1.Mahjong Play and Cigarette/Alcohol Use Affect Mental Health of People in Sichuan Earthquake Area打麻将、吸烟、饮酒行为对震后灾区民众心理健康的影响

1.I was cheaned out last night playing mahjong.昨晚打麻将把钱输光了。
2.Leave off playing mahjong and study.请停止打麻将,读书吧。
3.What I 'd like to do is getting out and doing some serious drinking and Mahjong play.很想出去尽情喝酒和打麻将
4.Nobody plays mahjong for health.没有人为了健康而打麻将
5.What I'd like to do is got out and do some serious drinking and mahjong play.很想出去尽情喝酒和打麻将
6.Playing Majiang is a marvelous way to pass the time.打麻将是消磨时间的一种很棒的方法。
7.You play mahjong until4 a. m. with your in-laws on holidays.放长假时,和姻亲们打麻将打到凌晨四点。
8.Mr. Yuan was born in Beijing, China. He loves playing Majong and the Erhu( Chinese violin), swimming and motorcycling.袁先生出生于中国北京,他喜欢打麻将和拉二胡,游泳和骑摩托车。
9.Mahjong Play and Cigarette/Alcohol Use Affect Mental Health of People in Sichuan Earthquake Area打麻将、吸烟、饮酒行为对震后灾区民众心理健康的影响
10.She knew that her mother was good for at least four games of mahjong.她知道她的母亲至少还要打四圈麻将。
11.Last year the government announced plans to decriminalize marijuana.(政府去年宣布打算将大麻除罪化。)
12.If they are going to stay up all night play mahjong, they ought to go to some other room .他们如果想打通宵麻将,应该到别的房间去。
13.turbine scutching machine涡轮式软麻打麻联合机
14.A swarthy boy opened a book and propped it nimbly under the breastwork of his satchel.一个面色黧黑的少年打开书本,麻利地将它支在书包这座胸墙底下。
15.Mrs. Chang said that since there were enough people for a game of mahjong, why not play eight rounds" before dinner?张太太说,人数凑得起一桌麻将,何妨打八圈牌再吃晚饭。
16.Fourth Master Liu, impressed by this attention to detail, promptly offered to invite two other people over for a game of mahjong.刘四爷觉得冯先生真是心细,当时要再约两手,和冯先生打几圈麻将。
17."I know you don't look at mahjong the way Sun-fu does-he says it's a slow-moving and tedious game and that if he gambles at all he prefers fast dice games!"不比得荪甫,他说麻将是气闷的玩意儿; 他要是赌,就爱的打宝摇摊
18.A marked playing piece, as in mahjong.麻将牌麻将中使用的有标记的牌

I play Mahjong.我打麻将
3)a mahjong(g) player打麻将者
4)Don't play Majoh.不要打麻将。
5)I like playing majong.我喜欢打麻将。
6)I don't like playing majong.我不喜欢打麻将。
