
1.Development and Application of Network Jumor Recruiting System小学升初中网络招生系统开发与应用
2.Research Review about Transition to Secondary School小学升初中过程中的心理过渡研究综述
3.A Research on the Policy of Entering Secondary School Nearby without Entrance Exam in Xinxiang;关于新乡市小学升初中实行免试就近入学政策的研究
4.Setting up Rational Ways for Primary Pupils to Enter Middle Schools and Improving the Quality of Compulsary Education;建立合理的小学升初中方式 提高九年制义务教育质量
5.The primary school enrollment rate among children of school age reached 98.7 percent in 1994, an increase of 0.9 percentage point over the 1990 figure, and 86.6 percent of primary school graduates entered junior middle schools, an increase of 12 percentage points over the 1990 figure.小学毕业生升入初中的为86.6%,比1990年增加12个百分点。
6.The initial researches into the promotion of financial software of the small and medium-sized enterprises in the network.;中小企业网络财务软件升级问题初探
7.Analysis of Problems in Sports Entrance Exam for Secondary School初中体育升学考试中存在的问题分析
8.A preliminary study on the acquisition of English raising verbs;中国学生对英语提升动词的习得初探
9.Sublimation during Bumping--Preliminary Exploration for Character Image of Student Studying Abroad;碰撞中的升华——留学生人物形象初探
10.The rate of graduates of primary schools entering junior middle schools is 92.62 percent.升入初中的为92.62%。
11.Lifting Wavelet De-noising for SINS Alignment提升小波在SINS信号去噪及初始对准中的应用
12.The Significance of Upgrading Educational Philosophy Attainments of Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools;重视中小学教师教育哲学素养的提升
13.The Consciousness-raising of Social Cultural Background in Junior English Teaching;初中英语教学中社会文化背景的意识提升
14.The Strategies Development of Promoting Elementary and Middle Schools Teachers’ Information Literacy;中小学教师信息素养提升的策略开发
15.An Analysis of the Causes Influencing the School’s Execution影响中小学执行力提升的原因及对策
16.Stressing the Initial Reading Experience and Improving the Quality of the Dialogue in Classrooms--Taking Primary Chinese Reading Teaching as An Example;重视初始阅读体验 提升课堂对话质量——例谈小学语文阅读教学
17.On How to Improve the Professional Literacy of Incumbent Chemistry Teachers of Rural Junior High School;农村初中在职化学教师专业素养提升研究
18.Analysis of the current state of implementation of the system of sports examination for graduation of middle school students in China;我国初中毕业升学体育考试制度实施现状分析

senior middle school entrance初中升学
3)the primary and secondary school in the early Republic of China民初中小学
4)elementary schools小学和初中
5)primary school entrance into junior high school小升初
6)Entering the secondary schools without exams"小升初"免试就近入学
