工夫论,the theory of moral cultivation
1)the theory of moral cultivation工夫论
1.He played,however,clsoer intention to the theory of moral cultivation than the theory of principle and ether.在理气关系上,胡居仁比朱子持有更强烈的理直接创生万物的观点,也将气放置到与理同等的高度上加以重视,这主要是为了直接服务于他的工夫论;在心性论上,胡居仁认为心“存有地”具理,这是他居敬工夫论的出发点,同时也使得“心”作为本体的意味增加了。

1.Of Mou Zhongsan s Comment on Hu Hong and Zhu Xi by Their Gongfu Lun (the Accomplishment of Cognition of Things);评牟宗三对胡宏和朱熹工夫论的阐析
2.On the Connotations of Cheng Yi s "Nature Is Reasoning" and his Gongfu-theory Orientatin;论程伊川“性即理”的基本内涵及其工夫论指向
3.A Discussion of Zhang Zai s Ideological System of the Teaching of Etiquette--the Inspection from Efforts Theory;张载“以礼为教”思想体系刍议——在工夫论视角下的考察
4.A New Iidea on the Position of "Heart-mind" in Zhang zai's Philosophy--under the background of the theory of cultivations and efforts关于张载哲学中“心”的定位问题之我见——以修养工夫论为背景
5.No Kungfu is the Real Kungfu"--How did Wang Longxi Develop the Wang Yangming′s theory about Kungfu;“无工夫中真工夫”——论王龙溪工夫说对王学的发展
6.Smiths Theory of Industrial Location史密夫工业区位理论
7.Views on Chaoshan Gongfu Tea s Inheriting and Developing of Ancient Gongfu Tea;论潮汕工夫茶对古代工夫茶的传承与发展
8.The Peasants and Craftsmen in Chinese Philosophy论中国哲学中的“农夫”与“工匠”
9.On the Formation and Development of Wu Lanfu s National Work Ideology;论乌兰夫民族工作思想的形成和发展——纪念乌兰夫诞辰100周年
10.We should affirm Wang Jipei's achievements on collation.应该全面肯定汪继培对《潜夫论》整理工作的贡献。
11.Inhabiting Project for Soul--On the Construction of Mother Image in Yu Da-fu s Writings;灵魂的安居工程——论郁达夫作品中母亲意象建构
12.Zankefu s theory about the development on teaching and the teaching for engineering drawing;赞可夫的教学与发展论与工程图学教学
13.A New Development of Efficiency Wages Theory:the View of Akerlof's效率工资理论的新发展:阿克洛夫的观点
14.How Music Theory of Gongfu Being Possible;“工夫的乐论”如何可能——论徐复观对中国古代乐论的心性学诠释
15."She? No, she has no time.“她吗,没有工夫。…
16.Madame Gaskell and Her Industrial Novels Comments on "Mary Barton", "North and South"盖斯凯尔夫人的工业小说——论《玛丽·巴顿》和《南方与北方》
17.The Study of Theory and Key Technology for Generalized Chebyshev Filters and Waveguide Diplexers;广义切比雪夫滤波器和波导双工器理论与关键技术研究
18.On an Effect of "Military Industry Group" on the Soviet Union at the Brezhney Period;论勃列日涅夫时期“军工综合体集团”对苏联的影响

the effort theory of performance行为工夫论
3)Smith's Theory of Industrial Location史密夫工业区位理论
4)Zhang Zai s Theory of Cultivation of the Open Mind张载的大心工夫论
5)XU Fu-guan's Theory of Gong-fu徐复观的工夫理论
6)On Lvnan's Thought of Learning Gongfu论吕柟的为学工夫

工夫【工夫】 (术语)或作功夫。禅语,谓参禅也。懒残曰:“我岂有工夫,为俗人拭涕。”临济曰:“始知从前虚用工夫。”