灵魂实体,soul of substance
1)soul of substance灵魂实体
2)soul body灵魂体
1.Combining the music in Meizhou Hakka\'s \'Xianghua\' ceremony,based on the spirit viewpoint of cultural insider,and the detailed behavior of the Hakka\'s monk in \'body\' in the whole music ceremony,this paper adopts \'soul body\' as the culture fulcrum.结合梅州客家"香花"仪式音乐具体的研究实例,根据其文化局内人持有的灵魂观以及客家僧人执行仪式的"体"的整套音乐行为的具体表现,以"灵魂体"作为文化支点贯穿全文。
1.Sino-occidental Religions Cognitions of Humanity;中西宗教对肉体与灵魂的认识

1.The Exchange and Coexistence of Body and Soul--Interpretation of the Death of Chen Bailu in the Stage Play Sunrise肉体与灵魂的交流共生——总政话剧团版《日出》中陈白露悲剧的艺术处理
2.What happens to the soul when it is divorced from the body?灵魂与肉体分开时,灵魂将如何?
3.a disembodied spirit脱离肉体的灵魂,游魂
4.an appearance in bodily form (as of a ghost).(灵魂)以肉体形式出现。
5.Zhang Zhi-die:Body's Revelry and Soul's Redemption--Review of The Waste City庄之蝶:肉体的狂欢与灵魂的救赎——重读《废都》
6.The Soul View of Tibetan People and the Mortal Body s Mourning Hall of Tibetan Buddhism;藏民族的灵魂观与藏传佛教肉身灵塔
7.I am the poet of the body and I am the poet of the soul,“我是肉体的诗人也是灵魂的诗人,
8.She sold her soul and body to go gay.她为过放荡的生活而出卖肉体和灵魂。
9.A strange sympathy betwixt soul and body!这是灵魂和肉体之间一种奇妙的共鸣!
10.Punish her body, to save soul.惩罚他的肉体来拯救她的灵魂,
11.Rest of their bones, and souls deliverie.他们的肉体早安息,灵魂早超度。
12.In contrast to this stands the individual soul.与之相对的是个体灵魂。
13.Those who see any difference between soul and body have neither .凡是看到灵魂与肉体之间有区别的人,是两样都没有的。
14.The pride of the body is a barrier against the gifts that purify the soul.肉体的骄傲是对纯洁灵魂的赏赐的阻碍。
15.Man has two real existing principles; Viz: a Body and a Soul.人具有两层真正实在的本原,即肉体和灵魂。
16.Carnality-Soul and History;肉体·灵魂·历史——东西长篇小说《后悔录》解读
17.Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers to abstain from fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul.彼前2:11亲爱的弟兄阿、们是客旅、寄居的.劝你们要禁戒肉体的私欲.私欲是与灵魂争战的。
18.The doctrine that the ascetic life releases the soul from bondage to the body and permits union with the divine.禁欲主义苦行者的教义,认为苦行生活能使灵魂挣脱肉体的羁绊而与神共在

soul body灵魂体
1.Combining the music in Meizhou Hakka\'s \'Xianghua\' ceremony,based on the spirit viewpoint of cultural insider,and the detailed behavior of the Hakka\'s monk in \'body\' in the whole music ceremony,this paper adopts \'soul body\' as the culture fulcrum.结合梅州客家"香花"仪式音乐具体的研究实例,根据其文化局内人持有的灵魂观以及客家僧人执行仪式的"体"的整套音乐行为的具体表现,以"灵魂体"作为文化支点贯穿全文。
1.Sino-occidental Religions Cognitions of Humanity;中西宗教对肉体与灵魂的认识
4)An incarnate spirit.具人体的灵魂
1.The question to soul and body——Discuss utility solidity and comfort is the architecture s first principle;灵魂与肉体的拷问——论建筑的“实用·坚固·愉悦”第一原理
2.Showing the depth of soul——on Lu Ling s artistic vision;显示灵魂的“深”——论路翎的艺术视觉
3.Travel by Soul and Light of Language——On Han Shaogong s Prose;灵魂之旅与语言之光——论韩少功散文
1.The immortal human spirit ——An interpretative reading of Dilsey in The Sound and the Fury;不朽的人的灵魂——解读《喧哗与骚动》中的迪尔西
2.The emphases of LI Jian-wu s literary criticism include three aspects: criticism is a kind of art;criticism is a kind of understanding;criticism is spiritual meetings in masterpieces,which have their own inner logical relationship,and totally form LI Jian-wu s viewpoints of literary criticism.李健吾的文学批评强调三个方面的要求:批评是一种艺术;批评是一种理解;批评是"灵魂在杰作间的奇遇"。
3.In ancient Chinese literary works,there are many tales about "spirit and body",which can be divided into two types: tales of spirit leaving body after the hero s death and tales of spirit breaking away from body while the hero is still alive.细加区分,可以将这些故事概括为两种类型:一是人死后灵魂脱体的故事;二是生魂离开活体的故事。

肉体1.人的身体。 2.谓躯体肥胖。