1.The study process was divided into two parts as follows:PartⅠ:with the application of modified TOL-R,Stroop Test,the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES),Self Description Questionaire-TypeⅡ(SDQ-Ⅱ),Barrtt-11 impulsivity scale,we hold a quantitative study to find out the level of middle students\' self-concepts and the influencing factors.研究过程可分为以下两部分:第一部分:应用改良伦敦塔TOL-R、史楚普实验(Stroop Test)、一般自我效能感量表、自我描述问卷Ⅱ型、Barrtt-11冲动性量表进行定量研究,了解中学生的自我概念水平及其影响因素。
2)Tower of London伦敦塔

1.The Crown of England is on view at the Tower of London.英国王冠在伦敦塔展出。
2.Introduction: As I went over London Bridge,介绍:我走过伦敦塔桥,
3.When we were in London we visited the Tower twice.在伦敦逗留期间,我们去伦敦塔参观了两次。
4.The Tower of London was first built by William I, the Conqueror伦敦塔最初由征服者威廉兴建,
5.The Tower of London is a great attraction to tourists.伦敦塔对游客有很大的吸引力。
6.The Tower of London is a fine example of an English castle.伦敦塔是英国城堡的一个典范。
7.Anna: Well, here we are. This is the Tower of London.安娜:嗯,我们到了。这是伦敦塔
8.Then a Tree shall spring up on the top of the Tower of London.然后一棵树会从伦敦塔的顶部跃起。
9.The Tower was also the scene of one of London's most famous mysteries,伦敦塔也是伦敦最著名的一起神秘事件的出事地点,
10.Bob: Then the Tower of London, then at the Buckingham Palace, then at London Airport.鲍勃:然后去伦敦塔,再去白金汉宫,然后去伦敦机场。
11.It was occasionally used as a Royal palace for the Kings and Queens of England伦敦塔曾偶尔用做英国国王和王后的王宫,
12.workmen at the Tower discovered two skeletons在伦敦塔内干活的工人发现了两具骷髅,
13.The Big Ben, the Tower of London and the British Museum remain famous in the world.大本钟、伦敦塔以及不列颠博物馆仍然名扬世界。
14.Tower of London: Royal fortress on the northern Bank of the River Thames.伦敦塔: 英国皇家要塞,位于泰晤士河北岸。
15.The Tower of London, where so many people lost their lives, is now a tourist attraction.在伦敦塔中曾有许多人丧命,它现在是旅游胜地。
16.Anna: As I mentioned, the Tower of London used to be a prison.安娜:正如我所提到的,伦敦塔过去是个监狱。
17.I particularly want to visit the British Museum and the Tower of London.我尤其想参观大英博物馆和伦敦塔和西敏寺。
18.Tower Bridge was completed in 1894, after 8 years of construction.经过了8年的施工,伦敦塔桥终于在1894年竣工。

Tower of London伦敦塔
3)London Tower Bridge伦敦塔桥
4)Tower of London task伦敦塔任务
1.Environment Strategy of Urban Development in London;英国大伦敦城市发展的环境保护战略
2.Comparative Study of Ecological Effects and Management Countermeasures on Urban Green Space between Shanghai and London;上海与伦敦城市绿地的生态功能及管理对策比较研究
3.Assessing coronary angiography appropriateness——the comparison of clinic and angiograms data between Shanghai and London;上海和伦敦冠状动脉造影指证的差异对比
6)London magnetic moment伦敦磁矩

改良①去掉事物的个别缺点,使更适合要求:~土壤 ㄧ~品种。②改善。