生长发育,Growth and development
1)Growth and development生长发育
1.Toxic effects of Cr~(6+) on growth and development of tadpole of Rana chensinensis;Cr~(6+)对中国林蛙蝌蚪生长发育的毒性效应
2.Toxic effects of cadmium on Rana chensinensis tadpole growth and development;镉对中国林蛙蝌蚪生长发育的毒性效应
3.The influence of lead on the growth and development of farm grops;重金属pb~(2+)对作物早期生长发育的影响

1.A cavity where spores develop.孢窝孢子生长发育的洞
2.Study of the Brooding,Feeding ang Growth of Gray Heron苍鹭育雏行为及雏鸟生长发育的研究
3.Effects of Vitamin A Deficiency on Skeletal Development in Three Weeks Old Rats维生素A缺乏对生长期大鼠骨骼生长发育的影响
4.Influence of Ecological Condition on the Growth and Development of Blueberry;不同生态条件对越橘生长发育的影响
5.Growth and Development Status of Shanghai Students, 1979-2000;上海市中小学生1979~2000年生长发育状况
6.Effects of different magnesium concentration on growth development and physical characteristics in flue-cured tobacco镁对烤烟生长发育和生理特性的影响
7.Effects of neonatal swimming on its growth and development“游泳”对新生儿生长发育影响的探讨
8.Clinical research of water therapy in growth and development of neonatal泳疗在新生儿生长发育中的临床研究
9.Growth Standard of the Growth Spurting Adolescent of Different Developing Types;青春发育突增期不同发育类型学生生长发育标准的制定
10.The study on growth and development of the extremity length in Dalian Han nation students大连市汉族学生肢体长生长发育的研究
11.Study on Influence of Applying Plant Growth Retardants on Growth of Turfgrass;植物生长延缓剂对草坪草生长发育影响的研究
12.Effects of Plant Growth Regulator on the Development of Arabidopsis thaliana;植物生长调节剂对拟南芥菜生长发育的影响
13.Analysis on Growth and Development Long-term Trend of Students in Hunan;湖南省学生生长发育长期变化趋势分析
14.Effect of Plant Growth Retardants on the Growth of Turf-grass植物生长延缓剂对草坪草生长发育的影响
15.Rex Rabbit's Growth Development and Growth Curve Fitting獭兔早期生长发育规律及生长曲线的拟合
16.Preliminary study of the relationship between cord blood leptin, IGF-Ⅰ and fetal growth and development脐血瘦素、胰岛素样生长因子-Ⅰ与胎儿生长发育
17.Abnormal development or growth of tissues, organs, or cells.发育异常组织、器官或细胞引起的生长发育异常
18.Effect of celery on fertility of mice and growth and development of fetus芹菜对小鼠生育力及胎鼠生长发育的影响

1.Study on the Influence of Zinc to the Growth of Rats;锌对大鼠生长发育影响的研究
2.Study on growth and dry substance accumulation of Curcuma longa;黄丝郁金生长发育及干物质积累规律研究
3.Influence of passive smoking on the growth of children;被动吸烟对儿童生长发育的影响
1.Effects of dietary copper on the growth, development and reproduction of Boettcherisca peregrine (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) in the parental generation and first filial generation;取食重金属铜对棕尾别麻蝇亲代及子代生长发育与繁殖的影响
2.Cadmium effects on growth and development as well as reproduction of Boettcherisca peregrine in the parental generation and first filial generation.;重金属镉对棕尾别麻蝇亲代及子代生长发育与繁殖的影响
3.Effect of cadmium on the development of tadpoles of the Bufo raddei;重金属镉对花背蟾蜍蝌蚪生长发育的影响
4)Growth development生长发育
1.A survey on growth development of students at primary school in Huanggang city proper;黄冈市城区小学生生长发育的跟踪调查
2.Effects of ridge culture on summer maize ecological environment and growth development;起垄栽培对夏玉米生态环境及生长发育的影响
3.Study on Population Structure and DNA Molecular Marker of Growth Development Traits of BMY、Brahman and Yunnan Yellow Cattle;BMY牛、婆罗门牛及云南黄牛的群体遗传结构及生长发育性状的分子标记研究
5)development and growth生长发育
1.In order to discover the selecting effect and the utilization value of new fast growing silkies,we had researched the rule of early development and growth as well as the meat performace systematically.本试验对丝羽乌骨鸡快大型新品系的早期生长发育规律及肉用性能进行了系统的研究。
2.The monthly analysis on the food habit of Rana plancyi reveals that Rana plancyi mainly feeds on insects and among its main food sources are Sphaerodema rustica ,snail,shrimps and the adaptation of food mainly relies on the habitat and development and growth.金线蛙各月份的食性分析表明 ,成蛙以捕食昆虫为主 ,喜食种类是水生动物中的负子蝽、螺、虾等 ,摄食种类变化主要与生境及生长发育相关。
3.Effects of vitamin A deficiency on the development and growth of rat embryos were studied.本文观察了维生素A缺乏对大鼠胚胎生长发育的影响。
6)growing development生长发育
1.Number of plant per hole had the effect on growing development and yield of rice;穴株数对水稻生长发育及产量的影响

生长发育生长发育growth development  指从出生到生长成熟的过程。生长是细胞繁殖和细胞间质增加的结果,表现为身体各部或器官长度、大小和重量的增加等变化。发育则表现为机体功能的变化,以及组织器官的完善和成熟。前者主要是量的变化,后者主要是质的变化。儿童少年的生长发育是由量变和质变的复杂过程。通常所指的发育是指生长和发育二者而言。儿童少年的生长发育不但受遗传和先天因素(民族、性别、家族等)的影响,也受后天环境因素(营养、疾病、体育锻炼、学习、劳动和生活环境等)的影响。