1.A discussion on annotation and record of reference book used in scientific and technological treatises;试议科技论文参考文献的标注与著录
2.Implementation of SVG for graphical annotation of suspicious behavious可疑行为图形化标注的SVG实现方法
3.This software can readily and finely create an initial plotting environment,complete the annotation of written descriptions and symbols such as roughness,shape and position tolerance,datum identifier symbol,welding symbol,and technical requirements,and plot and fill the caption table and part list.介绍了作者继AutoGBBZ后研究开发的新版“国标标注软件”GBBZ的新功能、新特征、新界面,该软件能依照最新的国家标准及CAD通用技术规范,方便迅速高质量地创建初始绘图环境,完成粗糙度、形位公差、基准代号、焊缝符号、技术要求等文字及符号的标注,绘制并填写标题栏、明细表,为工程CAD提供了极大的方便。

1.Formats the selected callouts or sets callout defaults设置选定标注格式或设定标注默认值
2.To mark with a printed accent.标注重音标注印刷体的重音符号
3.On Dictionary Labelling Part of Speech--Also on two Dictionaries Labelling Part of Speech谈书标注词类——兼论“两典”的词类标注
4.trademark registration is more complicated.商标注册是很复杂的。
5.a clerk who marks data on a chart.在图表上标注的职员。
6.htmltext editor超文本标注语言编辑器
7.Chapter II. Application for Trademark Registration第二章 商标注册的申请
8.the head of an annotation or gloss.一条评注或注释的标题。
9.The registered trade mark of the products is... Brand.产品注册商标为..
10.Where a registered trademark is used, it shall carry the indication of "Registered Trademark" or a sign indicating that it is registered.使用注册商标的,并应当标明“注册商标”或者注册标记。
11.Be careful to note where the road turns left.注意道路左拐的路标。
12.Drivers must note road signs.司机必须注意看路标。
13.(1) where the trademark is falsely represented as registered;(1)冒充注册商标的;
14.marginal notes, marks, etc页边的注解、 标记等.
15.visually perceptible [trade mark]视觉上可辨别〔注册商标〕
16.And trademark right can be renewed .商标权可以续展注册。
17.infringing material侵犯注册商标的物料
18.Is our destined end or way;我们注定的目标或道路,

1.Matching algorithm for label-based integrable-ware query;基于标注的一种积件查询匹配算法(英文)
2.How to realize label of roughness in AutoCAD fast;在AutoCAD中实现表面粗糙度的快速标注
1.Familiar Problem Analysis in Marking of Shape and Position Tolerance;形位公差标注中的常见问题分析
2.Simple Analysis of the Common Problems in Marking of Shape and Position Tolerance;形位公差标注中的常见问题浅析
3.The Realization of Automatic Marking of Special Symbols in Pro/Engineer Drawing Module;Pro/E工程图模块中专用符号自动标注的实现
1.On the Necessity and Approach of Marking Design Data in Drafts;论图样中标注设计基准的必要性和方法
2.On marking the word class and word function in Chinese dictionary;语文词典词性及语法功能标注的问题
3.Automatic Inquiry and Mark of the Dimention Tolerance尺寸公差的计算机辅助查询与标注
1.Design and implementation of tagging system with statistics and comparison;统计比较功能的标注系统的设计与实现
2.A Multi-input Chinese Part of Speech Tagging System Based on Cascaded Finite State Automaton;基于多层有限状态自动机的多输入汉语词性标注系统
3.The size and tolerance in machine tool fixture total picture can be tagginged reasonably when the processing accurary is analysised.对工件在夹具上加工的精度进行分析,可在夹具总图上合理标注尺寸及公差;通过加工精度的校核,可论证夹具设计方案的可行性,确定夹具元件和装置的结构尺寸和精度。

标注1.犹批注。《宋史.艺文志二》有《三刘汉书标注》六卷。三刘,刘敞﹑刘攽﹑刘奉世。 2.谓注明排印格式。