中国的启示,inspiration for China
1)inspiration for China中国的启示

1.American Transnational Corporation Mergers and Acquisitions and the Enlightenment to China;美国跨国公司并购及其对中国的启示
3.Development of Service Outsourcing and Revelation to China;国际服务外包的发展及对中国的启示
4.The Endogenous Advantage Process of Cross-border M&A and Its Revelation to China;跨国并购的内生演进及对中国的启示
5.The International Comparison of Industrial Agglomeration and Implication to China;产业集聚的国际比较及对中国的启示
6.Revelation to China for Emission Trading System of America;美国的排污权交易制度对中国的启示
7.The Rise of Korean Cultural Industries and its Inspiration to China;韩国文化产业的崛起及对中国的启示
8.Enlightenment of the Process of Urbanization in Developed Countries to China;发达国家的城市化历程对中国的启示
9.The Analysis of U.S. Sub-loan Crisis Management Measures美国次贷危机的治理及对中国的启示
10.What China Can Learn from the Subprime Mortgage Crisis in USA美国次贷危机的影响及对中国的启示
11.Analysis of Cross-border M&A Cases and Its Enlightenment to China;跨国并购案例分析及其对中国的启示
12.Banking Supervision in United Kingdom and Revelation to China;英国银行监管制度及其对中国的启示
13.The Inspiration of Foreign Employment Theory and Policy to China;国外就业理论及其政策对中国的启示
14.Development of Decent Work in World and its Implication for China;体面工作:国际状况及其对中国的启示
15.Food Regulation Reform of US in the Progressive Era and Its Implications for China;美国食品监管改革及其对中国的启示
16.The Overseas Catastrophe Insuance System and the Enlightment to China Chai Huamin(Financing School,Anhui University of Finance and Economics,Bengbu 233041,China) Abstract: China is one of the most serious nations of natural calamity,which cause huge economy losses every year.So,it is significant to perfect the national system of reducing of natural disesters and rescue.Setting up China s multi-lev国外巨灾保险体系及其对中国的启示
17.Experiences of Environmental Improvement in Other Countries and Their Enlightenment to China;外国环境治理经验及其对中国的启示
18.Strategic maneuvering of intellectual property rights: choice of developing countries facing global technological competition;发展中国家的专利战略:韩国的启示

implications to China对中国的启示
3)enlightenment on China中国启示
4)The Enlightenment in Art艺术中的启示
5)international apocalypse国际启示
6)China's consumer culture inspiration中国消费文化启示

《谢林和启示》  恩格斯为批驳F.W.J.谢林的宗教神秘主义哲学而写的文章之一。1842年在莱比锡出版德文单行本。中译文载人民出版社1982年出版的《马克思恩格斯全集》第41卷。    这篇文章从青年黑格尔派的观点出发,捍卫G.W.F.黑格尔的理性主义和辩证法,揭露了谢林启示哲学的宗教神秘主义的实质。文章批评谢林背叛了早年对理性和自由的追求,屈服于封建专制主义和正统神学思想的压力,陷入了宗教神秘主义的立场;指出谢林从这种立场出发,竭力从右的方面批判黑格尔哲学,限制和反对理性认识,认为只有神的启示才是真理性知识的唯一源泉。文章也指出在黑格尔哲学中存在着"原则"和"结论"的矛盾,指出,由于时代和个人的局限性,黑格尔的结论往往是保守的,尤其在宗教哲学和法哲学方面是如此。然而黑格尔的原则是进步的,一些学生坚持黑格尔的原则,把没有立论根据的结论一一推翻,于是就形成了左派。为了清算谢林,恩格斯援引了青年黑格尔派A.卢格、D.F.施特劳斯、L.费尔巴哈等人的观点和著作。文章表明了恩格斯在思想转变过程中和青年黑格尔派的关系。