多元现代性,multiple modernities
1)multiple modernities多元现代性
1.On the basis of questioning and criticizing the thoeries of "Westernization" , "homogenization", "The End of the History",and "Clash of the Civilizations" , he explained the conception of multiple modernities.艾森斯塔特开创了一个独特的分析维度,他把现代性、多元现代性与政治发展、政治现代化结合起来研究,从宏观视角解析了多元现代性储存在轴心代文明中的历史基因——超越秩序与世俗秩序之间存在着紧张、以及化解这种紧张的不同方式的制度化,揭示了早期现代性的形成、传播、引起的回应、以及在国际领域和民族国家内部各个领域打下的烙印。
2.We examine the dialectic relation between the universal essence of Modernity and particular cultural contexts, insisting on the idea of "Multiple modernities".本文坚持“多元现代性”的观念,考察了“现代性”的普遍内涵与特殊文化语境之间的辩证关系。
3.Recently theories of multiple modernities have emphasized the multiple features of modernity."多元现代性"理论问世后开始强调现代性的多种形式。

1.Research on the logic of multiple modernities explained by Eisenstadt;论艾森斯塔特阐释多元现代性的逻辑
2.Multi-dimensions of Modernity: Eisenstadt s View on Multi-modernity and Its Implications for China;现代性的多元之维——艾森斯塔特的“多元现代性”观念及其对中国的启发
3.Multi-Modernities and the Legal Modernization--Analysis Based on Discourse and Perspective of the Present China;多元现代性与法制现代化——基于当下中国的话语与视角的分析
4.Type and Age: A Brief Review on the Difference of Sino-West Culture under the Multi-modernity Perspective;类型与时代:中西文化之别——“多元现代性”视野下的回顾
5.Poly-institutional analysis on modernity--on Giddens s modernity thoughts;现代性的多元制度分析——论吉登斯的现代性思想
6.Public reason:value of modern pluralistic society demand公共理性:现代多元社会的价值诉求
7.From Dichotomy to Pluralism-Translator s Subjectivity Viewed in the Light of Post-Modernism;从二元到多元——后现代主义对翻译主体性的解读
8.Literature in the 1930s:the Multiple Imagination and Practice of Modernity三十年代文学:“现代性”的多元想象与实践
9.On the Purity and Diversity of Modern Chinese Lacquer-Painting Language;论中国现代漆画语言的纯粹性和多元性
10.Modernity:Invariable Quality Questioning and Solution under the Multi-dimensional Turbulence;现代性:多元动荡下的恒定质追问与求解
11.The Capital Logic of Modernity:Does the Unified Model Coincide with the Multi Model;现代性的资本逻辑:一元模式与多样模式的重合
12.Opening and Diversity-- Chinese teaching in the context of post-modernism in high school;开放性·多元化——后现代语境下的中学语文教学
13.A Tentative Study on the Modern Artistic Quality of The Tea House: Openness and Diversity;试论《茶馆》开放性、多元化的现代艺术品格
14.On the Plural Comparison of Major Characteristics of Basic Modern Sports Training Methods;现代运动训练基本方法主要特点的多元性比较
15.Study on External Environment of School Sports Modernization论学校体育现代化外部环境治理主体的多元性
16.Philosophic Reflections on Value Diversification in Modernity现代性境遇中价值观多元化的哲学反思
17.Critiques on "Modernity"--Some Meta-considerations of "Modernity";“现代性”批判——关于现代性的几点元思考
18.Pluralism as Reflected in Plots and Characters of English and American Postmodern Literature;从情节和人物看多元性特征在英美后现代主义文学中的体现

1.Eisenstadt expatiates on the formation and impetus of multi-modernity,interpreting the concept of multi-modernity from the perspectives of time and space,factual description and theoretical reflection,whereby criticizing the destructive elements embedded in modernity and multi-modernity.艾森斯塔特阐述了多元现代性的形成及其动力,从时间与空间、事实描述与理论反思的角度阐释了“多元现代性”观念,批判了隐含于现代性、多元现代性之中的破坏性因素。
3)multiple modernitics多元现代化
4)postmodern pluralism后现代多元主义
5)pluralistic modern university多元化现代大学
1.The main purposes of this thesis are to discuss and analyse the problems such as what a pluralistic modern university is ,in order to deepen the understanding of Pluralistic modern universities.本文着重分析和探讨了现代大学的产生发展的历程及多元化现代大学实质内容和基本特征。
6)Meta-narrative of modernity现代性元叙事
