1.The author first redecomposes and redefines the term "power", then carries out qualitative and quantitive study on the relationship between compliments and two social variables exemplifying "power", i.称赞是一种具有丰富文化内涵的话语。
2.The article studies compliments and concerned responses,a type of adjacency pairs,with the former restricting the modes and contents of speakers responses involved.称赞与应答是人们日常交流常见的一种属配对性结构的会话模式。
3.The researchers collected 1,280 pairs of compliments and compliment responses.笔者收集了 1,2 80条称赞应对 ,发现称赞应对现在有较大比例是属于同意别人的称赞

1.His praises redound upon himself.他称赞人,人也称赞他。
2.To praise enthusiastically and often publicly;applaud.喝彩,称赞热情地,并且经常公开地称赞;赞赏
3.creditable:Deserving of often limited praise or commendation:"值得赞扬的,可称赞的:值得有限制的赞扬或称赞的."
4.A formal eulogistic composition intended as a public compliment.赞颂词正式的颂扬性文章,如公开称赞
5.We praised him with one accord.我们异口同声地称赞他。
6.He was extolled as a brave man他被称赞为勇敢的人。
7.He flattered her on/ about her sewing.他称赞她的缝纫技术好。
8.My compliments on the turkey.我要称赞这个烤鸡。
9.He does not like to be praised to his face.他不喜欢被人当面称赞
10.The teacher praised him for his anxiety for knowledge.老师称赞他求知的欲望
11.Her good behavio(u)r deserves praise,她的好品行值得称赞
12.as they turn from Praise.像人们躲避称赞颂扬。
13.praised him in glowing terms.用炫丽的词语称赞
14.win [gain, reap] laurels获得荣誉,博得称赞
15.Men praise Guilin for its scenery.人们称赞桂林的风景。
16.Only on very rare occasions does he give you a word of praise.他难得称赞你一句。
17.He is chary of praise [praising others].他吝于 [不轻易] 称赞别人。
18.He had a lot of praise for Tom's work.他十分称赞汤姆的工作。

1.The language forms, content, and remarks and responses of compliments are greatly influenced by their cultures From.称赞语是一种十分普遍的现象 ,其语言形式、内容和应答模式都受其文化背景影响 ,呈现出各自的规律性。
2.A compliment is one of the most important ways in social communication.作者在本文中探讨英汉称赞习俗文化之间的差异及其对英汉称赞语及应答语的交际影响,从而避免因文化差异而导致的文化冲突。
3.This paper is based on the framework of a study made by Pomerantz on American compliment style.本文以Pomerantz研究的美式英语称赞语的模式为框架,通过会话分析法对中国人日常生活中称赞语进行分析,研究称赞语在中美两种文化里的不同,并对称赞语在外语教学中的运用提出一些建议。
1.The basic structure is the pair work,that is,the person who received compliments has to make a response.称赞语是人们对人或物表示赞美、赏识、钦佩等感情的话语。
2.From the point of gender difference in complimenting, this article will examine compliments and give a comparative study betwee.称赞语是人们日常交际中频繁使用的一种礼貌言语行为,称赞语及其应答构成了人们言语交际能力的一个方面。
4)compliments response称赞应答
5)Praise Words称赞词
1.Research on the Praise Words in the Dialects Of South Fujian and Taiwan Province;闽台闽南方言“称赞词”研究
6)compliment response称赞回应
1.There basically are certain fixed modes for compliment response.不同的语言文化习俗、话题及交际双方的社会地位、关系、年龄等诸因素对称赞回应模式构成必然的影响。

称赞【称赞】 (杂语)称扬赞叹其功德也。称赞净土经曰:“称赞不可思议佛土功德一切诸佛摄受法门。”