1.Methods:Narrow band measurements of both Subjective Uncomfortable Degree(SUD)and objective behavioral assessments were used under two conditions.方法:采用窄时间段测量法用主观焦虑程度(SUD)自评和行为评估他评两法测量在实验条件和比赛现场选手的演讲状态焦虑。
2)anxiety degree焦虑程度

1.Investigation on anxiety in college nursing students during clinical practice护理本科生实习前后焦虑程度的调查
2.An Analysis on Anxiety Status of Junior Middle School Students and Senior High School Students and that of Their Parents before the Entrance Examinations;中学生考试焦虑程度与家长焦虑水平的对比分析
3.Pertinent mental nursing can alleviate the degree of anxiety.针对性心理护理可以缓解病人的焦虑程度
4.A Research on the Country Junior Middle School Student s Anxious Degree and Cause of Examination;农村初中生考试焦虑程度及原因的调查研究
5.Investigation on Anxiety s Degree, Cause and Reflection of Candidates for College Entrance Examination;关于高考生考试焦虑程度及原因和表现的调查
6.The Effect of Mentality Interferes to the Anxiety Degree of Stomache Over lavaged Patient心理干预对药物过量洗胃患者焦虑程度的影响
7.The Effect of the Degree of Primiparous Anxiety on the Epidural Labor Analgesia and Labor Pain;产妇的焦虑程度与硬膜外分娩镇痛及分娩疼痛的关系
8.A Study of Students Anxiety on Listening Performance in CET Band IV;试论缓解焦虑程度对学生英语听力成绩的影响与对策
9.Nursing intervention and evaluation anxiety of Families of peripherally inserted central catheter in malignant tumor patient.留置中心静脉导管癌症患者家属焦虑程度测评及护理干预
10.Objective This article is offered information about defend and cure exam anxiety through the spot check of anxious degree and cause of examination.目的通过对考试焦虑程度及原因的抽样调查,为预防和治疗农村初中生考试焦虑提供第一手资料。
11.Her anxieties multiplied until they could no longer be endured.她的焦虑一直增加到不能再忍下去的程度。
12.My waiting will be anxious to the degree in which the finitude of time impinges upon the project.我的等待因时间的有限性侵犯我的计画,而感到某种程度的焦虑。
13.The Influence of Different Levels Of Social Supports on Feeling of Self-efficiency and Anxiety不同社会支持程度对脑出血患者自我效能感、焦虑的影响
14.Anxious to an excessive degree.过于焦虑的,过于渴望的焦虑或渴望超过了一定限度的
15.Study on Correlaton of Goal Settimg Difficulty and Score of Place Kick,Effort Level and State Anxiety;关于目标设置难度与罚定位球成绩、努力程度和状态焦虑关系的研究
16.The Effects of Second Language Writing Apprehension on L2 Writing Performance;二语写作焦虑对二语写作过程的影响
17.It's base of conscious of culture anxiety for writer and culture balance by″ hong ke″.红柯”现象的出现在很大程度上立足于作家文化焦虑感的产生以及焦虑背后所隐匿的文化平复心理。
18.I was surprised by the intensity of his anxiety.我对他的极度焦虑感到吃惊。

anxiety degree焦虑程度
3)audience anxiety观众焦虑
4)primary anxiety主焦虑
5)anxiety motif焦虑主题
6)excessive anxiety过度焦虑

保险保障程度保险保障程度  【保险保障程度】企业在风险管理决策,选择保险方式时必须评估的企业的实际财务状况及最大可能损失额。它便于对保险实行不同程度、不同范围的选择。一般可分为必须保险保障、必要保险保障和一般保险保障。 必须保险保障主要是对需要强制保险的项目和预期损失非常严重的标的进行保险。 必要保险保障是对那些可能严重损害企业经营、造成严重的损失后果,但不致于使企业破产或倒闭的损失提供保障。 一般保险保障是为上述两类没有提供的所有种类的可保风险提供保险保障。这类损失不致于给企业带来严重影响,但在一定的程度上给企业生产经营带来不利。