sevoflurane瑞芬太尼对七氟烷诱导小儿口腔颌面部术后烦躁的影响
10.Beginning from Feb.7, he had frequent Bursts of restlessness and crying with purposeless movements of extremities, which had to controlled with sedatives.患儿自2月7日开始,哭闹烦躁,四肢乱动,用镇静剂后安静。
11.Effect of informational support on restlessness of patients with retained urethral canal after general anesthesia信息支持对全麻后留置尿管患者苏醒期躁动的影响
12.To agitate, stir, or confuse.使躁动、骚动或迷乱
13.Ralph moved impatiently.拉尔夫烦躁地动了一动。
14.Mesmerism: The character uses his own Disquieting aura to affect the minds of others, from entrancing them like a cobra to creating a false identity in someone.迷术:运用自身躁动灵气来影响他人心灵之法,如催眠和误导他人等。
16.Clinical Observation of Penehyclidine Hydrochloride as the Preanesthetic Medication for Reducing the Occurrence of Restlessness in the Awaking Stage of General Anesthesia小儿术前应用盐酸戊乙奎醚减少全麻苏醒期躁动发生的临床观察
17.You are easily annoyed bothered, and ivitated.你会动辄烦恼、焦虑、急躁。
18.The Research of Modern Art Movement and Communication in China 1920 s-1930 s;躁动的现代艺术之梦——20世纪20-30年代中国现代艺术运动及传播研究

1.The Effect of Lornoxicam and Nusing on Managing the Restlessness During Recovery After General Anesthesia.;氯诺昔康用于全麻苏醒期躁动的防治和护理
2.Inserting catheter after the inducement of general anesthesia enhances the restlessness in elderly patients in anesthesia recovery period;全麻诱导后置导尿管增加中老年患者麻醉苏醒期躁动
3.Effect of Anesthesia Methods and Anesthetics on Restlessness in The Awaking Stage of General Anesthesia;麻醉方法及麻醉药物对全麻苏醒期病人躁动的影响
1.Objective To analyze the causes of emergence agitation during the recovery period of general anaesthesia and propose the corresponding nursing measures.目的探讨全麻患者苏醒期躁动的发生原因,并提出相应的护理措施。
2.Objective:To evaluate the effect of preventing agitation by intravenous tramadol after intubation during the extubation period of pharyngeal operation.目的:观察插管后静注曲马多对预防小儿咽部手术拔管期躁动的作用。
4)the impetuous style of study学术浮躁
1.The theory circles of social sciences have the phenomenon of the impetuous style of study.目前社科理论界在学风方面存在学术腐败、学术浮躁、学术消极现象。
1.Basketball players on-the-spot anxiety and the coaches psychological control;篮球运动员临场心理躁动与教练员的心理调控
6)agitation in child小儿躁动

术术1.兴盛貌。 2.宽广貌。