1.When individual receives a feedback of the self-difference, self-immunization works strategically by adaptively changing the subjective operationalization of personal traits, viz.在诸多自我保护方式中,记忆忽视加工是指个体在接触具威胁性的信息时进行选择性记忆,自然地忽视此类信息而不让其进入精加工,以消除该信息对自我概念的伤害;自我免疫加工是指个体通过对具威胁性信息的适宜操作界定来强调自己的优势能力,并重新评估自己的弱点,从而策略性地实现自我概念的稳定。

1.autoimmune thyroiditis自我免疫性甲状腺炎
2.Two Kinds of Self-protective Mechanism:Mnemic Neglect and Self-immunization两种自我保护机制:记忆忽视和自我免疫
3.Here we present a case with autoimmune hepatitis type I and autoimmune hemolytic anemia following hepatitis A virus( HAV) infection.这里,我们报告1例甲型肝炎患者并发自身免疫性肝炎1型和自身免疫性溶血性贫血。
4.automatic radioimmunoassay system自动放射免疫分析仪
5.automated radioimmunoassay system放射免疫自动分析系统
6.spin-label immunoassay自旋标记免疫测定法
7.insuline autoimmune syndrome胰岛素自身免疫综合征
8.autoimmune hemolytic anemia自身免疫性溶血性贫血;自体免疫性溶血性贫血
9.Comparison between Assay of Immunoblotting Test,ELISA and RIA in Detection for Islet Autoantibodies免疫印迹法、酶联免疫法及放射免疫法对胰岛自身抗体检测的比较
10.He says the material is able to repair itself just as the human body is able to heal itself.他说这种新型塑料就像人类自身的免疫系统一样能修复自我。
11.Induced Immune Tolerance for Therapy of EAU;诱导免疫耐受治疗实验性自身免疫性葡萄膜炎
12.Clinical Features and Correlative Immunologic Mechanism of Autoimmune Urticaria自身免疫性荨麻疹临床及免疫机制的相关研究
13.Effect of leptin on the induction of experimental autoimmune thyroiditis瘦素在自身免疫性甲状腺炎中的免疫调节机制
14.Construction and immune reaction of animal self-immunity discitis models自免疫椎间盘炎动物模型构建及其免疫反应
15.There are natural ways to boost your body's defence system.我们可以借助一些自然疗法来增强机体的免疫力。
16."They did not reject the human cells, I guess? Because the mice have no immune System of their own."我想,小鼠不排斥人体细胞吧?因为这种小鼠没有自身的免疫系统。
17.My cat had received full vaccination course in its first year of age. It should be lifetime protected.我的猫咪自出生到一岁时已在兽医处完成整个防疫注射过程,应该是终身免疫吧!
18.Autoimmune disease: Any disease caused by an immune response (see immunity) against antigens in the tissues of one's own Body.自体免疫疾病: 任何针对自己体内组织抗原而由免疫反应引起的疾

autoimmune thyroiditis自我免疫性甲状腺炎
1.Relevance of CYP27B1 gene promoter polymorphism to autoimmune thyroid diseases;CYP27B1基因启动子多态性与自身免疫性甲状腺疾病的相关性
2.Advance of experimental drug for treatment of autoimmune myocarditis;治疗自身免疫性心肌炎药物实验研究进展
3.Expression of APRIL and Its Significance in the Experimental Autoimmune Myocarditis;APRIL在实验性自身免疫性心肌炎大鼠心肌组织中的表达及意义
1.Protective autoimmunity:one new method of protection for spinal cord injury;保护性自身免疫:一种脊髓保护的新方法
2.The effect of dexamethasone on the autoimmunity in patients with cerebral contusion;地塞米松对脑挫裂伤病人自身免疫反应的影响
3.Chronic Inflammation, Autoimmunity and Atherosclerosis;慢性炎症、自身免疫和动脉粥样硬化
5)immune homeostasis免疫自稳
1.CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, a functional subset of inhibitory T cells, play a crucial role in the maintenance of immune homeostasis and immune tolerance.CD4+CD25+调节性T细胞作为一种抑制性T细胞功能亚群,在维持机体的免疫自稳和免疫耐受方面发挥了关键作用。
1.There are many problems to be solved including how to avoid autoimmunization,etc.硬件免疫系统的研究尚处在起步阶段,有大量的问题需要解决,包括如何避免自身免疫问题等。

自身免疫    自身免疫  autoimmunity  机体产生的针对自身组织的特异性免疫。包括体液免疫和细胞免疫。