文化与人格理论,Culture and personality interaction theory
1)Culture and personality interaction theory文化与人格理论
2)cultural personality theory文化人格理论
3)culture and personality文化与人格

1.From Ancient Tibet Documents Analyzing the Tobo Culture Model and the Development Process of Tibet Nationality Character;从古藏文文献看吐蕃文化与人格的关系
2.Culture and Personality in China and Europe:The Rebuilding of the National Character during the Transitional Period of Civilization文化与人格:中国和欧洲——兼论文明转型期国民性格的再建构
3.Cultural Personality and Literary Quality--Taking Mengzi s Prose as the Starting Point;文化人格与文学品格——从孟子散文说起
4.On Chen Yuan's Cultural Personality,Literary Achievements and Education Contributions陈源的文化人格、文学成就与教育贡献
5.The Rise of the Market Culture and Chinese Personality Trend;市场文化的兴起与国人现代人格走向
6.The View of Human Nature and the Harmonious Personality in China Confucian Arts and Culture;中国儒家文化中的人性观与和谐人格
7.An Analysis of Qu Yuan s Tragic Parsonality and the cultural Factors;试析屈原悲剧人生的人格与文化因素
8.Filial Culture:the Mechanism that Influence Personality孝文化与中国人人格形成的深层机制
9.The Temptation of Wandering--Zhang Yawen s Cultural Personality and Humanistic Spirits;漂泊的诱惑:张雅文的文化性格与人文精神
10.Consciousness of personality and consciousness of culture --On the contemporary value of personality of a noble man defined in Chinese traditional culture;人格自觉与文化自觉——兼论中国传统文化中君子人格的现代价值
11.Flaubert s Cultural Personality and the Contemporary Implication in His Novels;福楼拜的文化人格与小说的现代文化意蕴
12.A Study of the Relationship between the Cultural Persona Described by Yu Qiuyu and Eastern Zhejiang's Regional Culture余秋雨言说的文化人格与浙东地域文化
13.The Cultural Characteristic of Chinese Ancient Scholar s Personality and Chinese Landscape Painting;中国文人人格的文化特质与山水画艺术
14.Relationship between Instructor s Moral Personality and Culture of a Class;班主任道德人格与班级文化关系研究
15.The influence of innovative culture and personality traits on informal innovation network;创新文化、人格特征与非正式创新网络
16.Sub Campus Culture and the Mould of College Students′ Sound Personality;校园亚文化与大学生健全人格的塑造
17.Self-respect in Personality and Respect Confucianism in Culture--On Liu Yin and His Ideas;人格自尊与文化尊道——刘因心态剖析
18.Chinese traditional culture and the formation of modern moral personality;中国传统文化与现代道德人格的形成

cultural personality theory文化人格理论
3)culture and personality文化与人格
4)theory of cultural anthropology文化人类学理论
6)personality theory人格理论
1.The enlightening of Rogers personality theory to enterprising education;罗杰斯的“人格理论”对创新教育的启示
2.About how to correct criminals respectively by personality theory;谈如何运用人格理论分类矫治罪犯
3.Relationship between Pleasure and Aesthetic Feeling based on Freud’s Personality Theory弗洛伊德人格理论视域下快感与美感的关系研究

艾森克人格理论艾森克人格理论Eysenck's personality theory  艾森克人格理论(Eysenek’5 personalitytheory)英国心理学家H.J艾森克提出的以人格结构层级说和三维度人格类型说为主要内容的人格理论。他认为,人格是由行为和行为群有机组织而成的层级结构。最低层是无数个具体反应,是可直接观察的具体行为。较高层是习惯性反应,它是具体反应经重复被固定下来的行为倾向。例如,饭前洗手是具体反应,当它成为习惯性行为时,就成为一种相对稳定的行为倾向。再高一层是特质,是一组习惯性反应的有机组合,如焦虑、固执等。最高一层是类型,是由一组相关特质的有机组合而成,具有高度概括的特征,对人的行为具有广泛的影响。他通过对人格问卷资料的因素分析研究,确定了人格类型的三个基本维度。根据外倾性维度可以把人格分为外倾型和内倾型;根据情绪稳定性可以把人格分为情绪型和稳定型;根据心理变态倾向可以把人格分为精神失调型和精神整合型。 (张锋撰王启康彭瑞龄审)