本身与载体,self and vector
1)self and vector本身与载体
2)body and identity身体与身份
3)body noumenon身体本位
4)body as the capital身体资本
5)body instinct身体本能
1.Philosophical interpretation of sport based on human body instinct基于人类身体本能的体育运动哲学解读

1.Philosophical interpretation of sport based on human body instinct基于人类身体本能的体育运动哲学解读
2.Based on Health to Cultivate Students’ Ability of Lifelong Physical Training;以健康为本培养学生的终身体育能力
3.The Research of Ethical Traditional Sports Function in National Fitness Campaign;民族传统体育在全民健身中的本体功能研究
4.No physical courage and no brute instinct can take the place of the Divine help which alone can sustain him.身体的勇气、肉体的本能,都不能取代神的帮助,只有神能够支撑他们。
5.The moon, for example, does not give off any light of its own. It is non-luminous.如月亮,本身不能发出任何光,它不是发光体。
6.Each character is valid by itself, yet the whole may not pass muster.每个单词本身是有效的,但可能总体验证通不过。
7.Main Quota of Functional Diagnosis of Elite Football Players;优秀足球运动员身体机能评定的基本指标
8.Reasons and changes in the Japanese teenagers physical and exercise capability and the analysis of the countermeasures;日本青少年身体与运动能力变化的原因分析
9.Of course, the walk itself is not easy- going up hills, without sleep and with tired bodies.当然,这项步行本身是很不容易的——爬山,不能睡觉和疲惫的身体。
10.The energetic sheath bodies connect the soul to the life force or the God / Goddess force itself.能量外壳身体连接灵魂到生命力或神/女神力本身。
11.a quantity that has no factor but itself and 1.只能被它本身和除的数。
12.Money, qua money, cannot provide happiness.钱本身不能给人以快乐。
13.The Community is not an end in itself.共同体本身不是目的。
14.Minor health problems will flare up if you don't take care of yourself.本周狮子如果不注意自己的身体话可能会有一些健康小问题。
15.Usually, we don't refer explicitly to the field but simply ascribe a certain amount of potential energy to the body itself.通常,我们不明确地提到场,而仅说物体本身具有一定大小的势能。
16.Act of giving something to someone ( permanently or temporarily ) by a written document, where the object itself cannot be transferred以书面文件将某物暂时地或永久地给某人,但物体本身不能被转让
17.Disabled children in welfare homes take part in various rehabilitation training programs, and some of them have recovered or basically recovered from disability.一些经过康复训练的残疾儿童已恢复或基本恢复了身体功能。
18.our bodies jumped nervously away at the slightest touch.稍微有一点点接触,我们的身体就会本能地跳到一边去。

body and identity身体与身份
3)body noumenon身体本位
4)body as the capital身体资本
5)body instinct身体本能
1.Philosophical interpretation of sport based on human body instinct基于人类身体本能的体育运动哲学解读
6)Body and Somaesthetics身体与身体美学
