1.Like ancient swordsmans, they embody the swordsman complex, which breeds in ancient mythology.这些律师崇尚义 (包括社会正义和朋友之义 )且武艺高强 (即聪明 ,运用法律娴熟 ) ,犹如古代社会里的侠客 ,体现了中国滋生于远古神话的侠客情结。
2.The current thesis takes the relationship of upright official and swordsman ,which have wide connections with complicated legal case novels and chivalric novels as its object of study.本文以中国古代公案、侠义小说整合过程中清官与侠客关系的演变为研究对象,对二者关系的若干变化阶段及其结合模式做了较为客观、全面的描述,通过对清官、侠客定位的思考,对侠客与清官结盟后人格独立性问题考察,试图对小说中清官与侠客结盟的原因与实质作出较为合理的解释。
3.The three aspect are as follow:the paladin image secularization,the image of upright official humanity,the upright official and swordsman unity is the best ideal result.本文试就侠义公案小说中侠客形象世俗化、清官形象人性化、侠客与清官结盟三个方面揭示其所具有的平民文学色彩。

1.The Spirit of Heroes and Chivalrous Swordspersons -- A Comparison between"Heroes of the Marshes" and "A Couple of Chivaltous Swordspersons and Their Supernatural Eagles;英雄、侠客情——《水浒传》与《神雕侠侣》比较
2.Social Influence of “Swordsman” in Swordsmen Novels;武侠文学中“侠客形象”的社会影响
3.The Charateristic of the Chivalrous Person in "SAN XIA WU YI " and Its Rising Reason;论《三侠五义》中的侠客形象群体特征及其成因
4.Swordsmen Image in the Legends of the Tang Dynasty and the Chivalrious Complex of the Literators唐传奇中的豪侠形象与文人的侠客情结
5." Awkward Go-between "--Study on the Chivalrous Person s Image of Tsui Hark Film;“尴尬的中间人”——徐克电影侠客形象论
6.Out of the "Chivalrous Swordsman Dream"--The Tendency for the Shao-Films by Single-Armed Sword and New Single-Armed Sword;走出“侠客梦”——从《独臂刀》、《新独臂刀》看邵氏武侠片的创作走向
7.On the Differences of Knight-errants Ethic Types in the Book of Three Heroes and Five Gallants(《三侠五义》)--Having Characters ZHAN Zhao,BAI Yu-tang and OU YANG Chun as Cases to Be Studied;论《三侠五义》侠客道德类型的差异性——以展昭、白玉堂、欧阳春为例
8.She now looked up to Su-su as her champion, and she did not want to appear too silly in her champion's eyes.现在她把素素看成了侠客,她不愿意自己在这位侠客跟前显得太没出息。
9.On the Creation and Evolution of Narrative Mode of Knights Obedience to the Honest Officials;论侠客归顺清官叙事模式的产生与演变
10.Another Imagination Employed in Writing Underworld life--On Reading Recent Novels written by Zhou Chong-xian;底层写作的他种(侠客式)想象——周崇贤近作解读
11.A Study on the Decline and Cause of Hsia-ko in the Han Wudi Period;试论汉武帝时期侠客的衰落及其文化底蕴
12.Shaquille O'Neal scored 29 points and Kobe Bryant 26 to overcome Allen Iverson's 37.侠客?欧尼尔攻下29分,布莱恩则是26分,击败艾佛森的37分。
13.Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant both had huge games for the Lakers.侠客?欧尼尔与可布?布莱恩都为湖人队打出漂亮成绩。
14.Indulgence in the Lust for Blood and Redemption;嗜血欲望的沉迷与救赎——唐代文学中侠客杀人场面的解读
15.On the Characteristic flaws of Swordsman in the Tang Novels;明镜照物 妍媸毕露——论唐代小说中侠客的负面性格
16.A Modern Literary Deduction of Chinese Ancient Swordsman Complex;中国古代侠客情结的当代文学演绎——《红色康乃馨》中的律师形象分析
17.Customers friends, the valiant men Hin gifts network experienced a few months meticulously revised, and finally re-launched a grand!顾客朋友们,侠客轩男士礼品网经历数月精心改版,终于重新隆重推出了!
18.Shaquille O' Neal scored 34 points as the defending champion Los Angeles Lakers beat the Philadelphia 76ers.湖人队以保卫冠军宝座的姿态击败费城七六人队,侠客?欧尼尔在这场比赛中独得34分。

knight conduct侠客行
3)the chivalrous swordsmen侠客派
1.It not only analyses the reasons of the prosperity and the development of the chivalrous novel in the Tang dynasty, but also demonstrates the different characteristics between the chivalrous swordsmen and the immortal swordsmen and their influence on the later ages.对唐代侠义小说进行了全面的综合论述,分析了唐代侠义小说兴盛的原因及其发展变化,论证了侠客派、剑仙派的不同特征以及对后世的影响,在中国小说史的研究上,具有明显的开拓意义。
4)chivalrous man侠客义士
5)the chivalrous person侠客形象
1.The thesis analyses the charateristic of the chivalrous person in "SAN XIA WU YI" from three aspects: the enviroment of life; the obility of life and the morals of life.本文从《三侠五义》中的侠客形象入手,在回溯侠客文学历史的基础之上结合晚清特殊的社会历史背景,从侠客的生活环境、生存本领和道德追求三个方面分析了《三侠五义》中侠客的群体特征,并进一步分析了《三侠五义》中独特的侠客形象的形成原因及其利弊得失。
6)chivalrious complex侠客情结
1.From these figures,we come to know the Tang literators’ strong chivalrious complex.从这些形象中,我们可以体察到唐代文人不能割舍的侠客情结:他们把豪侠形象视为平庸人生、卑琐人格和残酷现实的反面,通过对这些形象的描绘,表达了自己对于自由豪迈的人生境界怀有的无限向往。
