道德动机,moral motivation
1)moral motivation道德动机
1.Analytical Marxism reconstructs the revolutionary theory of moral motivation of Marxism by embodying the principle of methodological individualism,grounding the foundation of Rational Choice Theory,and operating the analytical tool of Game Theory.本文认为,尽管该派学者的"理性重建"结果作为一般性观点是可以接受的,然而,重建所使用的方法论立场是非马克思主义的,从而在无产阶级革命的道德动机问题上,马克思主义分析学派所提供的解释路径与理论图景并不具有正当性与合法性。
2.The author pointed out that the use of moral faith is that it is the highest state of moral motivation,and it can transform the students moral need,moral will and moral consciousness into actual moral action.从本质上对道德信念这个概念的含义进行了具体的剖析,指出了道德信念的作用主要体现在它是道德动机的最高形态,它能够把学生的道德需要、道德意志、道德意识转化为实际的道德行动,希望广大德育工作者要采取各种有效的措施,创造一切条刊,让广大学生广泛参加道德实践活动,让他们的道德概念、道德知识在道德实践中转化为坚定而又正确的道德信念。
3.Honneth holds that Marx had inherited Hegel\'s thought on recognition,but "had reduced this thought to a dimension of self-achievement by labor",thus producing a contradiction-whether to explain social confliction by moral motivation or by interests.霍耐特认为,马克思继承了黑格尔的承认思想,但又将其"还原为劳动而自我实现的维度",从而产生了一个矛盾——以道德动机还是以利益关系来解释社会冲突。

1.The Moral Motivation of Collective Action--on the Reconstruction of Theory of Revolutionary Motivation by Analytical Marxism;集体行动的道德动机——评马克思主义分析学派对革命动机理论的重建
2.The Motive Force of Capitalism Origin And the Restritive Mechanism of Ethics;资本主义起源的动力与道德制约机制
3.Study on Mechanism of Precaution and Control Against the Moral Hazard in Dynamic Alliance;动态联盟中道德风险防范与控制机制研究
4.Preventing moral hazards in the dynamic alliance by the incentive and inspective model;动态联盟中防范道德风险的激励——监督机制研究
5.Discussion on the Internal Mechanism of the Interaction between Morality and Law in Modern China;论当代中国道德与法律互动的内在机理
6.On occurrence mechanism of anti-morality phenomenon in moral education;论道德教育中反道德现象的发生机制
7.urged or forced to action through moral pressure.用道德的压力迫使行动。
8.Ethics Development Campaign [Independent Commission Against Corruption]道德发展运动〔廉政公署〕
9.She refuses on principle to understate her income for taxation purposes.他出于道德上的动机,不愿为了少纳税而少报收入。
10.The Research of Interactive System of Science-Technical Progress and Moral Development;科技进步与道德发展互动系统的构建及运行机制研究
11.Research on the Characteristic and Relationship between Adolescent Achievement Motivation and Moral Choice in after-school Sports;课余体育竞赛中青少年的成就动机、道德选择的特点及其关系研究
13.Global Moral Crisis and the Reconstruction of Morality--An Analysis of Maclntyle s Moral Philosophy;全球性道德危机与道德重建——麦金泰尔道德哲学意蕴
14.Interent Moral Crisis and Internet Moral Education;试论大学生网络道德危机与网络道德教育
15.Macintyre's Ideas on Ethic Crisis and Ethics Reconstruction麦金太尔视野中的道德危机与道德重构
16.The Practical Value of Dynamic Morality System of “Rules-Character-Conduct”;论“规范-德性-德行”动态伦理道德体系的实践价值
17.The Ethical Foundation of Labor Relations and China s Traditional Ethics Culture;劳动关系的道德基础与中国传统道德文化
18.The Study on Interaction Relations of Moral Education between Network and Realistic in University Students大学生网络道德与现实道德教育互动关系研究

moral motive道德动机
1.In this essay,I will analize this theoreticaly from the perspectives of moral judgement,moral control and moral motive so as to offer some implication for moral education of the youth.本文着重从道德判断、道德控制力、道德动机三个方面对其进行了理论上的分析和探讨,以期对青少年的道德教育有所启示。
3)morality of motive动机道德性
4)Leading moral motives主导性道德动机
5)moral crisis道德危机
1.On Present Situation and Reasons of Japanese Adolescent Moral Crisis;日本青少年道德危机的现状及原因探析
2.A study on the causes of moral crisis of the network society;网络社会道德危机的成因探究
3.Problem-perplexing banks are often faced with three crises: the moral crisis,the management crisis,and the survival crisis.有问题银行通常会出现三大危机,即道德危机、管理危机和生存危机。
6)moral mechanism道德机制
1.Aiming at the moral problems existing in administrative power operation,such as the too extensive scope and the improper means of power operation as well as the failure and wrong goal of power exercising,this article points out the important function of moral mechanism to restrain the exercising of power.笔者针对行政权力运行中存在的以下四方面的道德问题:权力运行的范围过大;权力运行的手段不正当;权力行使不能正确到位;权力行使的目的错误,指出以道德机制来制约权力运行的重要功能。
2.The moral mechanism in the company administration,though a non-official rule in the system,is the internal requirement for the institutional stability of the company administration.公司治理中的道德机制是公司治理结构稳定的内在要求,是一套非正式的制度安排。

道德动机道德动机moral motivation  道德动机(moral motivation)推动人们产生和完成具有道德意义的行为的内在动因。它是由道德认识和道德情感所构成,当道德认识和道德情感成为推动人们产生和完成道德行为的内部动因时便成为道德动机。只有当道德认识和道德情感升华为道德信念时,人们才会具有真正自觉和自律的道德行为的内在动因。 (成立夫撰匪亘国审)