1.A New Species-Cladosporium jasmini;枝孢属一新种——素馨枝孢
2)Verticillium alboatrum轮枝孢属
1.By means of primary screening and double-screening,a strain A producing rich flocculation was obtained from activated sludge,The strain was identified as Verticillium alboatrum by the physiological and biochemical properties the colony form observed with optical microscope and electrical scanning photomicrograph.根据生化和生理特征及光学显微镜和电镜扫描的形态观察,初步鉴定该菌株为轮枝孢属(Verticilliumsp。
1.Thirteen species of Acremonium from China are investigated, including three new records, A.本文对中国的枝顶孢属丝孢菌进行了调查,其中包括3个新记录种,并给出了全部13个种的检索表。

1.Volatile Oil Constituents of Two Acremonium Endophyte Isolates from Aquilaria sinensis白木香内生真菌枝顶孢属两菌株的挥发油成分
2.type genus of the Rhyniaceae; small leafless dichotomously branching fossil plants with terminal sporangia and smooth branching rhizomes.鹿角蕨科的模式属;小而无叶的二叉分枝的化石植物,孢子囊顶生,根状茎光滑,有分枝。
3.A New Record Species of Genus Graphium Corda in China:Graphium putredinis (Corda) Hughes粘束孢属中国新记录种——普尔顶粘束孢菌
4.A small projection at the base of a basidiospore near its attachment to the sterigma.芽枝:位于担孢子基部连接担孢子梗的一种小附属物。
5.Biology of a Psychoactive Mushroom Psilocybe Fasciata and Interactions between Psilocybe Fasciata and Its Companion Fungus Acremonium Strictum;黄褐裸盖伞生物学及与其伴生菌点枝顶孢生态关系研究
6.DPPH free radical scavenging activities of extracts from liquid culture of Acremonium terricola with different solvents地生枝顶孢液体培养物不同溶剂提取物清除DPPH自由基活性的研究
7.Study on Microbiol Characteristics of Cladosporium Cladosporioides;枝孢样枝孢霉微生物学特性的实验研究
8.Lacking the top branches as a result of age or decay.缺顶枝的因树龄长或枯朽而缺顶枝的
9.Screening for formula for emulsifiable suspensions of Acremonium hansfordii conidia顶孢霉Ahy1菌株孢子乳悬剂的配方筛选
10.type genus of the Psilophytaceae: genus of small wiry herbaceous Paleozoic plants with underground rhizomes and apical sporangia.裸蕨科的模式属;古生代植物,为小而坚韧的草木,具地下根状茎和顶生的孢子囊群。
11.To be affected by dieback.枝叶枯萎受顶枯病影响
12.Shave off the top branches of that bush.把那棵灌木的顶枝剪掉。
13.Baboons could break branches and leaders.狒狒会折断侧枝和顶梢。
14.Long thin shoot growing from a stem or branch, esp of fruit trees, usu cut back in pruning(茎或枝上的)顶枝(尤指果树的)
15.Any of various evergreen plants of the genus Yucca, native to the warmer regions of North America, having often tall stout stems and a terminal cluster of white flowers.丝兰一种丝兰属常绿植物,原产于北美的温暖地带,枝干长而粗壮,开有白花的顶生花簇
16.Old World tropical plants with branches ending in tufts of sword-shaped leaves; in some classifications considered a genus of Liliaceae.旧大陆热带植物,剑状叶,簇生在分枝顶端;有些分类认为它是百合科的一个属。
17.(of trees) having a bushy top without a leader.(指树木)具有丛生的顶部而没有顶枝。
18.of or belonging to an aecium.锈(孢)子器的或属于锈(孢)子器的。

Verticillium alboatrum轮枝孢属
1.By means of primary screening and double-screening,a strain A producing rich flocculation was obtained from activated sludge,The strain was identified as Verticillium alboatrum by the physiological and biochemical properties the colony form observed with optical microscope and electrical scanning photomicrograph.根据生化和生理特征及光学显微镜和电镜扫描的形态观察,初步鉴定该菌株为轮枝孢属(Verticilliumsp。
1.Thirteen species of Acremonium from China are investigated, including three new records, A.本文对中国的枝顶孢属丝孢菌进行了调查,其中包括3个新记录种,并给出了全部13个种的检索表。
6)Virgibacillus sp枝芽孢杆菌属
1.Isolation,identification and antagonistic research of Virgibacillus sp. ZJUT-K15通过形态特征观察、生理生化特征测定及16S rDNA序列分析,初步鉴定为枝芽孢杆菌属(Virgibacillus sp。

丛梗孢属分子式:CAS号:性质:旧称念珠菌属或丛梗孢属(Monilia)。半知菌亚门、芽孢纲、隐球酵母目、隐球酵母科的一属真菌。细胞圆形、卵形或柱形,直径3~8μm,无性繁殖以多边芽殖方式,形成假菌丝或真菌丝,可生厚垣孢子。不产子囊孢子、节孢子、冬孢子或掷孢子,不产色素。很多种能进行酒精发酵。产蛋白假丝酵母(C. utilis)细胞圆形、椭圆形或香肠形,(3.5~4.5μtm)×(7~13μm)。液体培养时无醭,会沉入底部。有不发达的假菌丝,无真菌丝。菌落乳白色、平滑、边缘整齐或菌丝状。能发酵和同化葡萄糖、蔗糖、棉子糖和木糖。可利用造纸厂亚硫酸废液、糖蜜、淀粉厂废液和木材水解液作碳源,以尿素或硝酸盐作氮源生长,其蛋白和维生素B含量均超过酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)。是生产食用、药用或饲料用单细胞蛋白的优良菌种。解脂假丝酵母可用于石油脱蜡、生产柠檬酸和菌体蛋白;热带假丝酵母(C. tropicalis)也是脱蜡与生产菌体蛋白的优良菌种。只有白假丝酵母(C. albicans,旧称白色念珠菌)是人体条件致病菌,会引起人和动物的假丝酵母病即白色念珠菌病,导致脑膜炎、肺炎、肠炎、口角炎和阴道炎等疾病。