1.Among them,Basidiomycota ranked No.结果表明,宁夏回族自治区境内共有菌物6门、15纲和亚纲、38目、92科、241属、862种,其中中国新记录属4个,中国新纪录种19个,宁夏新纪录种74个,中国寄主新纪录种18个,种类最多的门、纲、目、科、属依次是担子菌门、担子菌纲、伞菌目、淡色孢科、柄锈菌属,种类分布最多的地区是银川市。
2.One characteristic sequence of Ascomycota and another one of Basidiomycota were identified respectively in the conserved region C5 and C7.从其保守区段C5中鉴定出了1条子囊菌门所特有的保守序列;从保守区段C7中鉴定出了1条担子菌门所特有的保守序列。
1.An Investigation on Macro-fungi in Hubei Province ——A list of Basidiomycotina fungi(Ⅱ);湖北省大型真菌调查——担子菌亚门真菌名录(Ⅱ)
2.An Investigation on Macro-fungi in Hubei Province --A list of Basidiomycotina Fungi;湖北省大型真菌调查——担子菌亚门真菌名录(Ⅰ)
3.The mass of edible and medicinal fungi are large funguses of Basidiomycotina.食、药用菌的绝大多数种类为担子菌亚门大型真菌 ,我们收集保藏的担子菌亚门的食、药用菌 180 0多种 ,其中已公开发表的有 58属 113种 1118

1.An Investigation on Macro-fungi in Hubei Province --A list of Basidiomycotina fungi(Ⅱ)湖北省大型真菌调查——担子菌亚门真菌名录(Ⅱ)
2.The pathogens were fungi belonging to Ascomycotina and Deuteromycotina.病原菌主要是子囊菌亚门和半知菌亚门的真菌。
3.Basidiomycota (basidiomycetes) A phylum of the Fungi that includes the mushrooms and toadstools.担子菌:包括蘑菇和毒菌在内的一门真菌。
4.relating to or characterized by basidia.有关或具有担子(菌)特征。
5.In the basidiomycete fungi, for example, the basidiospores are borne on the tips of the sterigmata, which are outgrowths of the basidium.例如在担子菌中,担孢子产生于由担子生出的担孢子梗顶端。
6.A basidium-bearing structure found in such basidiomycetous fungi as mushrooms and puffballs.担子菌的真菌部分在担子菌中的真菌,如伞菌和马勃菌中发现的一种担子生的结构
7.Experimental Studies on Helicobacter Pylori Multicomponent Vaccine Fused with Intra-molecular Adjuvant;幽门螺杆菌分子内佐剂多亚单位融合疫苗的实验研究
8.A sexually produced fungal spore borne on a basidium.担孢子生在一个担子上的有性繁殖的真菌孢子
9.Notes on Dentipellis (Russulales,Basidiomycota)软齿菌属(红姑目,担子菌纲)小记(英文)
10.Sterigma (pl. sterigmata) A fingerlike projection upon which spores are formed in most basidiomycete fungi.担孢子梗:是大多数担子菌所具有的指状突起结构,其上着生担孢子。
11.small order of basidiomycetous fungi comprising families Nidulariaceae and Sphaerobolaceae.担子菌的一个小目,由鸟巢菌科和弹球菌科组成。
12.Calyptella capula (Basidiomycota)-A Fungus New to Hainan海南真菌一新纪录种——挂钟菌(担子菌纲)(英文)
13.a woody fungus that forms shelflike sporophores.一种木质菌类,形成如架子的担胞子体。
14.a family of basidiomycetous fungi belonging to the order Tremellales having a bifurcate basidium that lacks septa.担子菌的一科属于银耳目,具有二叉而无分割的担子菌类。
15.Club-shaped hyphae in the hymenial layer of certain basidiomycete fungi are also termed paraphyses.某些担子菌的子实层中的棒状菌丝也称为侧丝。
16.Hymenium (pl. hymenia) A layer of the fruiting body of certain ascomycete and basidiomycete fungi in which the asci or basidia are borne.子实层:真菌中的子囊菌类和担子菌类的子实体上生长子囊或担子的层状结构。
17.Trama The inner tissue of the gills in basidiomycete fungi that is made up of loosely packed hyphae.菌髓:在担子菌的由多条菌丝松散围绕形成的菌褶内部存在的组织。
18.In many Basidiomycetes barrages develop.在许多担子菌中也发生一些栅栏。

1.An Investigation on Macro-fungi in Hubei Province ——A list of Basidiomycotina fungi(Ⅱ);湖北省大型真菌调查——担子菌亚门真菌名录(Ⅱ)
2.An Investigation on Macro-fungi in Hubei Province --A list of Basidiomycotina Fungi;湖北省大型真菌调查——担子菌亚门真菌名录(Ⅰ)
3.The mass of edible and medicinal fungi are large funguses of Basidiomycotina.食、药用菌的绝大多数种类为担子菌亚门大型真菌 ,我们收集保藏的担子菌亚门的食、药用菌 180 0多种 ,其中已公开发表的有 58属 113种 1118
1.Effect of Basidiomycetes Fermentation Substance on the Metabolism of Blood Sugar of Broiler;担子菌发酵产物对肉鸡血糖的影响
2.Notes on Basidiomycetes of Jilin Province(VII);吉林省担子菌补记(七)
3.Effect of different realignments of Basidiomycetes treatment in waste substrate of Pleurotus ostreatus on cell wall composition and degradability of dry matter in the rumen;不同担子菌组合处理对平菇菌糠细胞壁成分及干物质瘤胃降解率的影响
1.Chemical constituents of basidiomycete Coltricium nitidum;担子菌亮光钹菌化学成分的研究
2.Chemical constituents of basidiomycete Hydnum repandum;担子菌黄卷缘齿菌的化学成分(英文)
3.Advance in Genetic Transformation Research of Basidiomycetes;担子菌遗传转化研究进展
1.1 in phylums,Basidiomycetes ranked No.结果表明,宁夏回族自治区境内共有菌物6门、15纲和亚纲、38目、92科、241属、862种,其中中国新记录属4个,中国新纪录种19个,宁夏新纪录种74个,中国寄主新纪录种18个,种类最多的门、纲、目、科、属依次是担子菌门、担子菌纲、伞菌目、淡色孢科、柄锈菌属,种类分布最多的地区是银川市。
1.Studies on Heterobasidion and Its Control of Root and Butt Rots by the H.annosum Complex;异担子菌及其病害防治的研究现状
