淮扬文化,Huaiyang Culture
1)Huaiyang Culture淮扬文化
2)delicious dish and culture festival淮扬菜美食文化节
3)Chu and Huai culture楚淮文化
1.As the core of Taoism, the Taoist view of life has been closely connected with Chu and Huai culture.生命观念是道家文化的核心观念,道家生命观的形成与楚淮文化的影响密不可分。

1.The Influences of Chu and Huai Culture on the Formation of the Taoist View of Life;论楚淮文化对道家生命观形成的影响
2.Consequently this provided the necessary soil for the formation of the Taoist view of life.从文化背景来看,淮河流域在春秋战国时期属于楚文化圈。
3.Tai Jingnong's Selected Folk Songs in Huainan and the Cultural Customs in Huainan and Huaibei台静农《淮南民歌集》与两淮文化风俗
4.Chuci and Chu s Society Culture--The Second Probing Chuci s Root;楚辞与楚国社会文化——楚辞探源之二
5.The Neolithic Cultures Along Huairiver and in the Changjiang-Huairiver Area in Anhui;安徽沿淮及江淮地区的新石器时代文化
6.A Study of the Process of Civilizing in Huanghuai and Jianghuai Areas from the Prehistoric Phenomenon of Tortoise Using;从史前用龟现象看黄淮、江淮地区的文明化进程
7.Surrounded on all Sides, also known as The State of Han Conquers the State of Chu.《十面埋伏》,又名《淮阴平楚》。
8.The Songs of Chu" is the essence of marvellous Chu culture.楚辞”是奇谲瑰丽的楚文化的精华。
9.The Research of ChuCi s JiuGe and the Sacrifice Culture in Chu;《楚辞·九歌》与楚地祭祀文化研究
11.The Phoenix-Like Model of Chu and the Manifestation of the Chu Totem;楚“凤”造型与“楚”文化图腾表现
12.The Tragically Heroic Spirit of Chu A Trial Comment on Chu Culture′s Tragic Characteristic;悲壮的楚魂——试论楚文化的悲剧性特征
13.The Research on the Features of the Transformation in the Farmers Income in Chuzhou District and the Strategy of Increasing the Farmers Income in New Period;淮安市楚州区农民收入变化特征及新时期增收策略研究
14.Rediscussion of the Relationship Among Hanshui River Culture, ?Chu Culture and Han Culture再论汉水文化与楚文化、汉文化的关系
15.Relation Between Bayu Culture and Shu Culture and Chu Culture略论巴渝文化与蜀文化、楚文化的关系
16.The Process of Entering into Xiaqu of the Chu Culture楚文化的西渐历程——兼论楚文化的“峡区类型”
17.Cultural Resources of Chu and New Countermeasures on Exploitation of Tourism Commodity in Hubei Province;楚文化资源与楚文化旅游商品开发新议
18.Comments on the Charm of Chu-Har Literature;论楚风汉韵——汉水文化与楚汉文化之关系

delicious dish and culture festival淮扬菜美食文化节
3)Chu and Huai culture楚淮文化
1.As the core of Taoism, the Taoist view of life has been closely connected with Chu and Huai culture.生命观念是道家文化的核心观念,道家生命观的形成与楚淮文化的影响密不可分。
4)Jiang-huai culture江淮文化
1.In this process, the Hakka culture, which is composed mainly of the culture of the ancient Central Plains has assiminated the elements of the Jiang-huai culture and then mixed with the cultures of the three minority nationalities (the Shes, the Miaos and the Yaos) in Fujian, Guangdong a.客家文化的形成经历了近千年历史,其文化的构成主体是古中原文化,途中汲取了江淮文化的养分,进而与聚居地的闽粤赣三角边地的少数民族(畲、苗和瑶族)文化相互激荡,相互融合,最终形成了客家文化,从而显示了客家文化构成的多元性。
5)culture in Huaiyan area淮盐文化
6)the culture up Hua River淮上文化
