1.The Comparative Study of Vygotsky and Kelly s Personality Construction Thoughts;维果斯基与凯利人格建构思想的比较研究

1.The Mask Forever -Jim Carrey永远的面具—金·凯利
2.Kelly Clarkson is twenty years old.凯利?克拉克森20岁。
3.B: Nice to meet you. Paul. My name's Kelly Cook. You can call me Kelly.很高兴认识你,保罗。我叫凯利库克。你可以叫我凯利。我来自加拿大。
4.Kelly and Ian are eating lunch at school.凯利与伊恩正在学校吃午餐。
5.Paid in full with a glass of milk.”( Signed) Dr. Howard Kelly.医药费已付:一杯牛奶。”(名)华德-凯利医生。
6.Kelly visits Nick in the hospital. He has a broken leg.凯利到医院探望尼克,他摔断了一条腿。
7.Fine, mr. kelly. What do of flower do you have in mind好,凯利先生。你想订什么样的花?
8.Just one more question, Mr. Kelly. How do you intend to make payment?再问一下,凯利先生,您打算怎样付款?
9.Better an empty house than an ill tenant.-Kelly, George宁愿房子空关着,不要租给坏房客。--凯利
10.The Study of Dan Kiley s Modern Landscape Design;丹·凯利的园林设计思想与风格研究
11.The “Story”and “Discourse”in True History of the Kelly Gang;解读《“凯利帮”真史》的“故事”与“话语”
12.Philip became acquainted with Kathy.菲利浦开始与凯茜认识。
13.Relating to or having the nature of a triumph.胜利的,凯旋的关于胜利的或有胜利的性质的
14.Kevin: I am, I've been having a very frustrating day so far.凯文:对啊,今天一直都很不顺利。
15.Katherine looked briefly and witheringly at Charley Lynch.凯瑟琳轻蔑地看了查利?林奇一眼。
16.Italian U. Kegie won the gold medal on the rings with a score of 9.787.意大利的尤·凯基以9·787分获吊环金牌。
17.Katherine's tones were clipped and final.凯瑟琳的语气干脆利落,一棰定音。
18.He say he is a descendant of july caesar.他说他是朱利叶斯·凯撒的后代。

Kelly Rules凯利法则
3)Dan Kiley丹·凯利
1.Comparison to the Style of Landscape Design between Dan Kiley and Peter Walker;丹·凯利与彼德·沃克景观设计风格的比较
2.Construction of Modernism Space --Analysis of Dan Kiley s Design Method;现代主义空间的营造——丹·凯利的设计方法分析
3.Through the analysis of American modern Structuralism LA designer Dan Kiley and his remarkable works the Miller Garden and the DALLAS Fountain Place, the article tried to illustrate the approach of Structuralism design, it s really meaning, as well as the enlightenment to modern LA design.通过对美国现代“结构主义”景观设计大师丹·凯利及其标志性作品米勒花园及美国佛罗里达拉斯联合银行大厦喷泉广场的分析,阐述其结构主义设计手法,它所包含的真实涵义,以及对现代景观设计的启发。
4)Kelly event凯利事件
1.Through studying Kelly event, we get to know that the right of knowing the inside story is a double-edge sword.凯利事件给我们的启示是 :在资讯时代 ,知情权是一把双刃剑 ;对媒体而言 ,仅有独立性是不够的 ;新闻专业主义是媒体保持独立性的良药。
5)Jeanne Kelly珍妮·凯利
6)Kelly pad凯利氏垫
