1.the cue-familiarity heuristic and the target-retrievability heuristic.本研究在总结国内外有关元记忆研究方法及理论基础之上,采用Hart提出的RJR(回忆---FOK判断---再认)研究范式,通过两个实验来验证前人所提出的关于FOK产生机制的两种假说:即线索熟悉性假说与靶项目提取可能性假说。

2.A Research on The Effects of Cue-Familiarity and Accessibility on FOK;线索熟悉性与易接近性对FOK影响的实验研究
3.The Effects of Cue-Familiarity and Accessibility on Feeling of Knowing in Middle School Students;初中生线索熟悉性与信息易接近性对知晓感判断的影响
4.Pictured are "address contours", similar to familiar elevation contours.图中「等门牌线」,类似熟悉之等高线。
5.Today, SOX, as it is known, is widely reviled.如今,人们熟悉的索克斯法案广受诟病。
6.I'm not quite familiar with the claim and arbitration in international trade.我对国际贸易的索赔与仲裁不够熟悉。
7.Be familiar with gas and hydraulic pressure system about auto product line.熟悉汽车生产线气动、液压系统。
8.retreading a familiar story line.改编一个熟悉故事的主线
9.Be familiar with industrial production process and manufacturing technics of production line.熟悉工业生产制程和产线制造工艺。
10.To make a study of my business duties; to know my work from the ground up.认真思索自己的工作职责;熟悉自己的工作。
11.The absence of all the familiar landmarks drew me up sharp.熟悉的标记不见了。我只好停下来思索一下。
12.a familiar figure; he was familiar with those roads; familiar songs; familiar guests.熟悉的身影;他对那些道路很熟悉;熟悉的歌;熟客。
13.Familiar with Shengzhou Citys traffic and surrounding areas' traffic.熟悉浙江嵊州的交通路线及周边地区交通情况。
14.Considerable acquaintance with.熟悉与某人相当熟知
15.No doubt you are familiar with geographical contour maps, which show lines of constant altitude.无疑,你们熟悉地理上的等值线地图,它示出等高线。
16.Come to think of it, that's a pretty good rule in ANY unfamiliar situation.好好思索,那在任何不熟悉的状况下,它会是一个相当好的准则。
17.The quality or condition of being familiar.熟悉,通晓熟悉的特点或状态
18.To acquaint(oneself)with knowledge of a subject.使熟悉使(自己)对某一主题的知识熟悉

cue familiarity线索熟悉性
1.Based on previous studies, in this experiment, two hypothesis about the mech anism of Feeling-of-knowing(FOK)-the cue familiarity hypothesis and the target memorability hypothesis (or retrievability hypothesis) were re-verified.通过用有意义联系和无意义联系的两种中文词对作为识记材料,在以前实验研究基础上,进一步验证关于FOK(Feeling of Knowing)产生机制的两种理论假说,即靶项目记忆强度假说(或靶项目提取可能性假说)与线索熟悉性假说。
3)cue-familiarity hypothesis线索熟悉假说
1.The present study, using the formulas fOr weiqi, tested the cue-familiarity hypothesis and the targetretrievability hypothesis of FOK The result showed trhat when cues are available, subjectS made their FOK judgments according to cueboliarity, and when there was no cue available, subjects made their judgments according to the panial information of the target.以围棋定式为实验材料,检验了关于FOK判断的线索熟悉假说和目标提取假说。
4)cue-familiarity heuristic of FOKFOK的线索熟悉性假说
5)CFJs(cue-farniliarity judgements)线索熟悉性判断(CFJs)
1.Results from behavioral studied have supported the idea that recognition memory can be supported by at least two different processes, recollection and familiarity.大量行为研究已证明再认记忆受到至少两种分离加工的影响,即记住(recollection)和熟悉(familiarity)。
2.It is either caused by institutional factors such as capital controll,risk hedging,information asymmetry and trade costs,etc,or may caused by the behavioral factors such as familiarity,language and culture,proximateness,relative optimism.不管是在国际股票市场上还是在一国国内股票市场上,投资者都呈现出对本土股票的偏好,由此所形成的地理上欠分散化的投资组合既可能是资本管制、风险规避、信息不对称和交易成本等制度因素所引致的,也可能是熟悉、临近性、相对乐观以及语言和文化等行为所造成,或者是这些因素综合作用的结果。
3.But the behavioral finance theory shows that familiarity,language and culture,proximateness,relatively optimistic,etc,can explain the home bias.传统金融理论认为:资本管制、风险规避、信息不对称和交易成本是投资者本土偏差行为可能的引致因素,而行为金融理论则认为熟悉、临近性、相对乐观以及语言和文化使得投资者偏好于本土股票投资。
