1.Analysis of pinhole defect formation mechanism in aluminium foil;一种铝箔针孔形成机理的探讨
2.Effect of particle dimension in aluminium foil rolling oil on pinhole formation;铝箔轧制油中粒子尺寸对针孔形成的影响
3.Reasons for forming pinholes and cracks in ion-exchange membrane and their effects as well as patching-up skills;离子膜出现针孔和撕裂的原因、影响及其修补技术

1.A slight puncture made by or as if by a pin.针孔,小孔用针或好象用针戳的小孔
2.A tiny puncture made by or as if by a pin.针眼,针孔用针或似用针刺的小孔
3.a close [loose] weave针孔紧密 [稀松] 的编织法
4.lensless photography = pinhole photography针孔摄影﹝利用针孔代替镜头的摄影方法﹞
5.The calomel electrode has a small pinhole opening or wick.甘汞电板上有一个针孔或砂芯。
6.It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God富人天堂比穿针孔还困难
7.Pinhole Alc Lens针孔型自动亮度控制镜头
8.Superlative point-elastic pin-punched Latex.最富弹性的针孔透气七段式天然乳胶。
9.Nondestructive Evaluation of Pinhole Defect of Cast Aluminum Alloy by Ultrasonic Method铸造铝合金针孔缺陷的超声无损评价
10.Implementation of High-Resolution Pinhole SPECT 3D Image Reconstruction高分辨针孔SPECT三维图像重建的实现
12.The main complications are pin tract infection and pins loosening and joint function limitation.针孔感染、固定针松动及关节功能受限是主要并发症。
13.The eye of a needle, iie the hole for the thread针鼻儿(针上引线的孔)
14.To puncture with or as if with a pin.(用针)刺孔于用针或似乎是用针刺于
15.dowelling in the length, of coniferous wood针叶树木板,经纵钻孔的
16.prick holes in paper with a pin用大头针在纸上穿孔.
17.needle-operated punched card用针选取的穿孔卡片
18.null-type yaw probe对零式(三孔)方向测针

pin hole针孔
1.Research and practice on pin hole of light conversion foil process of aluminum and aluminum alloy铝及铝合金薄转换箔轧制过程中的针孔
2.The mechanism research of pin hole formation has been performed by applying surface appearance and element quantita-tive analysis method.采用SEM表面形貌和元素定量分析方法对铝箔针孔形成机理进行了研究,提出了“非金属夹渣在轧制过程中的脆性断裂可导致铝箔形成短程线性针孔”,以及“铸轧带材表面缺陷也可形成分散性针孔”的机理;将这一机理应用到软管用铝合金箔材(简称软管箔)的生产实践中,在减少针孔方面取得了重大突破。
3.0065 mm aluminium foil's performance, pin hole and surface quality are studied.0065mm铝箔的性能、针孔度、表面质量。
1.Based on theoretical analyze and practice, the methods to prevent pinholes of castings were obtained, such as solidification under high pressure and rapid solidification.通过理论分析与实践,总结出减少铝合金铸件针孔的方法,在高压下凝固;快速凝固;通过电阻反应炉熔化及富氧送风熔化铝合金可从源头上减少合金中的含氢量,进而减少铸件的针孔;也可通过过滤净化除去铝合金中的氢与渣的大部分,进而减少铸件上的针孔
2.It is reported that if the aluminum melt is sufficiently purified with requirements on hydrogen content and filtration met,good results can be achieved with pinholes less than 100 per square meter of foil with thickness below 0.00635mm后,其针孔数少于100个/m2。
3.This paper is mainly to discuss the pinholes in Zr-opalescent glaze for sanitaryware from glaze application technology.主要从施釉工艺方面探讨如何减少卫生瓷锆乳浊釉釉面针孔缺陷。
1.Elimination of Pin-hole Defect in Cylinder Head Based on Quality Control(QC) Management;运用QC管理方法解决缸盖大面针孔难题
2.As for the film on the large area glass and PMMA by vacuum magnetic sputtering,the pin-holes and the adherence are an interesting problem.而在玻璃、亚克力等透明基片上用磁控溅射方法大面积沉积的膜层,针孔和结合力是一个令人关注的问题。
5)vent needle孔针
6)needle hole针洞,针孔
