心理平衡,psychological balance
1)psychological balance心理平衡
1.This paper expounds the importance of keeping the psychological balance,and in the light of that some university students have the psychological obstacles of different extents currently,probes into various effective measures for guiding the university students to keep the psychological balance.阐述了人们保持心理平衡的重要性,针对当前一部分大学生不同程度的心理障碍,探讨了引导大学生保持心理平衡的各种有效措施。
2.Euphemism is used to reach some “psychological balance”, and at the same time obey the “polite principle”.本文主要探讨了委婉语产生的心理文化根源 ,说明委婉语是一种共同的趋美心理所致 ,是为了达到某种“心理平衡” ,同时又兼顾了礼貌原则。

1.The effects of psychological balance outdo all health measures.心理平衡的作用超过所有的“保健“措施。
2.Exploration Made for Preparing and Teaching the Course Skills of Making Psychological Balance by University Students Themselves;《大学生自我心理平衡术》课程探索
3.Simple Structure and Simple Balance: Psychological Balance Formed by the Principle of Musical Structure (Yinyue jiegou yuanze xingcheng de xinli pingheng xiaoying chutan - jiandan jiegou yu jiandan pingheng yuanze );音乐结构原则形成的心理平衡效应初探——简单结构与简单平衡原则
4.Survey on psychological equilibrium sense of happi ness and social behavior of college students;大学生心理平衡、幸福感及社会行为的调查研究
5.On the Role of Physical Education in the Mental Health of the College Students;试论高校体育教学中大学生的心理平衡
6.Grateful and off balance, I stand before this aliveness.在这种生命的跳动面前,我失去了心理平衡,同时又满怀感激。
7.To become confused or psychologically unbalanced.使困惑或心理上失去平衡。
9.Theory of psychological homeostasis the Construction of Psychological harmony:for post-disaster psychological counselling;心理的动态平衡论与和谐心理构建——兼谈灾后心理辅导
10.Mental derangement is different from it which is not in mental health,and it is not in equilibrium status appeared in equilibration process necessarily.心理不健康不同于心理障碍,它是平衡化过程中必然出现的不平衡态。
11.Theory Analysis about Axial Force of Centrifugal Pump with Floating Impeller and Self-poise Ability浮动叶轮自动平衡离心泵轴向力的理论分析
12."Ecological Balance":A Direction to Break Through the Psychological Research;“生态平衡”:中国心理学研究突围的别一个方向
13.Signal Analysis and Processing for Online Dynamic Balance Measurement of Stage Pump-rotor;离心泵转子在线动平衡测试中的信号分析处理
14.Athlete s bad mentality and self-adjusting just before performance at the stage of balance beam;平衡木运动员的临场不良心理及自我调节
15.Psychological Factors Influenced Un-balance Between Language Input and Output影响语言输入与输出不平衡的心理因素
16.Beflection On The Current Research About Mental Health Criterion --also on the Balance Theory of Mental Health;心理健康标准研究现状的反思——兼论心理健康的平衡说
17.balancing centering machine平衡-钻中心孔机床
18.low speed autobalancing centrifuge低速自动平衡离心机

psychological equilibrium心理平衡
1.Compared with other social groups,college student group is young and intellectual,which distinguish itself in the sense of psychological equilibrium and happiness.大学生群体是社会各群体中年轻的知识群体,其心理平衡感、幸福感呈现出一定的独特性。
3)psychology of balance平衡心理
1.This kind of Mongolian complex mainly embodies as the traditional reunion culture,comedic awareness of psychology of balance,crude affinity relationship between Mongolian and nature,as well as beauty of harmony made up of human and nature.这种蒙古族情节主要体现在蒙古族传统的团圆文化,蒙古民族平衡心理倾斜的喜剧意识,蒙古族和大自然的天然的亲和关系以及人与自然物构成的和谐之美。
4)Keeping psychological balance保持心理平衡
5)psychological balance of class班级心理平衡
6)Feel psychologically unbalanced感到心理不平衡
