1.An Entire-Attribution Model for Behavior of Organization组织行为的完全归因模型

1.It got that much only because the bank was a basket case.花旗能在此役大胜完全归因广发行没多大价值。
2.They pointed out that previous estimates of the urban factor on health were attributed entirely to air pollution.他们指出以前的城市因素对健康影响的估计完全归因于空气污染。
3.I say, usually classed as mental, because in reality it is not exclusively so.我之所说通常归入脑力类,是因为事实上它并非完全是脑力劳动。
4.We will be really free and able for Jesus.我们才能完全的也有能力的归于耶稣。
5.If I have failed, the fault lies wholly at my door.假若我失败了,完全归咎于我自己。
6.However, management cannot be totally blamed for this.然而,这不能完全归咎于管理层。
7.Eleanor has a thousand pound a year entirely at her own disposal.爱莉娜每年有一千镑完全归她使用。
8.He has returned safely from a mission on behalf of his country.他已经为国完成使命,安全归来。
9.Incomplete induction on the value of scientific research;不完全归纳法对科学研究的价值探析
10.The Use of Incomplete Induction in New Mathematic Course;不完全归纳法在数学新课程中的渗透
11.the full restitution of property, conjugal rights, diplomatic status财产的全部归还、 婚姻权的完全恢复、 外交地位的完全恢复.
12.it is quite reasonable to regard the sea-floor,因此完全有理由把海床,
13.The least-square regression interpolation on the target variable under an incomplete condition目标变量不完全情形下的最小二乘回归插补
14.Dear Patrick, please just completely relax, and give up all of your fixed thought, completely give all of your faith to Amida Buddha.(帕特尼克,请只是完全放松,放弃你的成见,全然的归依阿弥陀佛。
15.We must beware, however, of attributing this thinness exclusively to Boston.话虽如此,我们也不能把这种贫乏完全归罪于波士顿。
16.Was it the poems alone which wrought magic change?这种魔术般的回心转意,是不是要完全归功于那几首诗呢?
17.I have always been convinced that I am indebted to Miss Betsey for having been born on a Friday.我永远深信不疑,我所以生在星期五那天,完全得归功于贝萃小姐。
18.The regression line is derived from a sample and not from the entire population.样本回归线是根据一个样本而不是根据完全总体推导出来的。

Perfect ag gregation完全归并
3)incomplete induction不完全归纳
1.Taking as an example of Wallis interpolation,this article describes that Wallis got the result depending on incomplete induction and analogical inference,which demonstrates the algorithmic tendency of 17th century.在详细分析Wallis插值法的基础上指出 ,Wallis的插值结果完全是依赖于不完全归纳和类比推理得到的 ,古希腊所要求的那种严格的推理论证不见了 ,这充分显示了 17世纪的算法倾向 。
4)perfect induction完全归纳法
1.Let G be a graph,F be a complete-factor of G with ω(F)≥2,and let g and f be two integer-valued functions defined on V(G) such that 0≤g(x)<f(x) for every x∈V(G).设G是一个图,F是G的一个完全因子且ω(F)≥2,g和f是定义在V(G)上的两个整数值函数且对所有的x∈V(G)有0≤g(x) 2.Let G be a graph,F be a complete-factor of G with ω(F)≥2,g and f be two integer-valued functions defined on V(G) such that 0≤g(x) 6)incomplete induction不完全归纳法
