1.On embodiment and innovation of accelerating overall human development in "Three Represents";论促进人的全面发展在“三个代表”重要思想中的体现和创新
2.A Study on the Embodiment of Mongolian Traditional Culture in Restaurant Designing;论蒙古族传统文化在餐饮空间设计中的体现
3.Introduces the arguments for embodiment and disembodiment in cyberspace in foreign academic circles.介绍了国外学术界关于赛博空间体现与非体现的争论。

1.Performances and Reflections Concerning the Simplification of Famous Brand Names;驰名商标淡化的表现形式及具体体现
2.Phenomenology of Embodiment in Cyberspace --On the Relationship Between Technology & Embodiment赛博空间体现现象学──兼论技术与体现的关系
3.The humoral factors are represented by various antibodies.体液性因素由各不同抗体来体现
4.The PentiumⅢ epitomizes this shift.PentiumⅢ集中体现了这一变化。
5.His ideas found expression in art.他的构想体现在艺术中。
6.A policeman represents the power of the law.警察体现着法律的权威。
7.Modern society asks for modern facilities. Modern facilities reflect the modern flavour.现代化的社会需要现代化的设施,现代化的设施体现现代化的风味。
8.An individual or a part that exhibits atavism.返祖体表现出返祖现象的个体或部分
9.Modern Experimental and Measuring Technique for Fluid Flow ?现代流体实验测试技术
10.To assume the shape of or form into a sphere.以球体出现,成球状
11.cause to form crystals or assume crystalline form.形成晶体或呈现出晶状。
12.an appearance in bodily form (as of a ghost).(灵魂)以肉体形式出现。
13.experiencing or manifesting pleasure.体验到或表现出快乐。
14.nulli-tetra compensation缺对-四体补偿现象
15.changes, and discoveries in its history.变革和发现的体系。
16.Scientists discovered viruses.科学家发现了病原体。
17.He is now much recovered from his illness.现在,他身体已大见好转。
18.a mummified body was found.发现了一具干瘪的尸体。

1.On reflection of the fundamental principle of International Economical Law in our national law;论国际经济法基本原则在我国法中的体现
2.The Reflection of Culture of New College English;《新编大学英语》中的文化体现
3.This paper explores the definition and characteristics of translation universals,and analyzes the reflections and effects of translation universals in the English-Chinese contrastive study.本文从翻译普遍性的概念及特征出发,研究翻译普遍性在英汉对比研究中的具体体现
1.Talk about the Mongolian Customs Embodyin Design of Vacation Village;论蒙古族风情在旅游度假村设计中的体现
2.Philosophy and social sciences are as significant as natural sciences, the achievements in philosophy and social sciences research embody equally the comprehensive national power.哲学社会科学成果与自然科学成果同样重要 ,哲学社会科学成果也是综合国力的体现 ,这是由哲学社会科学的地位所决定的 ,是由改革开放 2 0多年坚持理论创新取得巨大成就的事实和中国历史史实所证明了的。
3.To embody the developing direction of advanced culture,three things should be adhered to in the ideological and moral construction of college students.大学生思想道德建设要体现先进文化的发展方向 ,必须做到三个“坚持” :一是坚持在马克思主义的指导地位中把握马克思主义与时俱进的理论品质 ;二是坚持在大学生思想道德建设的内容中不断充实和体现先进文化的内涵和发展方向 ;三是坚持在实践的环节中突出和展现先进文化的发展方
1.A distinction is made between the realization of metaphor by linguistic expressions and the instantiation of metaphor as a text.概念隐喻可体现为词、短语或句子。
2.After a comparison of those models, the present paper clearly points out that tenor of discourse is the interaction between the static social factors and the dynamic communicative factors; and that Hallidays interpersonal system demonstrates the realization of tenor of d.比较几种模式可以看出 ,话语基调是静态社会因素和动态交流因素相互作用的结果 ;韩礼德有关话语基调的人际体系实际上是话语基调在语义和形式上的体现
1.The Manifestations of Equivalence Theory in Chinese Traditional Translation Theories;对等理论在中国传统译论中的体现
2.Finally, the manifestation of the mode in discourse has been surveyed briefly.这一模式在各个语言层面都有明确的体现
1.This paper, through several examples of environmental layout of small towns,and from the aspect of climate, geography, history, culture and economy, discusses how to incarnate the native feature in environmental layout of small town,which makes the environmental layout to be one part of the total layout of the town's development.从历史、人文、经济等方面结合几个小城镇环境规划的具体实例,探讨了如何在环境规划时发挥地方特点,体现环境特色,使小城镇环境规划在实施过程中真正纳入城镇发展的总体规划。

春秋高台建筑-帝王至尊的突出体现春秋高台建筑-帝王至尊的突出体现   春秋时期建筑上的重要发展是瓦的普遍使用和作为高台宫室用的高台建筑。在高大的夯土台上再分层建造木构房屋已经成为宫殿建筑的新风尚。这种土木结合的方法,外观宏伟,位置高敞,非常适合宫殿的目的要求。遗留至今年内的台榭夯土基址还很多。   春秋时代存在着大大小小一百多个诸侯国。各国的经济不断发展,生产水平逐步提高,能维持不断增长的城市人口的消费,而财富也集中于城市中,再加上各国之间战争频繁,用夯土筑城自然成为当时一项重要的国防工程。同时,各诸侯国出于政治、军事统治和生活享乐的需要,建造了大量高台宫室,一般是在城内夯筑高数米至十几米的土台若干座,上面建殿堂屋宇。如侯马晋故都新田遗址中的夯土台,面积为75×75米,高7米多,高台上的木架建筑已不存在。随着诸侯日益追求宫室华丽,建筑装饰与色彩也更为发展,如《论语》描述的“山节藻 ”(斗上画山,梁上短柱画藻文),《左传》记载鲁庄公丹楹(柱)刻 (方椽),就是这种例证。