文化符号学,Cultural Semiotics
1)Cultural Semiotics文化符号学
1.The Theoretical System of Lotman s Cultural Semiotics;洛特曼的文化符号学理论体系
2.This paper,based on cultural semiotics,first confirms the research domain of it and then explicates some conceptual problems existing in Tartu model,comparing it with some other communication models with some problems figured out.本文从文化符号学的观点出发,首先界定了文化符号学的研究领域,然后探讨了塔图学派模型中一些概念性的问题,并将此模型与其他的交际模型进行了对比研究,指出了模型中存在的问题。
3.The transformation of Lotman s point of view on language has great significance for the establishment and development of Cultural Semiotics.洛特曼语言观的嬗变对于文化符号学的创建与发展具有重大意义。

1.On Cultural Semiotics--Semiotic Analysis of Cultural Semiotics;文化符号学评介——文化符号学的符号学分析
2.Cultural Semiotics and Its Significance--Revisiting the Cultural Semiotics of Tatu School;文化的符号意义——再评塔图学派的文化符号学
3.Space Structure of Semiotic Domain: Lotman s Cultural Semiotics;符号域的空间结构——洛特曼文化符号学研究视角
4.Cultural Semiotic Mechanism of the Numerology and Diagrams Related to the Zhouyi《易》之“数”“图”的文化符号学机制
5.Artistic Semiotics and Cultural Semiotics:Towards a Systematic Approach;走向体系研究的艺术符号学与文化符号学——塔尔图—莫斯科符号学理论探索
6.A cultural semiotic analysis of the Japanese words popularized among the youngsters in the early 20th century20世纪初期日本青年流行语的文化符号学分析
7.Human-Symbol-Culture On the Three Essentials of Ernst Cassirer s Symbolic Philosophy;人——符号——文化——试论卡西尔符号哲学的三要素
8.Chinese Cultural Symbol in Chinese-American Literature华裔美国文学作品中的中国文化符号
9.A Study on Aesthetic Value of Cassirer s Cultural Philosophy of Symbology;论卡西尔符号论文化哲学的美学价值
10.Pitfalls in Chinese-English cultural communication;从语言符号学看中英文化交流的陷阱
11.Discussion the Root of Medical Science Culture again:mankind are the Animal of Sign;再论医学文化的根——人是符号的动物
12.On the Semiotic Principles and Cultural Factors of Interlingual Transform;语际转换的符号学原理及其文化因素
13.Representamen And Interpretant:Investigating into the Sign-study in Chinese-teaching;符形与符释:对语文教学的符号学考察
14.Culturology Meaning and Semiology Value of Distinctive Literature Resource特色文献资源的文化学意义和符号学价值
15.Fan·Female·Symbol--On the literary Symbols of Fans in Han Dynasty by Taking Yuan Ge Xing as A Sample;扇子·女子·符号——从汉乐府《怨歌行》看“扇子”的文学符号化
16.The Network Weaved by Using the Cultural Codes--A Semiotic Analyze Of A Purple Silk Dress Hidden in the Wooden Box;文化符号编织的网络——对《木箱深处的紫绸花服》的符号学解读
17.On the semiotic of tea Culture symbol"Tea Ancestor Shen Nong"关于茶文化符号“茶祖神农”的符号思考
18.Studies on Semiotics and Literature Translation符号学与文学翻译研究

The cultural Semiotics esthetics文化符号学美学
3)symbol of cultural philosophy文化哲学符号
1.From the form of age-old people s conception of numbers, discussing the origin and evolve of "Five" for the purpose of cultural theoretic basis to the symbol of cultural philosophy. 从古人数的概念的形成,探讨"五"的起源及演化为文化哲学符号的文化理据,并试图揭示以"五行"为代表的有关"五"的文化渊源。
4)literary signs文学符号
1.Jonathan Culler,a famous American theorist and critic,makes an inquiry into the characteristics of literary signs based on linguistic resources.卡勒借助语言学资源对文学符号的特点做了深入的探究,认为文学符号的自指性是文学符号具有文学性的一个重要维度。
5)Cultural symbol文化符号
1.Meanwhile,the cultural symbols of the dog diversify because of the cultural differences.由于东西文化的差异,狗文化符号又变得丰富多彩。
2.From the perspective of semiotics,the documentary The Final Mountain God constructs the Mountain God as a cultural symbol of the Oroqens.从符号学的角度来看,纪录片《最后的山神》将鄂伦春人尊崇的山神建构为整个鄂伦春民族文化的一个符号——山神树被砍伐这一影像意味着山神死了,这是这一文化符号的影像化结构。
6)cultural symbols文化符号
1.Disscusion on the culture of chinese traditional growth under the mode of agricutural production——Based on the analysis of cultural symbols;试论农业生产方式下的中国传统生育文化——基于文化符号学的分析
2.While the questions of life put forward by the novel and the declining tendency implied by Western modernism or postmodernism happen to hold identical view,all sorts of cultural symbols in the novel unceasingly supply new annota.《红楼梦》充满了各种文化符号,对这些符号的解读与重组不断提供着从新视角来理解《红楼梦》的可能性。
3.We ought to regard them as cultural symbols,and grasp its interpretive function in cultural memory and transmission and its symbolic significance in the cultural tradition in order to get an in-depth understanding of the wisdom conceived in the Yi-ology.从文化符号学的角度分析,在易理的传承中"数""图"主要承担了文化阐释功能,应把它们当作一种文化符号,着重把握其在文化记忆与传承中的阐释功能,了解其在文化惯习中的符码价值,以加深对易学智慧的领悟。

电影符号学  把结构主义符号学运用于电影艺术研究的学科。诞生于20世纪60年代中期。法国的C.麦茨、意大利的V.艾柯、英国的P.沃伦等为最著名的代表。它用结构语言的方法分析电影作品的结构,认为电影语言虽不同于一般语言,但同样是运用符号系统的。电影符号学以瑞士结构主义语言学家F.de索绪尔的理论为基础。70年代对西方电影理论有重大影响。苏联与东欧也开始研究。但各家对"符码"说法不一,在按各自的理论发展的同时,持批评意见者也渐多(见电影学、电影理论)。