红光,red light
1)red light红光
1.Effects of radiation with red light on ATP contents in rabbits liver,skeletal muscle and blood;红光照射对动物肝脏、骨骼肌和血液中ATP含量变化的影响
2.Effects of red light irradiation on the antifatigue abilities;红光照射对人体抗疲劳能力的影响
3.Effect of infrared ray combined with red light on the immune function of tumor-bearing mice;红光、红外线协同辐射对荷瘤机体免疫功能的影响

1.Green and red light mix to produce yellow, red and blue light mix to produce magenta, green and blue mix to produce cyan.绿光和红光叠加可产生黄色,红光与蓝光叠加可产生品红色,绿光与蓝光叠加可产生青绿色。
2.The oven glows with heat.炉灶因热而发红光
3.filter-grating infrared spectrometer滤光器-光栅红外光谱仪
4.Infrared light or the infrared part of the spectrum.红外线红外线光或光谱的红外线部分
5.infrared photoflash lamp红外闪光灯(摄影)
6.high-energy throughput echelle spectrometer高能红外光栅光谱仪
7.universal infrared spectrophotometer通用型红外分光光度计
8.scanning infrared spectrophotometer扫描红外分光光度计
9.far infrared absolute spectrophotometer远红外绝对分光光度计
10.recording infrared spectrophotometer记录式红外分光光度计
11.infracord spectrophotometer红外记录分光光度计
12.infrared microspectrophotometry红外显微分光光度学
13.far-infrared vacuum grating spectrometer远红外真空光栅光谱仪
14.IRSP (infra-red spectrometer)红外线分光计,红外线分光仪
15.optical null double-beam farinfrared spectrometer光学零位双光束远红外光谱仪
16.Fourier Transform Infrared and Near-Infrared Raman Spectra of Human Red Blood Cell人血红细胞傅里叶变换红外和近红外拉曼光谱
17.Fourier Transform Near-infrared Raman and Infrared Spectroscopy of Human Red Cell;人血红细胞傅立叶变换近红外拉曼和红外光谱
18.Fourier transform infrared spectrometer傅里叶变换红外光谱仪

red emission红光
1.Phosphorescent OLEDs with red emission identical to photoluminescence spectrum of the complex in PMMA film were fabricated by using poly(vinyl carbazole).考察了红光Cu(Ⅰ)配合物[Cu(dbp)(dmp)](BF4)(dbp:2,9-二叔丁基-1,10-菲咯啉;dmp:2,9-二甲基-1,10-菲咯啉)的光致发光(PL)和电致发光(EL)性能。
2.So far,host-guest system and rare earth complexes were used for red emission.实验发现有机盐ASPT是一种性能较好的红光发射材料。
3)red laser红光
1.A high powered red laser used in photodynamic therapy;一种高功率红光光动力治疗激光器系统
2.Moreover, high-power solid-state red lasers have a wide application in the fields such as biomedical technology, medical treatment and laser color display, a.激光二极管抽运的固体激光器具有总体效率高、寿命长、光束质量好、结构简单、体积小、重量轻等优点,在军事、医学、信息、工业、科研等领域得到了广泛的应用,其中,全固态红光激光器凭借其在彩显、医疗、光存储和做可调谐Cr∶LiSAF激光器抽运源等方面的广泛用途在国际激光研究领域受到广泛的重视。
3.Moreover, the power of red laser needed in display is the highest, so the red laser research is more important.在三基色中,绿光技术已经相对成熟,所以目前研究的重点已转为红光和蓝光,而蓝光在三基色显示中的功率要求相对红光较小,红光功率要求最高,所以红光的研究就尤为重要。
5)red light红灯;红光;红灯光
6)red laser红光激光
1.LD side-pumped Nd:YAG/S-KTP intracavity frequency-doubled high power CW red laser at 660nm;LD侧泵Nd:YAG/S-KTP腔内倍频高功率660nm连续红光激光器
2.This paper reports the generation of high power quasi continuous wave (Q CW) red laser radiation by frequency doubling a Nd∶YAG (Nd∶Y 3Al 5O 12 ) laser operating at wavelength near 1 3 μm with a KTP (KTiPO 4) crystal (type Ⅱ phase match, θ=59 9°, =0°).报道了利用Ⅱ类临界相位匹配的KTP晶体(相位匹配角选为θ=599°,=0°)对Nd∶YAG在13μm附近的振荡进行腔内倍频,产生高功率准连续红光激光的实验结果。

红光风景区断桥风景区即红光风景区,位于内蒙古呼伦贝尔市 市区西郊8公里处与秀水风景区隔河相望,因通往卧牛河镇的五星大桥被水冲毁留下断桥而得名。 宽阔的雅鲁河水蜿蜒南流.涛声震耳,浪花飞溅,水天一色,蔚为壮观。漫步登上河西小孤山,俯瞰东来卧牛河,顿使人爽心悦目,胸襟豁然开朗;极目远眺天拜山,千寻绝壁,万壑生波,山回路转,曲径通幽。“疑无路”处步入黑石山,又是一处断桥胜景;河岸如鬼斧神工,劈成悬岩绝壁。滔滔河水,碧波粼粼,远山叠翠,树落点点,幽谷鸟鸣,如诗如画。 “密林含余清,远峰隐半规”,雨后断桥,烟雨朦胧,水气氤氲,群山莽林,若隐若现,此时若游断桥,会使人陶醉于雄浑奇秀的山光水影之中。唯游人因雨而怯步,无缘领略其独特风采而已。 根据专家建议,断桥风景区已更名为半壁山风景区。