1.This study investigated the sandtray characteristics of highly aggressive adolescents with the use of sandplay.本研究使用箱庭来考察高攻击性倾向青少年的箱庭作品特征。

1.(4) Sandplay productions of high-test-anxiety-students represented the growing process of their psyche.(4)考试焦虑学生的箱庭作品能够再现他们的心理成长过程;
2.The Characteristics of Sandplay Productions of Maladaption College Freshmen and Case Studies of Intervention高校入学不适新生箱庭作品的特征及个案的干预研究
3.Food preservatives, also used as small adsorption in refrigerators.*食品保鲜,作为吸味剂用于冰箱除臭等。
4.Food preservatives ,also used as small adsorption in refrigerators.食品保鲜,作为吸味剂用于冰箱除臭等。
5.Jodi lives in New Hampshire with her husband and three children.她的作品大多以家庭、际关系、感为主题。
6.Food preservatives, keeping nitrogen and removing oxygen. also used as small adsorption in refrigerators.* 食品保鲜、氮去氧,作为吸味剂用于冰箱除臭等。
7.Food preservatives ,keeping nitrogen and removing oxygen.also used as small adsorption in refrigerators.食品保鲜、存氮去氧,作为吸味剂用于冰箱除臭等。
8.The Performance of Bellow in Bayang Music of Виктор Петрович Власов;维克托·伏拉索夫巴扬作品中风箱的演奏手法
9.On Lao She's Discourse and Concepts about Family in His Early Works:Focusing on His Divorces老舍早期作品中的家庭书写与家庭观念——以《离婚》为中心的讨论
10.Handicrafts produce by families is to is sell in the local shop.由家庭制作的手工艺品在当地的店里出售。
11.Handicrafts produce by families be to be sell in the local shop由家庭制作的手工艺品在当地的店里出售
12.The Change of Family Organizing Patterns Mirrored in Pearl Buck s Works;赛珍珠作品中展现的中国家庭模式的变革
13.The Black Families in Toni Morrison s Works;托妮·莫里森作品中家庭演变之女性主义透视
14.Analysis of Family Tragedy in Fae Myenne Ng's Bone and Its Causes伍慧明作品《骨》中的家庭悲剧及其根源探析
15.The Construction of the Police to Testify in Court in China's Drug-related Criminal Cases我国毒品犯罪案件中警察出庭作证之构建
16.Free Bass Accordion Duplicate Accent Music Work Bellower Exploration and Utilization--"Chaconne" Dance Music Bellower Design and Practice自由低音手风琴复调音乐作品的风箱探索与运用——《恰空》舞曲的风箱设计与实践
17.Pollen, the male element of the flower, is fed to young bees in the hive as a high-protein food source.花粉具有花的雄性物质成分,作为高蛋白食品源喂养蜂箱里的幼蜂。
18.Moisture-set ink: Printing ink that uses precipitation as its drying method. Mainly used in food carton printing.水凝固墨:用沉淀法干燥的印刷油墨。主要用作食品纸箱印刷。

Characteristics of Sandplay productions箱庭作品特征
3)sandplay therapy箱庭治疗
1.Process and Effect of an ADHD Boy s Sandplay Therapy;ADHD儿童的箱庭治疗过程及效果
2.An 11-years-old girl with selective mutism underwent the sandplay therapy.经过18次个体箱庭和4次家庭箱庭治疗,来访者的箱庭作品由贫瘠、单调逐渐向丰富、多样转化,由孤立、静止走向开放、动态,自我力量逐步增强。
3.Using the case study method,25 sandplay therapy sessions were given to one abused boy who was 13 years old.本研究采用个案研究法,对一名13岁受虐男孩(小N)实施了25次的箱庭治疗,研究了该儿童箱庭治疗过程的特点及箱庭疗法的治疗效果。
4)Sandplay therapy箱庭疗法
1.Sandplay therapy on a grade 3 school girl attempted suicide;自杀未遂高三女生箱庭疗法
2.Jungian child archetype theory and sandplay therapy;儿童原型理论与箱庭疗法
3.The Application of Sandplay Therapy in Post-disaster Psychological Assistance and Counseling箱庭疗法在灾后心理援助与辅导中的应用
5)Personal Sand Play个体箱庭
6)Family medicine-chest家庭药箱

柏庭【柏庭】 (人名)宋上天竺寺善月,字光远,号柏庭。月堂慧询之法嗣也。淳祐元年寂,寿九十三。所著楞严玄览,金刚会解,圆觉略疏,楞伽通义,因革论,简境十策,三部格言,金錍义解,宗教玄述,仁王疏记,附钞笺要,皆行于世。自余之杂制,名曰绪余集。见佛祖统纪十九。