2)historical compilatory历史编撰
1.《XinTang Shu·Prime minister Lineage List》,《Liao Shi·Tribe List》,《Liao Shi·Dependancy List》,《JingShi·Bargain List》 especially have features, adequately reveal respective era s characts; also show innovative spirit in historical compilatory.《新唐书》的《宰相世系表》,《辽史》的《部族表》、《属国表》,《金史》的《交聘表》等尤具特色,充分反映了各自时代的历史特点,在历史编撰上也体现出不断发展的创新精神。

1.National History Compilation Committee国家历史编撰委员会
2.A New Vista in Historiography:the Rise of Popularization in Historical Narration--Also on Post-modern Historiography历史编撰新图景:大众化历史叙事的隆起——兼论后现代史学
3.On the Compiling Method, Historical Views and Historical Thought of Historical Records of Three States;论《三国史记》的编撰方法、历史观及史学思想
4.Lu Shi Chun Qiu is the most important historical literature of Qin.吕氏春秋是秦国最重要的一本历史文献,它的编撰者就是吕不韦。
5.Comparation with Compilation of the Text of Different Editions in Middle School History Tested Textbook of New Courses;新课程不同版本高中历史实验教科书课文编撰的比较研究
6.Carrying forward the Traditional Culture, Making Books Compiling Booming;弘扬传统文化,繁荣图书编撰——评《中国古籍编撰史》
7.Problems on "History and Theory" in Compilation of Chinese History of Modern Literature中国现代文学史编撰中的“史与论”问题
8.Gu Zuyu was not only a famous patriotic historical geographer and military strategist, but also a book compiler in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty.顾祖禹是明末清初著名的历史地理学家,军事家,且是一位图书编撰家。
9.Compiling and Utilizing of the Genealogies in Two Patrilineal Societies--An Anthropological Approach to Historic Memories, Ethnic Relations and Tradition Construction;两个父系社会家谱的编撰和利用——历史记忆、族群关系及传统建构的人类学研究
10.Editorial Features and Historical Contribution of Chronicles of the Later Han Dynasty《后汉纪》的编撰特色及其史学地位
11.Meditation on Compilation of Teaching Materials for Contemporary World History;关于世界现代史教材编撰的几点思考
12.On Compiling of Teaching Materials of Multinational Chinese Ancient Literature History;多民族中国古代文学史教材编撰侧议
13.Relations between Historiography and Politics in the Period of Wei Jin Nan Bei Dynasties;魏晋南北朝时期历史撰述与现实政治
14.a historian who writes annals.著述编年史的历史学家。
15.On Writer Pattern in Writing Style of History of Modern Chinese Fiction;中国现代小说史编撰体例中的“作家论”模式
16.On the Changing Patterns of the History of Modern Chinese Fiction in 1980s;1980年代中国现代小说史编撰模式的流变
17.On the Compilation of Chinese National History under the Guidance of Marxism;坚持马克思主义指导中国民族史的编撰
18.Retrospection and Reflection on the Compilation of Modern Chinese Women Literary History;关于中国现代女性文学史编撰的回顾与思考

historical compilatory历史编撰
1.《XinTang Shu·Prime minister Lineage List》,《Liao Shi·Tribe List》,《Liao Shi·Dependancy List》,《JingShi·Bargain List》 especially have features, adequately reveal respective era s characts; also show innovative spirit in historical compilatory.《新唐书》的《宰相世系表》,《辽史》的《部族表》、《属国表》,《金史》的《交聘表》等尤具特色,充分反映了各自时代的历史特点,在历史编撰上也体现出不断发展的创新精神。
3)compilation of literary history文学史编撰
1.This paper discusses the classicalization and essentialization in the compilation of literary history,and analyzes the process in which classicalization and essentialization cause the loss of truth in literary research.描述文学史编撰过程中的经典化与本质化,主要分析了经典化与本质化是如何造成文学史真相在文学研究过程中的迷失。
4)writing of history历史撰述
1.Subjective historical picture constructed by writing of history is a rational form of contemporary expression of objective history.历史撰述所建构的主观历史图景是客观历史存在在当下的理性化的表现形式。
5)compilation of historical books史书编撰
6)compilation of general history通史编撰
1.He was devoted to general history all his life, so he expounded his viewpoints about the significance, the choice of historical events, the order of synthesizing historical events and the expressive way on the compilation of general history systematically.张荫麟是一位颇有声望的现代史家,其平生志在通史,曾对通史编撰的重要性、史实的选择、统贯史实的"秩序"以及表述方式进行了较为系统的阐述。
2.With good traditions of history study in ancient times and under the guidance of Marxist theories, he expanded the meaning of "general" and advanced new demands for the compilation of general history.《中国通史简编》是我国第一部运用马克思主义观点系统地叙述中国古代历史的著作 ,范文澜继承了中国古代史学的优良传统 ,在马克思主义理论指导下 ,大大发展了“通”的意识 ,对通史编撰提出新的要求。

《地理学:它的历史、性质和方法》  见A.赫特纳。