1.The religious root of universalism in American culture comes from Christian monotheism and Universalism.美国普世主义的宗教根源来自基督教的一神信仰和普救论
2)To save all living Beings普救众生
3)Pujiu Temple普救寺
1.Exercising writer′s inventive mind——Discussion on the setup of Pujiu Temple in the Romance of West Chamber匠心独运——论《西厢记》中普救寺的设置

1.Exercising writer′s inventive mind--Discussion on the setup of Pujiu Temple in the Romance of West Chamber匠心独运——论《西厢记》中普救寺的设置
2.Putuo Monastery is actually a large mass of majestic structures.普陀山寺院、庵堂群集。
3.Apart form three major monasteries, there are over twenty Buddhist temples and convents.目前开放游览的除普济寺、法雨寺、慧济寺三大寺院外,尚有20余所主要的寺院庵堂。
4.Visit Wat Phra Thad Haripoonchai, one of the most magnificent and oldest temple in Lampoon.参观帕辛寺,是清迈兰普最大最华丽的佛寺。
5.Ruins of the Buddhist Vihara at Paharpur巴哈尔普尔的佛教寺院遗迹
6.Putuoshan Temple Architecture,Rodecarving Art & Buddhist Culture普陀山寺院建筑、摩崖艺术与佛教文化
7.The Chinese mugwort Soviet Harp temple is compared to sky and water pavilion by its elegant carving;艾苏哈普寺精雕细琢,宛若天水楼阁;
8.Discussion on the Design of Lightning Protection Project of Nantaipuji Temple on Wutai Mountain五台山南台普济寺防雷工程设计探讨
9.Research on a method of 3D reconstruction of ancient architecture(NanPutuo Temple)仿古建筑(南普陀寺)三维重建方法研究
10.Analysis of architectural art variety of Puguang temple in Zhangjiajie张家界普光寺的建筑艺术多样性分析
11.Of the three big monasteries in Pu'Tuo'Shan, Puji is the oldest as well as the largest.普陀山三大古刹中,普济寺开创最早,规模最大。
12.The history of Taipei's development, Lungshan Temple Buddha saved devotees.台北市发展历史,龙山寺菩萨显灵救众,等等。
13.Summary on the Rescued Excavation of the Stolen Tombs of the Medium Phase of Taosi Culture;陶寺中期墓地被盗墓葬抢救性发掘纪要
15.The 1, 000-year-old NanPutuo temple is named after at home of the Goddess of Mercy.千年古寺南普陀是大慈大悲的观音菩萨的道场。
16.The Skill of Polishing a Painting with Water in the Murals of the Eighteen Arhats in the Temple of Universal Peace of Chengde;承德普宁寺十八罗汉壁画晕染手法浅论
17.Discuss on the Symbolic Significance of Pule Temple's Architectural Style and Model Arts试论普乐寺建筑形式与造型艺术的象征意义
18.gain happiness in doing good small deeds--feelings from "samll" design-Puzhao Temple,Qianfo Tower,etc.善小而为 寓乐其中——普照寺千佛塔等“小”设计有感

To save all living Beings普救众生
3)Pujiu Temple普救寺
1.Exercising writer′s inventive mind——Discussion on the setup of Pujiu Temple in the Romance of West Chamber匠心独运——论《西厢记》中普救寺的设置
4)ambulance landrover救护吉普车
5)the theory of saving the nation救国论
6)Salvation Theory救赎论
