2)information encapsulation信息封装
1.According to the basic principle of GT and the natural characters of group fixture, providing a kind of coding scheme and the concept of "information encapsulation based on primitive".根据成组技术基本原理和成组夹具固有特点,建立了一种简单的零件编码机制,提出了“基于体素的工艺信息封装”。

1.This is true information encapsulation, and ensures that the object can be used as a software component.这样的一种信息封装确保了对象能够作为软件组件来使用。
2.The information is sent in a sealed envelope.信息用封口的信封寄出。
3.The Study and Realization of Video/Audio Wrapping and Encrypting Technology for Digital Film Based on MXF;数字电影信息的MXF封装加密技术的研究与实现
4.Fold the letter before putting it in the envelope.把信摺起来再装入信封.
5.Double your letter up before putting in into the envelop装信封前先把信折叠好。
6.When true, performs a validation of the incoming message to the disassembler, including the envelope(s).当值为真时,验证传入消息已到达拆装器,包括信封。
7.The information is send in a sealed envelope.信息是放在一个封口信封里发走的。
8.The letter was contained in a bottle fast as a Kentish oyster.那封信装在一只高度密封的瓶子里。
9.Ten letters that belong in 10 particular envelopes are scrambled and stuffed and mailed at random.将十封分属十个信封的信打乱,任意装进信封,并随便投邮。
10.Fold the letter (in two) before putting it in the envelope.把信(对)摺起来再装入信封.
11.I enclose the letter which I have written to the Prince Regent under a flying seal.我把写给摄政王的信装入开口信封。
12.Then use the information to write two letters to the editor.用它提供的信息给编辑写两封信。
13.The letter put me in possession of some important information.这封信使我知道了一些重要的信息。
14.The internet has made it easy for would-be journalists to trawl information and repackage news.互联网的出现,使那些自封为记者的人也很容易把搜罗来的信息重新包装成一条条新闻。
15.Enter sender information that will appear on fax cover pages.输入发件人信息,此信息将显示在传真封面上。
16.We pay casual workers 2 an hour for stuffing envelope .我们付装信封的临时工一小时2英镑。
17.the little packet enwrapped in a faded yellow envelope.这个小包裹装在一个褪色的黄信封里。
18.This card just fits nicely into that envelope.这张卡片正好能装进那个信封里.

information encapsulation信息封装
1.According to the basic principle of GT and the natural characters of group fixture, providing a kind of coding scheme and the concept of "information encapsulation based on primitive".根据成组技术基本原理和成组夹具固有特点,建立了一种简单的零件编码机制,提出了“基于体素的工艺信息封装”。
3)informational encapsulation信息的封闭性
4)news encapsulation消息封装
1.In this paper, the communication mechanism between Web server and BizTalk Server and news encapsulation mechanism of BizTa.本文首先提出了基于Web的工作流管理系统的体系结构,探讨了Web服务器和BizTalk服务器的通讯机制和BizTalk的消息封装机制,讨论了使用BizTalkServer核心技术实现基于Web的工作流管理系统的方法,最后描述了该方法在具体实现一个工作流程中的应用。
5)information blockage信息封锁
6)Periodical front cover information封面信息

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-