子结构法,substructure method
1)substructure method子结构法
1.The substructure method for scattering by large open-ended cavities电大尺寸开口腔体电磁散射的子结构法研究
2.The substructure method was introduced to set up mathematical model of finite periodic composite structure,to solve its wave equation,and to derive its time-average power flows.采用子结构法,建立了有限周期复合结构的数学模型,求出了数学模型的波动解,并推导出模型的时间平均功率流。
3.The application of the substructure method efficiently solves the combination of finite element and infinite element.子结构法的应用有效地解决了有限元—无限元的耦合问题。

1.A Substructure Method For Contact-Impact Between a Bar and a Structure用子结构法解一维杆与结构的接触-冲击问题
2.FEM Analysis Using Substructure Method of Superstructure-Raft Foundation-Ground Soil Interaction上部结构-筏基-地基共同作用子结构法FEM分析
4.Studay on Sub-structure Method for Structural Parameters in Time Domain;结构物理参数时域识别的子结构方法研究
5.Introduction to Syntax, Morphology and Phonology.介绍句法(子结构)(文)态学和音系学。
6.ungrammatical sentences, constructions, etc不合乎语法的句子、 结构形式等.
7.An open, crisscross pattern or weave.格子细工开放式交叉结构或编织法
8.a word or phrase used to complete a grammatical construction.用来完成一个语法结构的句子或短语。
9.an abrupt change within a sentence from one syntactic structure to another.一个句子里句法结构的突然变化。
10.Synthesis of Nanostructured SiO_2 Particles by St(?)ber Method;利用St(?)ber法制备纳米结构SiO_2粒子
11.The Relations between Structure and Property for Polyamides Based on Quantum Chemical Methods;聚酰胺结构与性能量子化学方法研究
12.Global Geometry Optimization of Water Clusters Using a Single-parent Genetic Algorithm;单母体遗传算法优化水分子团簇结构
13.The Usage of the "Sha" Structures in zhuziyulei;《朱子语类》中“杀”字结构的用法
14.Study on photonic band gap structure using nonorthogonal FDTD method;用非正交FDTD方法研究光子带隙结构
15.Determination of Solution Structures of Proteins and Nucleic Acids by High Resolution NMR Spectrometry;生物大分子溶液结构的NMR测定法
16.Density Functional Study on the Electronic Structure of the Os_3(CO)_(12);密度泛函方法研究Os_3(CO)_(12)的电子结构
17.Probing into CAI Teaching Method about Polymer Chain s Spatial Structure;高分子链立体结构的CAI教学方法探讨
18.Numerical Simulation Analysis of Substructure Hybrid Testing Method子结构混合试验方法的数值模拟研究

1.First, eigenvalues and eigenvectors of time-varying system are identified in real time with subspace approach and then, physical parameters at joint in structure are estimated on the basis of the eigen pairs obtained by using substructure method.一般利用传统的子结构法进行参数辨识,还仅局限于针对非运动状态下系统结构连接处的物理参数识别问题。
2.In this article based upon analysis of the interaction of superstructure, foundation and piled raft of tube structure the substructure method is introduced in detail; at the same time corresponding fundamental equation is built.通过对筒体结构上部结构、基础与桩筏共同作用的分析 ,详细介绍了子结构法 ,并建立了共同作用基本方程。
3.This paper presents a substructure method of static sensitivity analysis of light car white body to simulate the dynamic sensitivity analysis of bus.提出了一种针对轻型客车白车身结构的静态灵敏度分析的子结构法 ,以模拟车身的动态灵敏度应力分析 。
3)sub-structure method子结构法
1.Study of sub-structure method with the scaled boundary finite element method;比例边界有限元子结构法研究
2.Based on the Sub-structure method, the forces acted on the beam, produced by single or a group of undamped vibration absorbers under different simple harmonic excitations are derived.根据子结构法求得在不同的简谐激励下,单个或一组无阻尼吸振器对连续梁产生的对接力,推导了连续梁和吸振器组成的组合系统的等效传递函数,该等效传递函数由主系统传递函数组合成,从而大大减小分析计算的工作量。
4)substructural method子结构法
1.As for the superstructure, it uses substructural method to take its stiffness into account to the settlement of foundation.探讨了深厚软弱地基上多(高)层建筑桩基础的共同作用分析方法,建立了桩土相互作用的界面模型,采用子结构法考虑上部结构刚度对基础变形和地基沉降的影响,同时考虑地基为弹塑性的,并采用无限元法考虑远场区域的影响。
2.Based on finite layer method and finite element method,the substructural method is used to analysis of interaction of piled raft foundations.以半解析半数值的有限层法和有限元为基础,运用子结构法建立桩筏基础共同作用的有效分析方法,算例表明了子结构法在桩筏基础共同作用分析中的有效性。
3.This paper makes a description of the improvement of the hybrid substructural method,the raise of synthesis efficiency and its application to the dynamic analysis of unitized body structures.本文针对现行的混合界面动态子结构法进行改进,提高了模态综合效率和和精度。
5)substructure technique子结构法
1.Research on substructure technique for dynamics of variable section flexible rod with impact;变截面柔性杆撞击动力学子结构法研究
2.The synthetic substructure technique of the fixed-interface mode is adopted to solve the impact problem of a flexible body.该文采用固定界面模态综合子结构法对柔性体的撞击问题进行研究。
6)substructure algorithm子结构算法
1.The paper aims to stimulate the configuration of plant through substructure algorithm and branch simulating algorithm based on L-system.基于L系统理论,通过子结构算法和枝条模拟算法来仿真植物的形态生成。

十种善法──修十种善法如师子王【十种善法──修十种善法如师子王】  ﹝出宝雨经﹞  菩萨因修善法,得无上正真之道,为天人师,令一切邪魔外道,见者无不调伏,如师子王,有大威力,而能慑伏诸兽,所向无不自在,故以为喻也。  [一、得不惊怖],谓菩萨以勇猛精进,得最上乘,于诸法中无与等者;故能游戏生死,不惊不怖,得大自在,如师子王,于百兽中,莫能与等,游行之处,无所惊怖也。  [二、得无怯惧],谓菩萨具大智辩才,于一切诤论之时,无少怯惧,亦不矜胜;如师子王,闻彼野干诸恶兽声,终无怯惧也。(野干似狐而小,形色青黄,群行,夜鸣如狼声。)  [三、心无退屈],谓菩萨具大智辩才,勇猛精进之心,如金刚山,不可迁动。设于众中有所诤论,其心勇猛,终无退屈。如师子王,虽令近人,终无退避也。  [四、如师子吼],谓菩萨为诸有情说大乘法,能令一切外道天魔,惊怖解散,如师子王,哮吼之时,能令恶兽野干之属,悉皆惊骇,驰走而去也。  [五、得无所畏],谓菩萨具平等智,得大自在,于诸有情界中,威仪寂静,得无所畏。如师子王,游行诸处,独行绝侣,心无所畏也。  [六、游行园林],谓菩萨自性寂静,智慧融通,常能游戏无碍善法之林。如师子王,自性无畏,能现威势,游诸园林也。  [七、依止岩窟],谓菩萨以禅定智慧,而为岩窟行住坐卧,依止其中。如师子王,常于高岩邃窟之中,而为依止也。  [八、得无所取],谓菩萨以勇猛精进之心,舍弃一切烦恼,永无所取。如师子王,弃舍所有藏积,悉无所取也。  [九、能破诸魔],谓菩萨成等正觉,坐于菩提道场,独一无二,而能摧破诸魔军众。如师子王勇猛势力,而能慑伏诸恶兽也。  [十、守护法苗],谓菩萨于诸示现之处,一切有情,所种善法之苗,悉为守护,不令邪魔外道之所损坏。如师子王,所游行处,一切恶兽无能亲近于彼,而坏人之禾苗也。