1.The total water-soluble salt content, pH value and salt ion content of test samples from Yushuihe were determined.本研究以柴达木盆地的盐湖“渔水河”作为研究对象,旨在探索高盐环境中可培养放线菌的有效分离及嗜盐耐盐放线菌的筛选方法,以获得更多嗜盐耐盐放线菌,丰富我国盐碱环境下的放线菌资源,为盐湖盐矿中放线菌资源的研究与利用提供可靠的理论依据和实验方法。

1.The Investigation of Halophilic and Halotolerant Actinomycetes Resource in Yushuihe, Qinghai青海渔水河嗜盐耐盐放线菌资源研究
2.Studies on Fishery Resource, Environment and Their Ecological Management of Daoguanhe Reservoir;道观河水库渔业资源、环境和生态学管理的研究
3.Fishery in rivers and lakes shall be subject to the superintendence of the departments of fishery administration under the relevant people's governments at or above the county level in accordance with administrative divisions.江河、湖泊等水域的渔业,按照行政区划由有关县级以上人民政府渔业行政主管部门监督管理;
4.Investigation on Present Situation of Fishery Resources and Their Development and Utilization in Nanwan Reservoir, Henan Province;河南省南湾水库渔业资源现状调查及开发利用研究
5.Studies on the Communities Structure and Potential Fishery Production Capacity of Periphyton in Daoguanhe Reservoir;观道河水库周丛生物群落结构和渔产潜力的研究
6.The Dissolved Oxygen Situation and Influential Factors in the Fisheries Areas from Hukou to Sanmenxia Section of the Yellow River黄河壶口—三门峡段渔业水域中溶解氧现状及影响因素
7.The fisherman is netting the river.那位渔夫正在河里布网。
8.Joint Danube Fishery Commission多瑙河渔业联合委员会
9.East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organization东非淡水渔业研究组织(东非淡渔组织)
10.One morning a man was crossing a narrow bridge when he saw a fisherman on the shady bank of the deep, smooth river under him,一天早上,有一个人在过一座很窄的桥时看见一个渔夫坐在背阴的岸边,他身下的河水又深又静。
11.fisherman's lure that floats under the surface of the water.在水面下的渔夫的诱饵。
12.The fisherman cast his net into the water.渔民把网撒在水里。
13.Fishermen try their luck in ponds& def lakes and rivers.渔夫在池塘、泊和河川里试他们的运气。
14.The fisherman took it off the hook and threw it back into the river.渔夫把鱼从鱼钩上取下来,扔回到河里。
15.The fisherman told him the name of the river.渔夫向他讲了那条河流的名字。
16.A Study on Policy of Taiwan Stream Enclosing and Fish Protection Area Management;台湾封溪护渔政策与河段管理之研究
18.A Brief Analysis on Recreational Fishery in Fujian--the Brand Construction of "Fishing Villages"福建省休闲渔业暨“水乡渔村”品牌建设浅析

fishing port in estuary河口渔港
3)river fishery河川渔业
4)estuarine fishery河口渔业
5)fishery waters渔业水域
1.Study on assessment of eco-environmental quality in fishery waters near the Changjiang River estuary and Hangzhou Bay;长江口、杭州湾附近渔业水域生态环境质量评价研究
2.Since the accidents of fishery waters pollution are charactered with suddenness,short duration,complicate pollution resources and furtiveness,and usually the accidents were reported belatedly by inexperienced fishery producer;so that the investigation and monitoring on the accidents were more difficult.渔业水域污染事故具有突发性、持续时间短、污染源复杂、隐秘的特点,加上生产者报案不及时、缺乏经验等诸多因素,增加了调查监测的难度。
6)Yudong reservoir渔洞水库
1.Damage and treatment of flood discharging bottomoutlet in Yudong reservoir;渔洞水库泄洪底孔过流面破坏及处理
2.Study on the Structure Calculation of Putaojing Ribbed Arch Flume in the North Trunk Canal of Yudong Reservoir;渔洞水库北干渠葡萄井肋拱渡槽结构计算研讨
3.Application of Ganister Sand Concrete with Microdilatability in the Spillway Structure at Yudong Reservoir;硅粉微膨胀混凝土在渔洞水库溢流建筑中的应用
