1.The Influence of Self-Promotion to Competence, Hiring and Interpersonal Attraction;应聘者的自我提升策略对其能力、录用及人际吸引力的影响

1.The Significance of Interpersonal Attraction Laws for Promoting Teachers Interpersonal Attraction;人际吸引规律对增强教师人际吸引力的启示
2.The Effects of Implicit Egotism on Interpersonal Attractiveness;中国文化中内隐自大对人际吸引力的影响
3.The Influence of Self-Promotion to Competence, Hiring and Interpersonal Attraction;应聘者的自我提升策略对其能力、录用及人际吸引力的影响
4.animal magnetismph.1. 人格吸引力吸引人的能力
5.One that attracts strongly.有强吸引力的人(或物)
6.the power to entice or attract through personal charm.能吸引或诱惑人的力量。
7.The Application of Interpersonal Attraction Theory in Interpersonal Communications among College Students;人际吸引理论在大学生人际交往中的应用
8.History stories are really attractive, in fact.实际上历史小说是很吸引人的。
9.Building the harmonious college campus through interpersonal attraction laws;把握人际吸引规律 构建和谐大学校园
10.An increase in the mass of a celestial object by the collection of surrounding interstellar gases and objects by gravity.吸积,天体增大因重力吸引星际间的物质而引起天体的增大
11.The capability of eliciting intense interest or of being very attractive.魅力引起强烈兴趣的能力,吸引人的能力
12.a person regarded as unattractive or uninteresting."无吸引力的人,令人厌恶的人."
13.Bill has an easy-going charm.比尔可以不费力地吸引别人的注意力。
14.a personal attractiveness that enables you to influence others.能影响别人的个人所具有的吸引力。
15.have the power to attract or persuade others有吸引人或说服人的能力.
16.He has a personal magnetism.他具有 (吸引人的) 个人魅力。
17."It has an international appeal and the history is part of it."它在国际上很具吸引力,而历史是其原因之一。
18.Our price is attractive as compared with that in the international market.与国际市场相比,我们的价格是有吸引力的。

teachers interpersonal attraction教师人际吸引力
3)interpersonal attraction人际吸引
1.This paper discusses what college students should do to achieve the effect of improving the interpersonal communications among college students from the angle of interpersonal attraction theory.人际吸引指人与人之间产生注意、欣赏、倾慕等心理上的好感,进而相互接近而产生感情关系的过程。
2.The thesis analyzes the factors of promoting the interpersonal attraction to help people who want to become a persona grata in actual life and then improve their work and life.做事先做人,如何成为一个受欢迎的人?本文通过对增进人际吸引的诸因素进行分析,以求帮助人们在实际生活中成为一个受欢迎的人,更好的工作和生活。
3.Drawing upon the interpersonal attraction, we can make the relationship closer,so as to strengthen the cohesion of the colleges.我们要利用人际吸引,密切人际关系,疏通沟通渠道,加强学校的凝聚力。
4)On Interpersonal Attracktion论人际吸引
5)talents attractiveness人才吸引力
1.It establishs a model of talents attractiveness to examine the influence of hi-tech industry clusters\' characteristics on it.研究高科技产业集群的经济特性、文化特性、人才政策、生活环境,以及集群内企业人力资源管理等特性对产业集群人才吸引力的影响,并以武汉光谷、北京中关村、苏州工业园区、东莞振安工业园四个产业集群为实证,证实了:集群的经济特性、生活环境和集群内企业人力资源管理均对产业集群人才吸引产生直接正向的显著影响;集群文化特性通过企业人力资源管理间接地影响着产业集群人才吸引力;集群人才政策,不仅对产业集群人才吸引力产生显著的直接影响,而且还通过企业人力资源管理产生间接的影响。
6)interpersonal attraction law人际吸引规律
1.Building the harmonious college campus through interpersonal attraction laws;把握人际吸引规律 构建和谐大学校园
