1.Research on Fodor s Module Theory and Its Epistemological Problems;福多的模块理论及其对认识论研究的启示意义

1.The Images of the Chinese Character "Fu(Blessing) "Carved on the Funeral Monuments in Tujia Yumu Village;和生福兮 福多安兮——土家鱼木寨墓碑“福”意向分析
2.Spring brings another year.May you be prosperous and happy in the spring festival.又是一年春来到,愿春节红包多多,幸福多多。
3.Rich blessings for health and longevity is my special wish for you in the coming year.祝你在新的一年里身体健康,多福多寿。
4.Possession of wealth alone, does not Bring happiness, But if your descendants are virtuous, this Brings great happiness福不在财多,财多不是福,福在子孙贤,子孙贤是福
5.May you live a long and joyful life-a life full of all the Blessings that this world can bestow"祝你长寿,康乐,福佑多多"
6.Asociacion pro bienestar de la familia ecuatoriana厄瓜多尔家庭福利协会
7."Here's a lucky girl!"“这娘子多大的福气呀
8.It is a long time since Dr. Seth Crifford died.吉福医生已去世多年。
9.The Roosevelt family produced two presidents: Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt.罗斯福家族出过两个总统: 西奥多罗斯福和弗兰克林罗斯福。
10.From Welfare Statism to Welfare Pluralism: Cases of Nanjing and Lanzhou;从国家福利到多元福利——南京市和兰州市社会福利服务的案例研究
11.Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Albraham Lincoln对大多数人来说,他们认定自己有多幸福,就有多幸福。——萧伯纳
12.On Aristotle s Concept on Happiness;幸福即是最高的善——亚里斯多德的常人的幸福观
13.After the Welfare State: Toward a Positive and Pluralistic Reproduction of Welfare后福利国家:走向积极多元的福利再生产
14.Here 's to long and productive cheer for you both .祝你们俩幸福长久,多子多孙。
15.The child, lotus and bottle gourd designs indicate a family with large number of children and grandchildren.娃娃、葫芦、莲花等象征多子多福,
16.Rice symbolizes productivity and fertility 11 .“生米”意味着生儿育女、多子多福。
17.Welfare Pluralism: Welfare Provision Transformation from State to Multi-sectors;福利多元主义:福利提供从国家到多元部门的转型
18.Theodore Roosevelt and American Muckraking Movement;西奥多·罗斯福与美国黑幕揭发运动——兼论西奥多·罗斯福的新闻思想

Happiness and longevity多福多寿
3)the more sons, the more blessings多子多福
4)v Live long and proper!多福多寿!
1.Determination of fudosteine in human serum by LC-MS/MS:application to relative bioavailability of two domestic preparations;福多司坦胶囊和片剂人体生物等效性评价
2.Determination of related substances in Fudosteine capsules by HPLC;高效液相色谱法测定福多司坦胶囊的有关物质
3.Pharmacokinetic study of fudosteine in healthy volunteers;福多司坦片在健康志愿者中的药代动力学研究
1.Cidofovir in Inhibiting Siha Cell Proliferation of Cervical Cancers西多福韦抑制宫颈癌Siha细胞增殖作用的研究
