征婚广告,ads for marriage
1)ads for marriage征婚广告
1.Based on Hymes\' theoretic framework of discourse cult urology,the paper makes a comparative analysis of sixty ads for marriage in English or Chinese,and reveals macroscopically the discourses.作为一种商务广告文体,征婚广告可以集中地体现一个民族的文化价值观念和时代风尚。

1.Mass Media and Marriage - seeking Advertisement --The Analysis of Domestic Marriage - seeking Ads. Since 1980s;大众传媒与征婚广告——以80年代以来国内征婚广告为例
2.Perspective Social Construction Function of Advertisings from Spouse-seeking Advertisement;从征婚广告透视广告话语的社会建构功能
3.Marriage Advertising in India's Sunday Newspapers印度报纸星期日刊上的征婚广告
4.The messages are called @personal want ads@ or simply @personals.这些信息被称为“个人征婚广告”,或者仅仅叫“个人广告”。
5.Many of them receive dozens of answers.许多刊登征婚广告的人常能收到几十封回信。
6.A Comparative Study of Cultural Values Manifested in Chinese and American Mate-selection Advertisement;中美征婚广告体现的文化价值观对比研究
7.Analysis of Discourse Structure and Language Characteristics of Lonely Heart Advertisements in Chinese and English;中英文征婚广告语篇结构及语言特点分析
8.On Cultural Values Manifested by Mate-selection Advertisements in China and the U.S.;透视中美两国征婚广告中择偶标准的文化价值观念
9.Advertisements are placed and eagerly read by a wide range of people in the upper classes, mostly in cities.在上流社会中人们广泛登载并热衷阅读征婚广告,(他们多数居住在大城市里)。
10."Beautiful Brahmans girl wanted for bank officer from well-connected family," one says.“银行职员,出身名门望族,欲觅―美貌婆罗门姑娘为伴。”一则征婚广告如是说。
11.A Genre Analysis of Personal Ads in English Newspapers英文报刊征婚(友)广告的体裁分析
12.Veronica: I should say not! I put an ad in the personals column and he answered!应该说不约会了!我在征婚栏里登了个广告,他来应征。
13.The Language Characteristics of the English Ads and the Basical Studying on Translating英语广告的语言特征及广告英译初探
14.Advertising industry features and advertisers mind-set of regions inhabited by ethnic groups in China;论我国少数民族地区广告行业特征及广告主广告投放心态
15.Textual Features of English Advertisements and C-E Advertisement Translation;英语广告语篇特征与汉语广告语篇英译
16.The Aesthetic Features of Advertisements on TV;论电视广告的美学特征——广告与文学艺术比较谈
17.publications wanted征书广告, 征求书刊启事栏
18.The wedding ring is probably the oldest and most widespread symbol of marriage.结婚戒指也许是最古老的并广泛被认为是婚姻的象征。

personal ads征婚(友)广告
3)For spouse column; lonely hearts' column征婚广告栏
4)English lonely-heart advertisement英文征婚广告
1.This thesis mainly takes the title of the English lonely-heart advertisement from the aspect of stylistics, specifically analyzes about its forms, rhetoric methods;at the same time, owning to the foreig.英文征婚广告的标题从文体学角度分析,具有独特的形式美和修辞美;同时由于中西方文化、历史、价值观等的不同,也体现出不同的语言特征。
5)Chinese and English lonely heart advertisements中英文征婚广告
6)characteristics of advertisement广告特征
