1.This paper,on the basis of rereading this great work,studies the paradox of social function of science and technolgy in the development of human society.在重读该书的基础上,深入分析了科学技术的社会功能在人类历史和社会发展中善与恶的悖论性,提出在构建社会主义和谐社会的进程中,更应充分认识科学技术的基础推动作用,并重视科技伦理。

1.Ownership of the Firm in Theory: Nature of Paradox and the Way to Avoid;理论中的企业所有权:悖论性质及其超越
2.Paradox Theme on Women’s Liberation in the May 4th New Literature“五四”新文学关于女性解放的一个悖论性主题
3.Prisoners Dilemma·Paradox of Reason·Interactive Epistemology;“囚徒困境”·理性悖论·交互认识论
4.Paradox and Rebellion--Argument between Modernity and Post-modernity;悖论与反叛——现代性与后现代性之争
5.Public Character and Private Character: The Paradox of Ding Ling in Her Earlier Creative Writing;公共性和私人性:丁玲前期创作的悖论
6.On the Contradiction between Independence and Political Quality of American Judiciary美国司法系统独立性与政治性的悖论
7.The Morality Antinomy and Modern Reconstruction of “Sexual Ethic”“性伦理”的道德悖论及其现代重构
8.A Brief Analysis of the Weeds-The Modern Choice in the Posture Paradox;姿态悖论下的现代性抉择—《野草》浅析
9.The Paradox of "City Administrating County" and the Feasibility of "Province Administrating County";“市管县”的悖论与“省管县”的可行性研究
10."Technology-Environment Paradox" and the Natural Attribute of Technology;“技术-环境悖论”与技术自然属性
11.Fast Reading and Its Indulgence: A Paradox in Modern Reading-time;匆忙与耽溺——现代性阅读时间悖论
12.Manifesto about Human Nature Release in Paradox-Don Juan;《唐璜》在悖论中对“人性”的全面解放
13.A Paradox and Mixture of Political Awareness and Human Nature --An Interpretation of "Red Beans" by Zong Pu;政治意识与人性的悖论、融合——解读《红豆》
14.On Paradoxes of the Urban Feminine Fortune in Zhang Xin's Novels浅析张欣小说中都市女性命运的悖论
15.Polarization Thinking:The Same Mistake of Paradox Construction and Solution--Comment on Mr Huan Zhan-ji s Scheme of Paradox Solution;极性思维:悖论构造与消解的相同犯规——兼评黄展骥先生的解悖方案
16.The Paradox of Freedom--On Doris Lessing s Viewpoint of Female Freedom;自由的悖论——论多丽丝·莱辛的女性自由观
17.A Comparative Analysis on "North Paradox" and Marx Theory of Government Twoness;“诺斯悖论”与马克思的政府二重性理论比较分析
18.Financial Fragility Paradox:Explanation of Evolutionary Game Theory;中国金融脆弱性悖论:一个进化博弈论解释

paradoxical nature悖论性
1.In the meantime,the thesis explores the metaphors from a different point of view——its paradoxical nature.该文在前人的研究基础上致力于挖掘伍尔夫作品中"房间"隐喻的深层蕴涵,试图从另一视角丰富伍尔夫的"房间"隐喻——悖论性
1.The self-closing and opening of the muse --aspiring after paradoxical thinking of poetry;缪斯的自闭与开放——诗之思的悖论性诉求
2.Her poetry has the following artistic features:She was good at finding out unusual meanings from usual matters and revealing truth from contradiction and making her poetry paradoxical;her poetry is philosophical and each of her poems contains deep and universal philosophy;her poems are ambiguous thus make different readers reach different conclusions;she made he.主要呈现出以下几个方面的艺术特色:悖论性,即狄金森善于从寻常的事物发现不同寻常的意义,从矛盾中揭示真理;哲理性,即她的诗歌蕴含深邃的哲理,折射出普遍真理的光辉;复义性,即她的诗歌内涵丰富,不同的读者对同一首诗可以得出不同的解释;比喻性,即她诗歌中的比喻往往使其诗歌语言形象生动,意境深远,可读性强;象征性,指狄金森擅长在诗歌中运用意象,这些意象往往被称为象征性意象。
1.The contradiction of the literary concept is inevitable in the developing process of literature and is universal both in Chinese and in western classical literary history.这种文学观念的悖论性是文学发展过程中的必然产物 ,在中西方古代文学史上具有普遍意
5)paradox of human nature人性悖论
6)modernity paradox现代性悖论
1.Communism is the key to the internal contradiction of nationality and subjectivity and is the only resolution to modernity paradox.马克思从现实的实践活动中寻求摆脱现代性的出路,共产主义是消解理性与主体性内在矛盾的钥匙,是解决现代性悖论的唯一路径。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-