大秦帝国,Qin Empire
1)Qin Empire大秦帝国
2)the Qin Empire秦帝国
1.The Probe of Moral Requirements of the Qin Empire;秦帝国的道德要求之探析

1.Empire Qin is found in B.C. 221.秦帝国建于公元前221年。
2.Institutional Corruption: a Causal Analysis on the Swift Downfall of the Qin Empire;制度性腐败:秦帝国忽亡的原因分析
3.Forethought and Macro Tactic深谋大略——谈秦帝国崛起中的管理策略
4.Compare the Governing Strategies of Emperor Drius and Qin Shihuang--And Disguss the Reasons for the Empire Persian Long Rule and Qin' Quickly Destruction大流士与秦始皇治国方略辨异——兼论波斯帝国延祚和秦帝国速亡之原因
5.In 202 BC, the mighty Ch'in Empire fell to soldiers led by Liu Pang.公元前202年,强大的秦帝国在刘邦领导的军队的打击下灭亡。
6.China's first emperor Qin Shihuang died in 209 BC.公元前209年,中国第一位皇帝秦始皇驾崩。
7.In the culture of the Pre-Qing Dynasty of China,water was the Supreme Being and a symbol of womon as well.在中国先秦文化中,水就是蒂(帝),亦是女子的象征。
8.Qin Shihuang had the Great Wall built to keep the enemy out of his empire.秦始皇修长城是为了不让敌人进入他的帝国。
9.Away From Traditional Mode--On Wang He’s Pre-Qin Politics from Tribal Society to Empire;走出传统模式——评王和著《从邦国到帝国的先秦政治》
10.Qin would be emperor of the never-ending world and the Terracotta Army was created to protect it.按照这种说法,秦始皇就是永恒的帝国君王,制作兵马俑就是为了保护这个帝国。
11.The mausoleum of Emperor QinShihuang also faces east but the tombs of most Chinese emperors face south.秦始皇陵是坐西朝东,而中国古代帝王陵寝大多坐北朝南。
12.Such difference has fully been reflected in the forming process of Qin and Han Empire and Roman Empire.这一区别在秦汉与罗马帝国的形成过程中就有充分的反映。
13.Courtiers and Guards Figurines in Emperor Qinshihuang's Tomb and Chinese Ancient Civilization--On the False Views about Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses秦始皇帝陵近臣侍卫郎官俑与中国古代文明——“兵马俑”证谬
14."Emperor QinShihuang, who unified China in 211B.C. had many historical remains connected with him. after he became emperor, QinShihuang made several inspection tours around China."秦始皇于公元前211年统一中国.并在全国留下众多历史遗址。他成为皇帝后,曾多次巡游全国。
15.Hearsays about the Roman Empire in 1-5~(th) Century Chinese Sources:Centered on the biography of Daqin in Hou Hanshu公元1到5世纪中国文献中关于罗马帝国的传闻——以《后汉书·大秦传》为中心的考察
16.Founding the united autocratic empire, emperor Darius and Qin Shihuang took similar reformation measures in order to consolidate their domination.大流士、秦始皇在建立大一统的专制帝国后 ,为巩固统治采取了类似的改革措施。
17."Qing of the Manchus, the last imperial dynasty. Distinguish it from the first imperial dynasty Qin."清朝是满族人统治的,是最后一个王朝。读音上要把它与第一大帝国秦朝区分开来。
18.In subjugating the six other major states of Eastern Zhou, the Qin kings had relied heavily on Legalist scholar-advisers.秦朝皇帝在统治其他六国的过程中,大力度的采用了法学学者们的法制。

the Qin Empire秦帝国
1.The Probe of Moral Requirements of the Qin Empire;秦帝国的道德要求之探析
3)Qing Dynasty大清帝国
1.Picture of Western Version about the Qing Dynasty’s Flouring andWithering:Evolution of Insights in China from Classical Economists;大清帝国兴衰的西方版画卷:古典经济学家中国观的历史演进
4)Especially Great Empire特大帝国
5)Empire University帝国大学
6)British Empire大英帝国
1.On the Uprising of British Empire the Development of the Integrated World;论大英帝国的兴起与整体世界的形成
